Pond`s Flawless White : Love Conquers All

Aldi Martua
Ari Eka Nurdianingsih
Dessy Wulandari
Fani Personita
Rizki Fazriansyah
Video is very support products with the storyline
that is very entertaining. The story is about the
couple. They’re Rose and Tom who became
separate away because of Tom’s mother. Someday
they meet again, because Tom and his mother
have a plan to build Paradise Grand View. But Rose
tried to made them cancel their plan. One day,
Tom’s mother ordered the workers to tear down
one of the trees. Rose ran towards the tree tried to
block the machine. Tom who saw the incident,
immediately ran to save Rose. The incident made
his mother realized. Love conquers all. And, finally
they canceled plans to make Paradise Grand View.
This product supports the video by
showing that when Rose put on Pond's
Flawless White makes her face became
brighter just with a period of
sevendays. And, made ​Tom falls in
love again with her, also makes his
mother to cancel her plan.
Rose’s face became brighter day by day
Audio from episode to episode
strongly support the storyline, and the
music supports every scene in this
video and make the audience feel as if
what is felt by every character in this
This video does not only attract the
attention of the audience, but also
draw attention to buying and using
these products. And, in every scene is
always displayed Pond's Flawless
White products.
This video can be understood by the
audience who watches this video and
be able to distinguish between those
who can use this product.
This video tried to convince the
audience that in seven days the product
can make Rose's face white with no
dark spot along with the eviction for
seven days.
Ponds flawless white has an image
that beautiful is perfect. So in the
video, Rose's face show differences
from the first day until the seventh
day. On the seventh day, Rose's face
became white and clean.
Ponds have a slogan white is beautiful.
Pond's trying to make the audience or
consumers think white is beautiful,
white is perfect. And, they created a
product to brighten the face. So, the
audience will buy their product.