MINUTES ARKANSAS DIETITIANS IN HEALTH CARE FACILITIES DECEMBER 2, 2010 CONVACARE OFFICE LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS ITEM OF BUSINESS RESPONSIBLE PARTY ACTION/RECOMMENDATION Welcome/Intro Rose Hoenig Thank you to Nestle Nutrition, RaDonna Garnett and Tessa Sedder for their support in offering refreshments and CPE. Members Present/(Absent): Rose Hoenig, Lea Hyland, Lynda Anderson, Emily Hogue, Rosie Staples Special Guests: ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION Rose Hoenig Lea Hyland Rose Hoenig Lea Hyland Emily Hogue Rose Hoenig Lea Hyland Membership list, update of old members Discussion of bylaws, tax ID#, state affiliate and DPG. The National DHCC directs state DPG to report to state affiliate board, not national. Checking account balance- $3,462.17. There is no source of revenue currently. No dues have been collected. Election of new officers- volunteers solicited from group present. Until bylaws can be update the group will operate with those nominated/volunteered at today’s meeting. Discussion of perks for officers. In the past the chair was given funds to pay for attendance at FNCE. Chair’s responsibility is to plan a state seminar/workshop for consultants and possibly AR CDMs. Rose announced that Sysco will help sponsor the MDS 3.0 webinar 1/20/11 but needs a location. Emily will investigate a site to hold the webinar The ArDA annual meeting will be April 14,15, 2011. A breakout time is being held on Thursday afternoon(4/14) if the ArDHCC wants to sponsor a speaker. Further discussion was held regarding ArDHCC planning a premeeting on Wednesday April 13, 2011 for consultants and dietary managers. Possible topics: litigation issues in LTC, NCP in LTC. ITEMS FOR BOARD APPROVAL Lea Hyland Emily Hogue, Rose Hoenig Emily Hogue Lea made a motion that the group elect officers and adopt the district bylaws and modify them to use as a model for restructuring the ArDHCC. Motion seconded by Emily Hogue. Emily Hogue nominated Rose Hoenig to be chair, Rose accepted this position. Rose nominated Lynda Anderson to be secretary/treasurer, Lynda accepted this position. Emily made a motion that the ArDHCC pay the national DHCC dues for the new officers, seconded by Lea Hyland. ANNOUNCEMENTS/ ACTIONS All Lea Hyland Rose Hoenig Lynda Anderson Rose Hoenig It was decided to not collect any membership dues at this time until the bylaws can be modified and approved. Consultants should be aware that in order to be a member of the ArDHCC they must be members of ADA and the national DHCC -DPG. Lea will send copy of district bylaws to Rose for review as model for ArDHCC to move forward. Rose will begin a search for possible speaker for state meeting and consultants’ pre-meeting. Lynda will meet with Christy Wells to transfer signatures on the checkbook. Rose will continue to develop a membership list and email minutes of this meeting to consultants who have expressed interest in being members. Respectfully submitted by Lynda Anderson, Secretary/Treasurer(prepared by Rose Hoenig)