File - Miss Gonzalez

Northside High School
2002 American Way
Columbus GA, 31909
(706) 748-2920
Physical Science
Ms. Jaimie Gonzalez “Miss G”
Course Description
Physical Science includes overviews of various topics in the fields of Chemistry and Physics This year, we will
be investigating the matter and energy that makes up the world we live in through hands-on investigations. This
course culminates with the state administered End of Course Test (EOCT) including questions based on the Georgia
Performance Standards ( Tentative topics to be covered include the following:
Classifications of Matter
Atomic Theory/Configuration
Chemical Reactions
Law of Conservation of Matter
Daily Required Materials
Acid/Base Chemistry
Phase Changes
Laws of Motion and Force
Energy Transformation
Electrical/Magnetic Forces
Wave Properties
Final Grade Calculation
 Pencil and pen
 Textbook
 Notebook with ALL assignments - 1” 3-ring
binder OR a section in large 3 ring binder
 Section dividers - 5
 Lined paper
 A great attitude!
10% CW/HW
80% Class Grade
50% Labs/Lab Reports
Final Grade
40% Tests/Projects
20% EOCT
100%-90% A
89%-80% B
79%-70% C
Textbook Information
This course is supplemented with a textbook, Glencoe Physical Science. Students are issued a book and are
responsible for bringing THEIR textbook to class every day. The book should be used as a reference for vocabulary,
extended reading, and real life situations relating to topics being discussed.
As the year ends, students must pay a hefty fee if a textbook is badly damaged or lost. Keep up with your book!
Resources for your textbook can be found at
Together, we can make this year as enjoyable and easy as possible in preparing you for Honors Chemistry and
Honors Physics! Your signatures below indicate you have reviewed this syllabus 
Student Signature
Parent Signature
Electronic Classroom Resources
This year you are able to keep up with your progress online a few different ways. We will be using the Canvas
Learning Management System (LMS) powered by MCSD as well as my personal website.
Miss G’s website:
My login information:
Username: ___________________________________
My login information:
Username: ___________________________________
Password: ___________________________________
Password: ___________________________________
Latework/Makeup Work
Per MCSD policy, a student shall have 3 days from the date of absence to complete missed work. A student must ask
for their missed work! If you miss a test or quiz, the student is responsible for making it up the day he or she comes
back to school.
As lab activities are difficult to make up, a student must get the information from their lab group members upon
returning and complete the remaining tasks upon return. If a student is absent the day a lab report is due, the student
must email a copy to the teacher or hand deliver a copy to the front office the day it is due. No excuses.
Accepting late work is at the teacher’s discretion.
Extra credit may be given throughout the semester, but DO NOT ask me about extra credit.
Lab Technique and Etiquette
In high school, laboratory experiments and exercises are expected to be completed in a mature and scientific
manner. Lab time is NOT free time. You must focus on the tasks at hand.
Miss G understands that accidents in the lab will happen. However, if you break any equipment as a direct result of
violating lab rules (to be discussed later) you will be expected to replace the item. Lab experiences are designed to
be fun, educational, and inspirational…don’t let one person ruin it for the class.
EOCT Prep/Extra Help
The online study tool is available for students using the SCHOOLCODE: northside92. You are
highly encouraged to access this site as much as possible, paying special attention to the lessons.
Classroom Rules
1. Be respectful.
2. Be mature.
3. Think before you speak and act
4. Save the drama for your llama.
5. Ask questions-don’t be afraid.
Helpful Hints for Physical Science Success
Review your notes daily.
Ask for help!
Get a planner.
Keep up with your grade through
StudentPortal. Miss G and technology
make mistakes sometimes.