July 25, 2012 - The Island of Light

July 25, 2012
MARY CAROL: Aloha beloved sisters. I am Adama. Thank you for being so
present with us, thank you for your willingness to feel our presence and to
accept the healings and integrations that we bring to you. In your slumbers and
indeed in your waking hours as well more and more you are feeling our
presence and it is a good feeling. We like to retain this closeness with you so
our work together is more profound. We see that you do come to visit the
crystal vortex lake and encourage you to keep doing that as it brings you much
peace in these often chaotic and illogical times. These are all part of the
transformation because it is a way of making the energies ready for shifting
and embittering the environment.
The whirlwinds you see when the air is volatile and the winds are strong, that is
something like the shifting of energies through the vortexes and they come and
they go, they are everywhere they need to be, some are very grand and very
ancient, they are almost like beings, that in a way they are beings of all
different sizes and places, perhaps even different shapes within the basic
vortex form. If you could see them you would be amazed. Imagine them and
know this is the way that many of the energies are shifted and facilitating the
way that Mother Earth is being renewed. All of this unseen is becoming more
familiar to you and your understanding of transformative engineering is
becoming more known when you think upon and visualize this information.
The metaphor, the winds of change, is very applicable in these circumstances.
Unbeknownst to the majority of humanity at this time, profound shifts and
changes are occurring to renew the civilizations dwelling upon Mother Earth at
this time; and also there are partings of the ways that are taking place where
certain energies are either being removed or transposing into other aspects of
their being. It is true that unseemly, unlikeable detrimental energies are being
transformed because there are a great many. It takes a lot of our combined
energies to bring this forth. You will begin now more and more to feel with
higher awareness and greater understanding the mechanics at work here. You
and other Light Workers are an important part of our group of helpers in
bodies, out of bodies, in the Earth, on the Earth, as well as the celestial beings
and those that travel in the ethers and in the spacious arena of your Universe.
Indeed, it is quite awesome the number of those from other Universes who are
assigned to help. Do understand that although by comparison you may feel
insignificant, as we have told you before you are very important in this Divine
Plan and will continue to come into higher awareness of what you are to do. We
do so love your companionship and your trust and your being part of the
family so to speak. So gratitude is all around. At this time now we would like to
speak through our beloved sister Sue.
SUE: As we tune ourselves to this one, we understand how different you are,
but on other levels so alike. We wish to commend you first what a beautiful
sistership that you share and the willingness and openness in which you share
with one another. It is beautiful to behold. If everyone would act in this way, the
world would surely be a different place, as it will be, through your loving
example and that of others. People will notice how you are and how easy it is
for you both to function in this way. It requires no effort on your part and
comes completely naturally to both of you. We love this. And we ask you to
consciously share with others your stories of how well you work together. Some
will understand and take what they can from your example. This is how you
teach, through your own example. It is the only way that will ever make an
impression on anyone, for words are easily forgotten and actions never.
And so beloved ones, today we take you on another journey this time to visit
with your Star family. We have told you how we work together with our star
brothers and sisters and now we wish to introduce you to our beloved team of
the stars. As we travel together through time and space we reach a beautiful
mother ship you can feel the awe and humility within yourselves as you stand
before the entrance to this mighty wonder. Before, you have been on this ship
many times unconsciously, and now we in invite to enter consciously and be at
home in the stars. There is a welcome committee here to greet you and as you
humbly realize how they honor you both it is a little overwhelming. Take a
moment to absorb this energy.
A beautiful being steps forth in female form and beauty she greets you onto her
ship and invites you in. They are so happy you are with them today. She invites
us to come on a tour around their beautiful home. First she takes us to the
commanding deck here all the controls and navigation systems are. There are
many different beings at the controls and one by one they greet us with much
love, honoring us for our work. They see how we sometimes struggle to rise
above human consciousness at large and commend us for our efforts to rise
above the difficulties of this reality. They are showing us a screen on which
they monitor the Earth and other star systems. From this bird’s eye view they
can monitor everything that is going on in through and around our precious
Earth. When an alarm is given in a certain area, they can zoom in as you do
using Google on Earth, and see from close quarters the energies prevailing.
STAR SISTER: “We monitor you and other Light Workers, constantly watching
for your safety and protection. Unbeknownst to you we have sometimes saved
you from certain pitfalls. This is our gift to you as you walk in darkness unable
to see exactly what is going on around you. You are beginning to feel more and
more the energies that surround you and know instinctively if this is to your
advantage. There you see, beloved sisters, we have a bird’s eye view of your
Earth and sometimes it is necessary to intervene. As we have told you before,
you are the ones making the Shift and we are assisting at your side. We are not
rescuing you in any shape or form; that should be made quite clear. We are
holding the vision with you and for you, for your victory. When you have made
the Shift, then we will come and share our gifts with you and humanity.
