Absent Student Folder



2015 - 2016

Teacher: Francisca A. Cronk Classroom: B9

Email : fcronk@aguafria.org Phone# ( 623) 932-7400 Ext: 4059

Office hours: By appointment

Pre-requisite: Spanish 1

Course Description:

This course is a continuation of the concepts introduced in Spanish I on a more advanced level. Spanish 2 course helps you attain proficiency in an interactive setting by building on the basic Spanish language skills you acquired in level 1. The language is presented within the context of the contemporary, Spanish-speaking world and its culture. The primary objective of my class is for you to not only learn Spanish well enough to be successful when going on to the next level but also to learn in a fun, relaxed environment and to develop an appreciation of the Spanish language and culture for life-long use and enjoyment.

The language of the class is Spanish. It is assumed that students will summon up the courage to speak this language as much as possible whenever they are in class.


The objective of this course is to continue development in the five basic skills of communication in Spanish: listening, understanding, reading, speaking, and writing in order to promote an appreciation and understanding of the Spanish-speaking people, their culture and civilization

Listening Students will practice listening to and comprehending more complicated thoughts and ideas expressed by their teacher, peers, and multimedia.

Students will understand advice, orders, directions, longer and more complex statements, questions and discourse. They will be able to




Culture differentiate ideas and actions expressed in the present, past, or future.

Students will refine pronunciation, intonation and fluency; express actions and ideas in present, past and future time; describe people, places and things; make comparisons; express negative ideas.

Students will read and comprehend ideas expressed in more sophisticated contexts.

Students will progressively expand and refine basic sentence structures, write responses to questions and directed statements identify problems and formulate multiple solutions, and write a well-constructed paragraph.

Students will become aware of activities pertaining to daily life, geography, and history of Spanish-speaking countries.


 ¡ En Español! Level 2. McDougal Littell, 2004.


The following materials should be brought to class each day and it is



*Failure to bring required materials to class will result in a 2-point deduction (per day)

A three ring binder with loose leaf paper and a set of tab dividers

A 2-pocket folder

Pencils and/or pens (blue or black ink only, please!)

Dry erase markers

USB flash drive

Recommended: An Spanish English/English Spanish Dictionary

Grading: Y our grade will be comprised of the following elements:

Classwork / Participation / Preparation: 20%

Good attendance, preparation, participation in drills, paired or group work; efforts always to speak Spanish in class. Preparation means that you have completed any homework assignments so that you can fully participate in class on any given day . It is also possible that open book in-class assignments will be given and will count as part of that day’s preparation grade. Therefore participating in class can boost or lower a grade. Students are encouraged to participate a lot in class and should not be afraid of making mistakes

Homework: 10%

There will be homework assigned every night of the week, but it should generally take no longer than 20 minutes. It will be checked in during class each day.

Late homework will not be accepted.

Quizzes: 20%

Brief quizzes covering either written material or listening comprehension will be given regularly at the beginning of the class period. These quizzes can include grammar, vocabulary and written exercises.

Quizzes may or may not be announced in advance


Chapter Exams/Unit, Monthly Portfolio, Projects and Group project 30%

Chapter exams will include material covered in the book (i.e. grammar, vocabulary, cultural readings).

Your Portfolio is a compilation of language-related activities designed to help you increase your contact with authentic Spanish outside the classroom. In Spanish II one of the objectives is to increase your knowledge and awareness of local and global Spanishspeaking communities.

Group project : Around the world in one semester!

 This is a semester-long project that focuses on countries that speak the target language. Students will research a chosen country and do an oral presentation for the class. They will then research and present a current event weekly for the remainder of the semester.

Final 20% End of course assessment (EOCA)

The purpose of the test is to make a final review of the topics covered and assessment of each student's knowledge of the subject


I have a zero tolerance policy on cheating. This includes copying someone’s homework, using a translator online, copying or using a “cheat sheet” during a test or quiz. If you are caught cheating, you automatically receive a zero.

Late assignments/make-up work policy

Late assignments will not be accepted without prior consent of the teacher

 A penalty of 10% will be applied to the assignment that is submitted up to 24 hours late.

No grade will be given for the assignment that is submitted more than 24 hours after it is due.

All make-up work/assignments/class notes are the responsibility of the student. I will not ask for them.

All assignments are due within 3school days from the day you return to class.

Make-up tests/quizzes are to be made up outside of class time within 3 school days from the date of return.

Any work not made up within 3 school days will be given a zero, without exceptions !

Absent Student Folder

Students are required to check the absent student folder whenever they are absent for any reason. The folder will contain all pertinent information from the missed day. It is the students’ responsibility to check the binder for their assignments and get the work completed.

Classroom expectations


Respect all ideas given in class and do not criticize anybody's ideas or thoughts


All electronic devices, unless medical, are forbidden.


Absolutely no food is permitted.


Do your very best!

Extra Help

I am available most days after school for extra help. If you want to guarantee that I will be available; it is best to check with me a day ahead… just to make sure that there is not a meeting or other conflict. If specific questions come up with a homework assignment, you can e-mail me at: fcronk@aguafria.org

**All information in this syllabus is a guide for the course and may be subject to change with

advanced notice

Spanish II course outline

Week 1-3 (Review): Class Procedures and Rules

Preliminary Chapter

Vocabulary: Greetings and salutations

Asking for and giving information




Grammar: Gustar


Ser vs. Estar


Regular & Irregular present tense verbs

Stem-changing verbs

Irregular “yo” verbs

Ir (a+infinitive)

Week 4-5: Unit 1. Theme: Travel and Leisure Time

Chapter 1: Grammar: Regular Preterite

Culture: Spanish culture in Los Angeles

Week 6-7 Chapter 2

Grammar: Present Stem-Changing Verbs

Irregular Preterite

Culture: Spanish culture in Chicago (art)

Week 8-9: Chapter 3

Grammar: Demonstrative Adjectives and Pronouns

Preterite Stem-Changing Verbs

Culture: Spanish culture in Miami (neighborhoods)

Week 10-11 Unit 2. Theme: Mexican Folklore, Art, and Food

Chapter 1

Grammar: Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Reflexive Pronouns and Verbs

Imperfect Tense

Culture: Mexican folklore

Week 12-13: Chapter 2

Grammar : Progressive Tenses

Preterite vs. Imperfect Tenses

Mexican Art Culture:

Week 14-15: Chapter 3:

Grammar: Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns

“Hacer” with Expressions of Time

Culture: Mexican Food

Week 16-17: Final review

Dear Parents

I am pleased to be given the opportunity to teach your teenager in my class. Your involvement is the key to his or her success. Please review this syllabus with your child. If you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate in contact me at the school or by e-mail. ** I look forward to working with you and your child. Please return this sheet only. The student will be asked to keep the syllabus in his or her binder for easy reference.


Francisca A. Cronk

** Sign up for ParentVUE to keep updated with your student’s progress as well as daily communication with teachers. Information is provided by the School.

My signature confirms that I have read the class syllabus and that I understand the expectations and requirements of the class.


Student’s First and Last Name (Print)

___________________________ ______________________

Signature of Student Date Signed

___________________________ _______________________

Signature of Parent or Guardian Date Signed

Parent or Guardian Contact Information: Please list an appropriate email address and phone number to contact you.

Email address: __________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________________

Any additional information you feel will help me to better teach or engage your child:




