APPENDIX A "UNACCEPTABLE WASTE” means: A. Controlled hazardous substances as defined in COMAR 26.13.02; B. Liquid waste or any waste containing free liquids, as determined by the EPA method 9095 paint filter liquids test, as outlined in the EPA Publication SW-846 "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, Volume One, Section C: Laboratory Manual Physical/Chemical Methods", Third Edition, dated November 1986. This prohibition does not apply to be minimis quantities of household liquid waste such as partially full food containers, or household products, which may occur in waste, disposed of at municipal waste landfills; C. Special medical waste as defined in COMAR (10); D. Radioactive materials, as defined in COMAR 26.15.02; E. Automobiles; F. Drums or tanks, unless empty and flattened or crushed with the ends removed; drums or tanks that have held hazardous waste must be emptied properly in accordance with COMAR' G. Animal carcasses resulting from medical research activities or destruction of diseased animals unless so ordered by the local Health Officer. At least one (1) hour notice must be given prior to delivery of acceptable animal carcasses. A copy of the Health Officer's order must be received by the facility prior to delivery; H. Untreated septage or sewage scavenger waste; I. Chemical or petroleum cleanup material unless: 1. The nature of the spilled substance is known; 2. The spilled material is not a controlled hazardous substance as defined in COMAR 26.13.02; 3. The spilled material is not likely to adversely affect the landfill liner; and 4. The spilled substance is contained in an absorbent material of sufficient excess volume that the material deposited at the landfill does not exhibit free liquids as defined in Condition III.A.4.b. Above. J. See Appendix C for specific guidelines on soil acceptance. K. See Appendix B for specific guidelines on yard waste acceptance. L. Infrangible (unbreakable) items greater than twelve (12) inches in diameter and six (6) feet in length; M. Scrap tires are unacceptable for disposal in the landfill but are acceptable for recycling provided the appropriate fees and surcharge are paid; N. Any other materials which any governmental agency or unit having appropriate jurisdiction shall lawfully determine from time to time to be ineligible for disposal at facilities similar to the Landfill; and O. Any waste collected outside of either Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne's or Talbot Counties (Midshore Counties) unless specially permitted in writing by the Maryland Environmental Service and the Midshore Counties. P. Any other material for which MES, in its sole discretion, determines that acceptance of the material (i) may present a substantial endangerment to public health or safety, or (ii) would cause State, Federal, or local law to be violated, or (iii) is likely to materially adversely affect the operation of the Landfill. APPENDIX B "ACCEPTABLE WASTE" means: Solid waste from domestic, municipal, commercial, industrial, agricultural, silvicultural, construction, and other community sources, except as restricted by Appendix A of this Agreement. A. B. The Landfill may only accept the following classes of waste as defined below, with the exceptions noted: 1. Household appliances and white goods may be accepted at the facility, provided that any refrigerant is removed from the appliances and handled in accordance with Section 608 of the federal Clean air Act. All refrigerators must have doors detached. A certificate of refrigerant removal must be presented at the time of appliance delivery. 2. Friable asbestos waste, provided that the material that is received is packaged and labeled as specified in COMAR and is managed in the following manner: (Not accepted at Midshore I / Talbot Transfer) a. notification to the landfill supervisor is required both the day in advance and at least one (1) hour prior to delivery; b. the waste asbestos is unloaded carefully to prevent emission of fibers into the air as required in the NESHAPS 40 CFR Part 61, and specified in COMAR; c. the area used for burial of asbestos shall be restricted to the working face of the lined municipal landfill. 3. Soil as specified in Appendix C. (Not accepted at Midshore I / Talbot Transfer) 4. Scrap tires as described in Appendix D of this Agreement. All tires brought to the facility shall be handled and disposed of in accordance with COMAR 26.04.08. Hauler must notify the landfill supervisor at least one (1) hour in advance of deliveries greater than ten (10) tires. 5. Segregated brush and other landscaping/yard waste material (i.e. leaves, grass clippings, plant clippings, and small limbs under four (4) feet in length and four (4) inches in diameter). This material is restricted from being disposed of in the working face of the landfill. It is therefore stockpiled, processed, and reused. In no event shall acceptable waste include any materials that are Unacceptable Waste. The determination of a materials “acceptability” or “unacceptability” for disposal may be changed by the Maryland Department of the Environment if it is determined to be in accordance with existing laws and regulations. APPENDIX C Guidelines on Soil Acceptance (Midshore II – Ridgely ONLY) 1. 2. Uncontaminated earthen materials that are suitable for use as daily, intermediate or final cover, or that may be used for haul road construction on site may be disposed of at the Landfill at no tipping fee. These materials must be delivered to the Landfill during normal working hours, and must be delivered separate from any other waste intended for disposal at the site. Acceptable uncontaminated materials include the following: - earthen materials such as clays, sands, gravels, rocks (less than 6" in diameter), and silts. - topsoil - clean earthen fill containing rock, concrete, non-refractory brick and asphalt (less than 6" in diameter) created as a result of construction excavation activities, mining or regrading projects. Contaminated earthen material which is deemed acceptable for disposal in a Landfill by MDE, may be disposed of at the Midshore Landfill and will be assessed the tipping fee currently in effect at the Landfill at the time of disposal. APPENDIX D FEE SCHEDULE – Midshore II – Ridgely, MD Hauler agrees to pay a tipping fee of $ 62.00 per ton for all acceptable wastes except for segregated yard waste/brush for which the Hauler agrees to pay a tipping fee of $40.00 per ton. There will be a minimum fee of $7.50 per transaction for up to 240 lbs of waste. In addition to the tipping fee, a series of tire disposal surcharges have been set for different size tires. The Hauler agrees to pay the following tire surcharges: 1. 2. 3. 4. Passenger Tire (tire size < R15): $3.00/tire w/o rim or $6.00/tire w/rim Light Truck Tire (tire size > R15): $4.25/tire w/o rim or $8.50/tire w/rim Heavy Truck Tire (tire size 9:00 and larger): $13.00/tire w/o rim or $26.00 w/rim Off-Road Tires: $400.00/ton. Surcharges shall be doubled if tires are brought to the facility with rims or other attachments, covered in dirt/debris, or otherwise contaminated. FEE SCHEDULE – Midshore I / Talbot Transfer Easton, MD Hauler agrees to pay a tipping fee of $ 69.00 per ton for all acceptable wastes except for segregated yard waste/brush for which the Hauler agrees to pay a tipping fee of $47.00 per ton. There will be a minimum fee of $7.50 per transaction for up to 200 lbs of waste. In addition to the tipping fee, a series of tire disposal surcharges have been set for different size tires. The Hauler agrees to pay the following tire surcharges: 1. 2. 3. 4. Passenger Tire (tire size < R15): $3.00/tire w/o rim or $6.00/tire w/rim Light Truck Tire (tire size > R15): $4.25/tire w/o rim or $8.50/tire w/rim Heavy Truck Tire (tire size 9:00 and larger): $13.00/tire w/o rim or $26.00 w/rim Off-Road Tires: $400.00/ton. Surcharges shall be doubled if tires are brought to the facility with rims or other attachments, covered in dirt/debris, or otherwise contaminated.