“When the Shift occurs upon the Earth it affects not only humans upon it, but
the entire cosmos. So when you raise your frequencies we are permitted to raise
ours too. We are all in this work together but you on Earth are in command. Not
the other way around as you may think. So begin, my beloved ones, to realize
that you are not just humble, powerless ladies sitting on a beautiful island in
the Pacific - you are powerful cosmic beings of Light. And it is time for you to
claim your divine power now. Know that we speaking to you both as well as to
all beings on the Earth. Together you are creating a whole new world, and we
are here to assist you when you want us to. We monitor you carefully for you
are of great importance.
“We are always willing to work with you on many levels, so please ask for our
assistance when it is needed. Be it a concern of health, money, location or
position. We can assist you with these as we are your helpmates and we love
and admire you greatly. Of course we have our work to do as well. It is as
important and as necessary as yours even though it may appear to be far
grander, far more grandiose, than yours. We are all a part of the puzzle, and
one without the other could not exist, so you see slowly but surely the
intricacies of how everything fits together perfectly. We are all playing our parts
in this process that we co-create together. There is no separation between us,
only the ones you imagine to be.
“And now we show you our living quarters. Here are beautiful chair-like forms,
unusual shapes and forms that look extremely comfortable, beautiful tables
made of a crystalline structure with a light in the middle that emanates from
the center of the table. It glows, sharing its love with us all. Sleeping quarters
are here as well although we do not spend much time sleeping. If we need to
rest, we lie down in a cocoon like form that enfolds us giving us complete peace
and comfort when needed. Showers are Light showers that cleanse us perfectly
on all levels, something like the violet and crystal light you use. We clean our
entire ship this way. There is no need to mop the floor in our home, and soon
you too will find you will be able to clean your environment in this way. We
manifest that which we wish to consume in the form we wish. It is not
necessary for us to eat solid food. We live mainly on Light but we do enjoy
eating delicious foods and the feeling of eating and drinking - as you do also.
“In the center of the ship there is an opening that lifts up and allows all the
scout ships to enter in and out with ease. We send them on missions to areas in
need. They are in constant communication with us and return home when their
mission is accomplished. You do not see us much these days in your skies for
fear of upsetting mainstream humanity. Gradually it is becoming more widely
known and accepted that we exist and this is a huge step in the right direction
for we do not wish to create any kind of panic or fear around the space ships as
your government would have you believe we do not exist or are detrimental to
your very life. This of course is not true. We are only here to assist you and
support you on your journey to enlightenment, in becoming fully conscious
human beings.
“We stand in the background cheering you on with every victory you make. It is
time for your return to earth now. Thank you for coming to visit us. We know
you can feel our deep love and admiration for you all, and we thank you for
your commitment to humanity and the earth. And so we leave you for today
with blessings and love. If Mary Carol would like to continue, we have a few
more messages for you both. We love you - you are special, your brothers and
sisters from the stars.”
[Dear star brothers and sisters, we thank you and are so grateful for your visit
with you and to have this closeness with you, this camaraderie is splendid. So we
listen as you speak again through Mary Carol.]
MARY CAROL: Star Sisters and Brothers: “Dear ones, you look at the stars at
night and see our homes so far away and lovingly look upon the star
formations and Grandmother Moon, wondering about what you are seeing.
These days we are more here upon the Earth than there, however when we wish
we return to visit our homelands. It does not take us long. We are happy to
have you visit whenever you are so inclined, and indeed you do in your ethereal
bodies when you are in slumber and some of you may have the ability to recall
these visits to us and enjoy the memories. At this time your astral cosmic
travels are not very known in your physical body, but do affect your sense of
being loved and being free. So those things are empowering to your Spirit and
we see the part of that is more joy, even amongst your challenging times.
“Consciously, when you wish, you may ask to come aboard for a journey to
your home star. Although your home star is more than one, for in your
lifetimes you have found other stars to be your home. As your soul body travels
to places you have known before, you remember how you came from there to
inhabit a human body here on Mother Earth. In your expanding awareness and
understanding of these things you are growing a more expanded body of Light,
and as we suggested you will find little by little many uses for your abilities to
call in the Light and to perform some tasks with your Light body. Your
awareness of this will increase more as you use this gift of the Light. As you
absorb more of the Light you will see that life is easier and available for you to
accommodate yourselves to new ways and new happenings. These are gifts of
the Light that you are feeling and working with more and more. We bless you
and let you return to your brother Adama who is here now and so ready to
share with you.”
Adama: What a joyous ride you have had with your star sisters and brothers. It
is good for you to know each other better and to feel like family as you do with
us inside the Earth. I know that all these messages are being absorbed by and
integrated into both of your beings. In every way you are enlightened so much
more every time we visit one another. We are always available to you and we
thank you for calling upon us. We join you in celebrating all of the newness that
is occurring through this process of the shifting into your divine true selves.
We leave you for now and are always nearby. It is good for you to understand
that the miraculous protections in your lives are because we are your brothers
and sisters and we are here to protect you in all ways. We love you, we love you
and we embrace you with all goodness and blessings of the highest Light. Until
a later time, we say bye-bye for now and thank you for being present. Aloha,