Electron Charge to Mass Ratio Jacob Benner, Lauren Hoffman Department of Physics and Astronomy, Augustana College, Rock Island IL 61201 Abstract: When a particle which charge is subjected to a magnetic field it feels a force. We use this knowledge in this experiment. By using the Helmholtz apparatus we can measure the force on an electron beam by a magnetic field of known strength. Since the beam creates a circle due to its centripetal acceleration we can figure out the ratio of electron charge over mass. We measure the radius and use the mathematical tools to find the relationship between it and the e/m ratio. The accepted value for an electron is 1.75E11 c/kg. When graphing the results we found a e/m ratio of 4.27E11 but when measurements were taken for each individual voltage results were much closer to the theoretical. The reason for this is the large error present. Introduction: In this experiment we sought to find the ratio of charge to mass of an electron. We know that the electron has a charge, because of this we know the particle will be affected by a magnetic field. This is exactly what the Helmholtz device does; it creates a magnetic field that bends the beam into a circle. See figure 12. The field is created by a solenoid of wires. We know the strength of the magnetic field because we control the potential through 1 the solenoid V. We also know the velocity of the beam v by using the equation eV= mv2 . Since we know B and v 2 we know the force of the magnetic field. We also know since the beam is moving in circle it has a centripetal acceleration 1. When we add all these elements together we get an equation for the e/m ratio. The equation is dependent on the radius the beam makes in the B field and so that is what we measured for different potentials1. It is important to keep in mind that the accepted value for the charge of an electron is 1.6E-19 coulombs and the accepted value for its mass is 9.11E-31 kg. Therefore the accepted value for the e/m ratio is 1.75E11 coulombs/kg. Figure 1: A diagram of the coils and electron gun of the Helmholtz apparatus2. Procedure: When setting up the Helmholtz apparatus the heater was set at 6.3 V, the Helmholtz coil voltage was set at 9 V, the Helmholtz coil current was set as 1 A. The Electrode Voltage then we kept between 150 and 300 V 1. Once the beam was on for a little while we started to see a blue-green circular beam as seen in figure 2. Once the apparatus is ready we can start measuring our radius of the electron beam. To do this we start with the voltage of the Electrode at 300 V. We then measure the radius of the beam by looking at where the edges of the electron beam are on the ruler. However, this measured radius is incorrect due to parallax. The parallax occurs because there is a distance between electron beam and the ruler. This causes the radius to appear bigger than it actually is due to the fact that things farther away look smaller. To compensate for this we use the fact that the ruler is also a mirror. We know from optical physics that the imaginary image produced on the mirror is at the same distance from the mirror. This smaller radius is then averaged with the real image to get the actual radius. We originally measured the values by eye and then switched to the camera. The camera helped to keep the image at the center of the ruler. We repeated this process with 8 other electrode voltages. We then calculated the Strength of the B field and the e/m ratio at every voltage. We then plotted 2V on the Y-axis and B2r2 on the X-axis to get e/m as the slope. We use these values 𝑒 2𝑉 𝑚 𝐵2 𝑟 2 because of the equation ( ) = when the denominator is moved to the other side it follows the standard y=mx+b. where 2V is y, B2r2 is x and b is 0. Imaginary Image Ruler and mirror Real Image Electron Gun Figure 2: the electron beam being acted on by the B field. This photograph was taken when V was at 210 V. Results: When the calculations were done on the B field we found it to be 7.813E-4 T with an uncertainty of 1.11E5 T. After the radii were measured and each was calculated for the e/m ratio we arrived at figure 3. After the graph was made we see a linear fitting with a slope or e/m ratio of 4.271E11 coulomb/kg with an uncertainty of 3.528E10 coulomb/kg. This can be seen in figure 4. V N 302 280 275 250 230 225 210 200 176 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 130 Mu I 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 1.26E-06 a r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.01 0.0015 0.0535 0.053 0.0515 0.049 0.048 0.047 0.0465 0.046 0.045 B e/m error actaul 0.000781372 1.72816E+11 15.79233548 1.75631E+11 0.000781372 1.63264E+11 15.06021463 0.000781372 1.69826E+11 16.12173097 0.000781372 1.70542E+11 17.01579757 0.000781372 1.63505E+11 16.65346539 0.000781372 1.66829E+11 17.35359243 0.000781372 1.59074E+11 16.72479729 0.000781372 1.5481E+11 16.45344731 0.000781372 1.42355E+11 15.46591029 error 1 0 0.00E+00 0.3 1.10503E-05 Figure 3: all variables used to calculate the electron to mass ratio of the electron. Note: the diffrerent values for different voltages. Also V is in volts, N is unitless, 𝜇 is in T*m/A, I is in Amps, a is in meters, r is in meters, B is in T, and e/m is in coulomb/kg. 2V Linear Fit of Sheet1 2V Graph of slope as e/m 600 2V (V) 500 Equation y = a + b*x Weight Instrumental Residual Sum of Squares 400 623.15621 Pearson's r 0.97695 Adj. R-Square 0.94792 Value 2V Intercept 2V Slope Standard Error -146.82976 51.93229 4.27135E11 3.52773E10 300 1.20E-009 1.40E-009 (B*R)^2 (T*m) 1.60E-009 1.80E-009 Figure 4: Graph with slope as e/m. slope value is 4.27E11 c/kg with an uncertainty of 3.527E10 c/kg. Discussion: After analyzing the data I noticed quite clearly that the value for e/m of the graph is off from the actual value and differs by around 2.5E11 c/kg. This is a significant difference. Also the difference is not covered by the uncertainty of the slope of 3.527E10 c/kg. When we look at the separate individual voltages however, we see much closer numbers. The error again does not cover the difference in values but the difference this time is between 1 and 3E10 c/kg. In a sense the experiment worked out in that we got values for the ratio that was very close to the accepted value. Overall our values were lower than the accepted value which leaves me to believe there is a systematic error in one or more variables that are leading to lower numbers. It is hard to say which measurement involved this error. It was apparent though that there is a fairly large error in the measurement of the radii of the electron beam. It is very hard to look at the beam and see the marking it is corresponding too. This could cause a fairly significant error in our results. The rest of the error came from the other variables. References: 1 “Electron Charge to Mass Ratio” lab manual. Dr. Vogel 2 School of Physics at Georgia Tech. Advanced lab Physics. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. <http://advancedlab.physics.gatech.edu/labs/waveparticle/wave-particle-3.html>.