Chapter 12

Human Biology WS 12A
Page______ Period _______
Chapter 12
Overview of the Muscular System
Instructions: Read pages 228-235 in your Human Biology textbook and
complete the following:
1. What is the function of all muscle regardless of their type?
2. List the three types of muscles, describe it’s shape and where in the
human body would you find it:
a. ___________
b. ___________
c. ___________
3. List five functions of skeletal muscle:
a. __________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________
d. __________________________________________________
e. __________________________________________________
4. Describe the following basic structures of skeletal muscle
a. Fascicle: ___________________________________________
b. Fascia: ____________________________________________
c. Tendon: ___________________________________________
5. What is meant by the origin of a muscle?
6. What is meant by the insertion of a muscle?
7. What is a prime mover? ____________________________________
8. What is are synergist muscles? ______________________________
9. What are antagonist muscles? _______________________________
10. Which muscles are antagonist muscle to the biceps brachii?
11. What happens if both antagonist groups contract at the same time?
12. List and briefly explain examples of how muscles are named:
a. _______ ___________________________________
b. _______ ___________________________________
c. _______ ___________________________________
13. Define the following microscopic structures of the skeletal muscle:
a. Sarcolemma: ________________________________________
b. Sarcoplasmic reticulum: ________________________________
c. T (transverse) tubules: ________________________________
d. Myofibrils: _________________________________________
e. Sarcomeres: ________________________________________
f. Myosin: ____________________________________________
g. Actin: _____________________________________________
h. I bands: ___________________________________________
i. A bands: ___________________________________________
j. Z lines: ____________________________________________
k. H zone: ____________________________________________
14. Summaries the sliding filament in the following space using the terms:
thick filament, thin filament, I bands, A bands, Z lines, H zones, cross
bridges and ATP:
15. What is a neuromuscular junction?
16. What is the neurotransmitter produced at the neuromuscular junction?
17. Memorize the major muscles by Friday!
18. Label the diagrams on the following page:
19. Label this drawing of the structure of the muscle fiber:
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20. Label the following neuromuscular junctions and filaments:
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