Calligraphy I Miss Abby Little

2014 – 2015
Art Appreciation (36 weeks)
Miss Victoria Boyce
Music Appreciation (36 weeks)
Mrs. Belinda Bunt
Music is the universal language that we use in our daily lives. We already appreciate
music, so this class will compare the music of the past with the music of today to help
students identify with music of all genres. We will explore what music means to each
individual, how we use music in our culture and the revolution of music as we look to the
future. Students can expect to play with musical instruments, take field trips to concerts
and explore music with hands-on projects throughout the year.
Drama Appreciation (36 weeks)
Dr. Paul McCracken
Shakespeare to Broadway
This course will focus primarily on the life and the works of William Shakespeare and on
modern theater. While there will be some attention given to the transition from one to the other,
most of our time will be spent in these two areas.
The study of modern theater will include Melodrama, the impact of Paris Opera in France and
the Metropolitan Opera in the United States, the advance of technology and its effect on theatre
(lighting, staging, and rigging), the development of “artistic truth”; the Moscow Arts Theatre, the
Harlem Renaissance, Group Theatre and Method Acting, and Cold War blacklisting. We will
also study significant figures in the history of theatre will also be studied. Some of these will
be: Eugène Marin-Labiche, Edwin Booth, Gilbert and Sullivan, Sarah Bernhardt, Anton
Chekhov, Noël Coward, Rogers and Hammerstein, Neil Simon, and Jonathan Larson.
Please note that this class will focus on the history of live theatre. Television and motion pictures
will be addressed only as they affected live performance.
Life Lessons
Miss Abby Little
Sewing buttons, ironing clothes or meal planning may not be the most
glamorous part of life, but it can be rewarding and so helpful to know
what to do. Don't be that person who burns boiling water! In this
class we will discover the delights of simple sewing, budgeting, menu
planning, cooking, natural cleaning, entertaining, decorating, and
event planning for your life now and the one to come. One thing is for
sure, you will live somewhere someday, be it a dorm room or the White
House and relying on mom to wash your underwear just won't be cool
when you are 30. ;
Calligraphy I
Miss Abby Little
Learn the lost art of calligraphy, typography, and gilded lettering for creating
invitations, posters, cards, or just improving the way you write a to do list! We will
also explore how to transfer these ancient scripts into digital formats to be enjoyed by
generations to come!
Calligraphy II
Miss Abby Little
Learn a new alphabet and hone your skills to the next level!
Master Oil Painting
Miss Abby Little
Painting as the old masters learned we will dig into the challenges of
oil for beginners and advanced students!
Creative Cultivating
Miss Abby Little
We will draw, clue, cut, paint, mark, dip, roll, and who knows what else in this class of releasing
creativity, but learning the methods behind inspiration! At the end we hope you will find your
visual voice.
Transfer Photography Art
Mrs. Ami Ross
Students in this class will have a chance to blend their love of photography with their love of
painting. We will use student’s original photos and transfer them onto canvas, glass and more to create
beautiful art. This class will help young photographers think outside the box.
Upcycle Class
Mrs. Ami Ross
Students in this class will utilize army surplus, old t-shirts and more to make awesome usable and
wearable items decorated with personal style. The students from 2013-2014 requested this be offered
again because we had so much fun! We will use sharpies, transfer paper, bleach and more to make the
magic happen.
Mrs. Ami Ross
In this class students will learn the linoleum printmaking process. "Linoleum printing is a form of relief
printing, one of the easiest and most direct of all the printmaking methods. Linocuts can be
simplistic and graphic, or as intricately detailed as you want. It’s a subtractive process, meaning
you cut away, or subtract, the areas you do not want to print. They can be printed onto almost
any type of paper or fabric. You can print on top of painted or silk-screened backgrounds, or you
can use watercolor paints or colored pencils to hand-color the print after it has
dried.” (
Creativity Class
Mrs. Ami Ross
This class is sure to be a favorite because we will do fun and different projects each week. Students will
have a chance to try the following: decoupage small furniture from home, embroidery on paper, make
awesome paper flowers, make plantable seed paper tags, and any other cool thing I think up by the time
class starts.
Public Speaking
Dr. Paul McCracken
This class will begin with the principles of public speaking as they developed over time. Most of
the term will be spent preparing and presenting brief individual monologues. A student who does
not wish to present regularly should probably not choose this elective. However, a student who is
not comfortable speaking in public but would like to gain confidence in this regard should find
this class to be very helpful. Although most of our work will be based on speaking to a group, we
will also include information on other forms of public speaking such as a job interview.
