. - Physics Of The Earth’s Environment PROF. CLAUDIO BOSCO COURSE AIMS Transfer the knowledge on composition and internal structure of the Earth, its atmosphere and their dynamics. Obtain the necessary knowledge for understanding the geophysical and geological implications in territorial and environmental evolution. COURSE CONTENTS Environment, terrestrial physics and geology. The genesis of the elements. Earth’s origin and composition. Earth’s Evolution. Physics of the solid Earth. Gravity. Isostasy. Earth’s magnetic field. Geothermics. Radioactivity in nature. Relative and absolute dating (geochronology). Materials and lithospheric processes. Rocks and minerals. Pedogenesis. Plate tectonics and geodynamic processes. Endogenous forces. Earthquakes and Seismicity. Relief genesis and evolution. Volcanoes. Geomorphology: Rock alteration. Landslides. Soil erosion and degradation. Glaciers. Periglacial environments. Subsidence. Greenhouse gases and climate change: Earth’s energy balance. Climate and its control factors. Greenhouse effect. Flows and balances of greenhouse gases. Anthropic factors influencing climate. Impacts and vulnerabilities of climate change. Adaptation and mitigation factors. International policies and treaties. Stratospheric ozone: the role of ozone in upper atmosphere; formation and consumption mechanisms. Ozone-killer compounds. Environmental and Health impacts. Strategies and control policies. READING LIST F. PRESS - R. SIEVER - J. GROTZINGER - T. H. JORDAN, Capire la Terra, Ed. Zanichelli. S. MARSHAK, La Terra: ritratto di un pianeta, Ed. Zanichelli. S. CASTELLARI – V. ARTALE: I CAMBIAMENTI CLIMATICI IN ITALIA: EVIDENZE, vulnerabilita’ e impatti, Ed. Bonomia University press. TEACHING METHOD Lessons with power point presentations (32 hours), training (16 hours). ASSESSMENT METHOD Oral test (viva voce). NOTES Prof. Bosco will receive students after every class.