Civil War Project

Welcome to the American Civil War Project Based Learning. This will be a way for us to try
learning about a concept using technology. This project is designed to help students explore the
American Civil War by focusing on the causes, major events, and consequences of the Civil War. The
American Civil War helped to define our nation. The country struggled with many issues in the mid1800s. These struggles led to the war. The war was a terrible time for our nation, yet in its aftermath,
the nation was reformed and became stronger than before. Remember, as you start this project based
learning activity, you may complete the projects in any order as long you complete them all.
You have control over your unit grade. The grade requirements are as follows.
A = 25 - 28 projects completed (100, 97, 94, 91).
B = 22 - 24 projects completed (89, 85, 81).
C = 19 - 21 projects completed (79, 75, 71).
D = 16 - 18 projects completed (69, 65, 61).
F = 15 or less projects completed (59 and below).
Keep track of your progress by marking a check mark on the project(s) you have started  and making an
X mark when you have finished the project(s). The example below shows project one was started and
1 X
Progress Tracker
Background and Causes of the Civil War
Through exploration of the causes, you will understand how geography, climate, and economics played
a role in the start of the Civil War. Major events will shed light on the war's dynamic and what lead to its
eventual end. The American Civil War affected the entire country. However, different areas were
affected in entirely different ways. Research of the Civil War's consequences will lead to an
understanding of the challenges faced by both sides of this war.
There are several projects below to complete in the Background section. Follow all directions closely and
make sure the projects are completed.
Project 1: Farms Graph Project
Look over the research link to show which area had the most farms. Use the graph to illustrate your information. Answer the
following question on the graph page- How does the information you see here relate to the fact that the South had more
people in favor of slavery?
Project 2: Factories Graph Project
Look over the research link to show which area had the most factories. Use the graph to illustrate your
information. Answer the following question on the graph page- How does the information you see here relate to
the fact that the South had more people in favor of slavery?
Project 3: Population Graph Project
Look over the research link to show which area had the most population. Use the graph to illustrate
your information. Answer the following questions on the graph page- How does the information you see here
relate to the war? Which side has an advantage? Why?
Project 4: Political Cartoon Project
Look over the research links to learn about political cartoons. Political cartoons are NOT regular
cartoons. Learn what they are, look at examples, and understand how political cartoons are used.
Create your own political cartoon about the Civil War era.
Project 5: Timeline Project
This project consists of researching the events listed below, find the exact date (month, day, and year)
that each occurred, then illustrating on a timeline.
The events to research:
Attack on Fort Sumter
Battle of Gettysburg
Abraham Lincoln elected President of the United States
First states secede the union
Surrender by the South
Abraham Lincoln's assassination
Emancipation Proclamation signed
Four other significant Civil War events of your choosing
Design your timeline by hand on a regular sheet of paper. The purpose of this project is for you to
demonstrate you know how to make a timeline.
Project 6: Vocabulary Flashcards Project
This project consists of researching the vocabulary listed below, find the correct definition in the context
of the Civil War. Make flashcards.
The vocabulary to research:
Jim Crow Laws
Free choice
Project 7: Confederate States of America in 1861 Map Project
Look over the research link to see what the Confederate States of America looked like in 1861. Look at
the map research link. Get a copy of the map link from your teacher and create your own map of the
Confederate States in 1861.
Project 8: States Rights Project
This project consists of researching the topic of states' rights, then create a poster. You must list
what is meant by states' rights in regards to the time leading up to the Civil War. Be specific
about the meaning and make sure you are talking about the time just before the Civil War. Also
include how this topic became a cause of the Civil War.
Project 9: John Brown Project
This project consists of researching John Brown, then writing a biography about him and adding a
picture. You must list what John Brown is known for, list what happened that caused him to be so
noteworthy, and list what impact he had on the United States at the time. Be specific with dates, places,
and what he believed.
Project 10: Uncle Tom's Cabin Project
This project consists of researching the topic of Uncle Tom's Cabin, then create a Google presentation.
You must list what Uncle Tom's Cabin is, who wrote it, when it was written, why it was written, what
impact did it have, and how did it help cause the Civil War.
