Dear Parents, The purpose of the Elementary Music Program is to instill a set of skills that involve teamwork, patience, problem solving, critical thinking, consistency and cultural learning. We expect each child to learn and progress at his or her own rate. Therefore, don’t be discouraged if your child doesn’t complete all the skills within his or her level during any one school year. Your child needs to know that it is acceptable to take as much time as is necessary to master the skills. Yutan Junior High Choir Music If you have any questions, or if we can be of help in any way, please call us. Matthew Gunter K-12 Vocal/Elementary Director Junior High Choir Grading Report STUDENT SESSION DATES YUTAN PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1200 Second Street, Yutan NE 68028 402-625-2241 PLEASE ENROLL IN Program/Concert Attendence Grading Attending the Fall Concert 100 Pts Attending the Winter Concert 100 Pts Attending the Pops Concert 100 Pts Attending Malcolm Music Contest 100 Pts Doing a Malcolm Music Contest Solo 10 pts Extra Credit Identifying Sounds Grading Blending with other students and the piano PROGRESSION RHYTHM/IDENTIFYING SOUNDS GRADINGGRADING ONCE PERPER QUARTER WK No Grading Has the student improved during the 1st Semester? Observations Has the student progressed during the 1st semester? Observations Professional Points Grading Attending to class on time 10 pts a wk Dress Attire/Professionalism/Concert Etiquette 10 pts a wk 1. Positive Attitude/Good Behavior STUDENTS BEHAVIOR/PARTICIPATION GRADING PER WK 1. Listens to instructions 10 per Qtr 2 points a Day 2. Follows directions/Singing/Dancing Singing accurately on pitch with the piano 10 Per Qtr 2 points a Day 3. Accepts constructive suggestions Identify different voices Soprano/Bass/Alto/Tenor 10 Per Qtr 2 points a Day 4. Demonstrates caring, honesty, respect and responsibility 2 points a Day 5. Daily Participation 2 points a Day Music Theory Grading Identifying the Quarter Note/ and how much it’s worth 5pts Identifying the Quarter Rest /and how much it’s worth 5pts Identifying the Half Note/and how much it’s worth 5pts Identifying the Half Rest/and how much it’s worth 5pts Identifying the Whole Note/Whole rest 5pts Identifying the Eighth Note/Eighth Rest 5pts Create and Count Rhythms/Theory Grading Count a 4/4 2/4 3/4 Time signature 2 pts Identify a measure 2pts Count out a rhythm correctly 2pts Draw me a Quarter note/Quarter Rest 2pts Draw me a Whole note/Whole Rest 5pts Draw me a Half note/Half Rest 5pts Draw me a Eighth Note/Eighth Rest 5pts INSTRUCTOR’S SIGNATURE DATE 121114 6/11 Please Check out our Music Standards. 121114 6/11