Critical Thinking
Dr. Paul McCracken
This class will introduce students to the study of logic and analysis. Practical application will be
an engaging combination of puzzles, mysteries, and logic problems; all designed to enhance the
students’ ability to think and evaluate in a logical manner.
The World of the Bible
Dr. Paul McCracken
This class will increase a student’s understanding of the world in which the events in the Bible
took place. These events did not happen in a vacuum. The land of Palestine was a vital link in
controlling trade routes and empires for centuries. Students will learn how the events depicted in
the scriptures fit in with the overall sweep of history and how the people of Israel interacted with
the many nations that surrounded them over the years. The study will consider the period from
the Intermediate Bronze Age through the Roman Period. Students will also learn how a better
understanding of Middle Eastern culture allows a greater understanding of events and teaching in
the Bible.
Biblical Archaealogy
Dr. Paul McCracken
Archaeology is the study of human activity in the past, primarily through the recovery and
analysis of the material culture and environmental data that they have left behind. It is a science
that employs the scientific method. This class will focus on how archaeology can lead to a better
understanding of the Bible. It should be stated that the purpose of Biblical Archaeology is not an
attempt to prove or disprove the scriptures. It is using the science of archaeology – studying the
artifacts, architecture, and culture of ancient people – to give the students a broader
understanding of the events in the biblical record as well as many biblical teachings.
Vocal Ensemble
Mrs. Kim Jones
We will apply theory, sight-singing, vocal techniques, and prepare to perform these
beautiful pieces at the end of the elective. Students should have some basic experience in reading
and expressing music. Auditions required.
Praise and Worship Band
Mrs. Kim Jones
A wonderful way for students to learn how to worship our Lord in Spirit and in truth! Opportunities are
available for both instrumentalists and vocalists to study contemporary praise and worship/gospel music
and together learn to lead others into God's presence. The Praise Band usually presents for our Open
House and end-of-the-year programs, as well as outside opportunities. (Audition required)
“A Journey Through the Psalms”
Mrs. Belinda Bunt
This class is open to all students of all art forms (not just music)! We will study the book of Psalms and
its writers as well as the different art forms of how the Psalms have been interpreted in history using
music, art & drama. The students will be given the opportunity to use their individual talents to
interpret a Psalm of their choice.
Jazz to Christian Rock
Mrs. Belinda Bunt
We are going back in time to actively explore the roots of Contemporary Christian
music! We will learn & sing the music of Scott Joplin, Louis Armstrong & Elvis
before making our way into the 21st century where we will learn the music of Amy
Grant, the Newsboys & Skillet! No audition required!
Music & Emotion
Mrs. Belinda Bunt
Have you ever wondered why some music makes you want to dance while other
music makes you want to cry? We will explore the heart of music from various
genres including Broadway, Pop, Classical, Gospel & the Blues to reveal the
emotion behind the music.
Improvisation I
Mr. Tanner McCracken
Students will learn the basics of performance improvisation, including agreement,
characterization, scene work, and game structure.
Improvisation II
Mr. Tanner McCracken
Students will build on the techniques learned in Improv 1 to explore long-form, free-form, and
musical improv.
Puppetry I
Mr. Tanner McCracken
Students will learn the basics of performing with simple puppets.
Puppetry II
Mr. Tanner McCracken
Students will build on the techniques of building and performing with simple puppets.
Commedia dell’Arte
Short Skits
Mr. Tanner McCracken
Mrs. Carolyn Wass
Students will be molding their own clay projects with instruction from the
teacher. There is a kiln fee charge per student that will be posted later for the
use of the teachers kiln. It is recommended the students wear an art shirt or
some type of old t-shirt or art apron when working with the clay.
Mrs. Carolyn Wass
Ballroom Class I
Miss Victoria Boyce
This is a class where I am going to be teaching the first two to three steps of the
different Ballroom dances, such as Waltz, Mambo, Tango, Cha-Cha, Single Step
Swing, Rumba, Line Dances, Foxtrot, and the Charleston. This will be a class
where we have a lot of fun and just explore the beginning of the classic ballroom
Ballroom Class II
Miss Victoria Boyce
This is a class for all the students that take my Beginning Ballroom Class or have
taken classes elsewhere. In this class we will be exploring harder moves and full
step patterns (which is simply several steps put together). We might even get
into some lifts and dips in this class.
Mrs. Cherie Scogin
Spinning/Needle Felting
Mrs. Cherie Scogin