Mrs McGhee

Newsletter #10 – Friday 23rd January 2015
Dear Parents and Friends,
I have spent the last couple of weeks observing lessons across the school. I
am once again really pleased with how hard our staff work to make sure that
the children are always making progress. I have also noted how well the
children have settled back into their classes and are eager to learn. Well
done everybody! There is a lot happening behind the scenes at the moment
and you will have recently received a letter
explaining that the Crewkerne and Misterton Federated Governors are
considering our school potentially returning to having its own governing body. I
will of course keep you informed of the situation when I have more information
next week. It was wonderful to see so many Year 4 children and their parents
join us for the meeting with Kirsty Waters of Kilve Court last week. Please see
Mrs Fry or myself if you missed the presentation and have any questions about
the trip. Finally, our children in Reception enjoyed a free yoga taster this week – As you can see from
the photographs, they really enjoyed the session!
STAFF UPDATE We would like to welcome Tom Flynn to our school, who will be joining us next Monday
as a SCITT trainee teacher in Woodpecker class for the rest of this term. We are also delighted to
announce that Mrs Fry and her husband Andrew are expecting their first child this Summer. We are in
the process of recruiting a teacher to cover the maternity leave but would like to congratulate Mrs Fry
for this fantastic news.
KILVE COURT RESIDENTIAL Polite reminder that January’s instalment is now due for payment at the
school office.
VISIT FROM BISHOP PETER We are very excited as on next Wednesday, 28th January we are going
to be visited by The Bishop of Taunton, Peter Maurice. He will be spending some time in each class and
leading our collective worship.
EDUCATION SUNDAY Our school along with Maiden Beech Academy has been asked by Rev Adrian
Legg, the Chaplain at Wadham School, to be involved in the Education Sunday service taking place at St.
Bartholomew’s Church on Sunday 1st February at 10.00am. Children attending will need to be accompanied
by an adult. Please let Mrs Hall in Owl Class know if your child would like to take part.
PUPIL PREMIUM I-POD & CHROMEBOOK MEETINGS Parents of children that receive pupil
premium funding have been invited to attend a session on either Monday 2nd or Thursday 5th February,
along with their child, to receive information and training with regard to the specific device. Children
will not be able to receive their device without parental attendance at the meeting.
This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of
children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.
HELP NEEDED! We still need a volunteer with a power washer to help clean the safety surface around
the climbing frame in the Early Years playground. We would be extremely grateful if a parent or relative
that has a power washer would be willing to use it to clean this area for us. Please could any willing
volunteers come to the school office. Many thanks.
RNLI The RNLI have visited our Reception/YR1/YR2 children to teach them about their very important
work and how to keep safe in and around the sea. We would like to make a donation to this charity, if you
would like to contribute please put your donation in an envelope marked RNLI and hand it in at the school
office. Statistically some of us in our school community will need their help at some point in our lives.
Thank you for your support.
school at 3.15pm
A second hand uniform sale will be held on Thursday 26th February after
ECO COUNCILLORS The Town Council have stripped back the scrubland to the side of the school and
have invited our Eco-council to take an active part in helping them to enhance the landscape using the
children’s ideas and suggestions for this project. The children in the Eco-Council want to help attract
wildlife to the area and have decided to ask for donations of wild flower seeds, bulbs, small berry plants,
etc. to help with this venture. If you are thinning out plants in your garden, i.e. primroses or violets,
please bring them in. Please bring any donations to the school office. Many thanks.
Wednesday 28th January – Bishop Peter of Taunton visiting our school
Sunday 1st February – Education Sunday service in St. Bartholomew’s Church
Monday 2nd February – Meeting for Year 2/3/4 pupil premium parents, 1.30pm
Thursday 5th February – Meeting for Year R/1 pupil premium parents, 1.30pm
Have a great weekend
David Carter