August 16, 2012 - The Island of Light

August 16, 2012
MARY CAROL: Beloved ones we are with you. I am Adama and we welcome
your communication with us. Thank you for coming to visit. You may have felt
the shift this morning or in the night. Some of the shifts are more easily felt by
you than others that are more subtle. What you are feeling in different ways is a
shifting of the polarities - sometimes as a shifting of the poles. There is no
danger here. It is simply part of the process of the big Shift that Mother Earth
and all of her inhabitants are experiencing. These shifts are benign and like
relocations, re-patterning, of energies within the complex system of grids and
ley lines. Their realignments are necessary in order to accommodate the new
physicality of your Mother Earth as she is leaving the densities of the lower
dimensions and she lifts herself and those who would come with her into the
higher dimensions. It involves an expansion into a different space location.
These changes are being monitored by our Star brothers and sisters who are
using their guidance systems to make a clear unobstructed pathway for the
earth’s relocation into the higher dimensions, leaving behind the old ways and
the old energies. It is not a rapid shift but you do sense the changes within your
physical selves as well as your spiritual selves and your soul essence. Some of
you are more sensitive than others and some are more easily and more
smoothly readjusting to the new vibratory systems.
We will accompany you on a visit with some of our Star brothers and sisters.
You may have a look at the devices that they use. We ask our sister Sue to guide
us as we enter the star ship.
SUE: [Star Family] As you adjust to our frequencies we invite you once again
onto our beloved mother ship that rests at this time close to your earthly
vicinity. You will be able to feel our presence more and more and we rejoice at
the love that you emanate as you connect with us. We truly are your brothers
and sisters and are happy that you are feeling this connection at a deeper level
than ever before.
As your hearts open more each day and you allow yourself to receive our love
and healing and energies, the more you will be able to accept our presence. We
will continue to validate our presence and connection in your feeing world so
that you know, when the time comes for us to greet one another face to face,
there will be no doubt in your hearts or minds that we have your very highest
interests at heart. We love you so much beloved ones of the Earth and we salute
you for your steadfastness and your commitment to serve the highest good, no
matter what you might have to go through in the process.
We celebrate you all and congratulate you for holding the energy on the Earth
for so long. We have had it much easier as we have the full picture and can see
the entirety of the Plan. All you have is your minimized connection to Source
and a small peephole which is growing daily through which you are able to
access the energies of the New Earth. You have been walking virtually through a
tunnel of darkness with a small torch which has guided your way. It is truly the
time to celebrate, beloved ones, for much has been accomplished to date. Each
day that your frequencies increase you are shifting gears. As Adama has
assured you, there is nothing to fear as each day you adjust a little more to the
new frequencies and love.
It is as if a dial is being tuned to the new frequency available, just as though
you are searching with your radio dial for a new station. This is a description of
what you are all going through. As the frequency shifts, your entire system mind, body and soul - has to adjust to the new dial settings; and just as you
begin to become adjusted to the new setting it is time to shift again.
This may help you to understand why the Shift is taking place gradually. You
experience many adjustments on all levels every time the dial is turned. So if we
had all chosen to make the Shift in one fell swoop, chaos would have reigned.
Perhaps you understand now why everything has seemed to take so long in
your time. It was necessary and much gentler than the other scenario would
have been. Be patient a bit longer and your rewards will be great. Many, many
more beings will be able to make the transition in this way, and we know that
has always been your intention, like a mother hen gathering up her chicks, not
wanting to leave any one behind. You hold in your hearts the same intention as
we do. You are not self-centered and are just concerned about your growth and
ascension and with that of your family and your fellow humans. We see this as
a wonderful trait and your success rate will be high - higher than anyone ever
We truly celebrate your victory with joy and happiness in our hearts. Today
being a celebration day, we wish for you to truly begin to recognize and
honor who you are and all you have accomplished consciously or
unconsciously. It is time to celebrate yourselves and let the past be gone. Take
time to honor your bodies and the shifts and changes you are growing through.
The more you let your inner guidance show you the way without pushing
yourself too far, the happier your life will become.
We see the New Earth in her pristine beauty, cleansed and cleared of all toxins
and impurities that have caused denseness and pain. She is vibrant, pulsing
new life through her veins. And so it is that she emanates 10,000 more love
than she has been able to do up until now. Every tree, every flower, every plant,
all the insects, animals, birds, mammals and human beings residing on the New
Earth will live in paradise, just as Earth was once eons ago.
Hold this vision close to your heart. Energize it daily and you will help her grow
and become this vision. Hold the highest and best vision that you most desire
and it will be so. Nothing can exist on the New Earth that is not of the highest
frequency. All else just simply dissolves and falls away.
We hope that we have just given you a clearer picture of how everything will
function and manifest. We return you now to your earthly abode. Thank you,
thank you, thank you, your very happy Star brothers and sisters.
MARY CAROL: I greet you beloved ones once again, I am Adama. We had a jolly
visit. I was so very happy for you to visit with your Star brothers and sisters. It
seems that you are becoming better able to comprehend some finer details of
the Shift and to understand that a great part of that is a placement shift as
Mother Earth prepares to occupy her new space where the higher frequencies of
your galaxy reside. Your vision of the New Earth arising in the way of
separation from the old is quite accurate.
Letting go of the old is what you are doing along with your Mother Earth. It is a
cooperative effort and you are getting a clearer picture of how that is and of
your contributions as well. We are adjusting to the Shift along with you. We
have resided here for a long time and have been closely aligned with our Star
sisters and brothers.
Earth’s move through the galaxy is imperceptible to most humans, but not to
ourselves. However there are some of your fellow humans who thrive in a
higher frequency and have a clearer understanding of the Divine Plan. They are
aware of the placement shifts.
There is much information being distributed through your internet. You must
remain alert to what is authentic to your resonant feelings and of what you can
bypass and ignore for your own clarity and sense of being uncluttered. Be sure
that you keep un-cluttering your minds and your environment so that you may
receive what is yours more easily and more clearly. Keep it simple and keep it
easy for yourselves for that is your best way to advance in a state of
peacefulness and acceptance of what is.
As always, we surround you with our loving protection and our brotherly caring
for your well being. Thank you for your continuance with us as we share our
observations. We are with you in the light and the love of the Divine. Our
blessings to you, and will be with you soon again. Aloha for now, Adama.