Project 11: Slavery Project
This project consists of researching the topic of slavery in the United States, then create a Google site. You
must list what slavery is, where the slaves came from, what work did they do, how they were treated, how
did they get out of slavery, how this topic was a cause of the Civil War, and what the Emancipation
Proclamation meant for slaves.
Project 12: Causes of the Civil War
Fill in each box with the explanation of the cause. You may also find a picture and include it in each box.
People of the Civil War
The Civil War was a turning point in the history of the United States of America. Many people played
important roles during this period. The following projects will give you an understanding of just how
history was shaped by these individuals. Follow all directions closely to make sure the projects are
Fill out a fact sheet about each of the following historical figures.
Project 13: Abraham Lincoln
Project 14: Jefferson Davis
Project 15: Ulysses S. Grant
Project 16: Robert E. Lee
Project 17: Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson
Events of the Civil War
The American Civil War officially began at Fort Sumter. Watch the History Channel video about the
beginning of the war. The following events show how the country was led to war, where it began,
important battles, and how it eventually ended. Each of these events are extremely important because
it shaped the future of our country. Follow all directions closely to make sure the projects are
Project 18: Fort Sumter
This project consists of researching the topic of Fort Sumter, then complete an Important Events Fact
Sheet. Follow all of the instructions on the fact sheet. Answer in complete sentences and focus on the
importance to the Civil War era.
Project 19: Battle of Gettysburg
This project consists of researching the topic of the Battle of Getttysburg, then complete an Important
Events Fact Sheet. Follow all of the instructions on the fact sheet. Answer in complete sentences and
focus on the importance to the Civil War era.
Project 20: Appomattox Court House
This project consists of researching the topic of the Appomattox Court House, then complete an
Important Events Fact Sheet. Follow all of the instructions on the fact sheet. Answer in complete
sentences and focus on the importance to the Civil War era.
Project 21: March to the Sea
This project consists of researching the topic of the March to the Sea, then complete an Important
Events Fact Sheet. Follow all of the instructions on the fact sheet. Answer in complete sentences and
focus on the importance to the Civil War era.
Project 22: Atlanta Campaign
This project consists of researching the topic of the Atlanta Campaign, then complete an Important
Events Fact Sheet. Follow all of the instructions on the fact sheet. Answer in complete sentences and
focus on the importance to the Civil War era.
Project 23: Battlefield Diorama Project
Projects 18-22 are major battles or events in the Civil War. This project consists of researching a major
battle in the Civil War, then create either a virtual diorama, or with a real diorama in a box. Either choice
you make, the diorama must be based on a battle you research. You must tell which battle you are
depicting, where it took place, when it happened, how long it lasted, which generals were involved,
what happened in the battle, how many casualties each side suffered, and the outcome.
Consequences of the Civil War
The end of the Civil War wasn't the end of its effects. Both the North and the South were affected.
However, each side was affected in much different ways. The projects in the Consequences section will
explore what happened after the war. Follow all directions closely to make sure the projects are
Project 24: Effects on the North Side
This project consists of researching the topic of the Civil War's effects on the North, then create a chart.
You must list what happened to the North during the war, how life changed during and after the war. Be
Project 25: Effects on the South Side
This project consists of researching the topic of the Civil War's effects on the South, then create a chart.
You must list what happened to the North during the war, how life changed during and after the war. Be
Project 26: Amendments
This project consists of researching the topic of the amendments to the United States Constitution, then
create a chart. You should research the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments. You must list when the
amendments were adopted, how each changed life during and after the war, and at least 3 relevant
pictures. Be specific.
Project 27: Freedmen Bureau's Project
This project consists of researching the topic of the Freedmen's Bureau, then create a chart. You must
list when the Freedmen's Bureau was formed, who formed it, why it was formed, who benefited, what
impact it had, and at least 3 relevant pictures. Be specific.
Project 28: Battlefield Tour
This project consists of visiting a Civil War battlefield site, then creating a poster about your site. You
must include where you visited, what happened there, when the battle occurred, who won, the number
of casualties, pictures of the site and any interesting things you learned.