ТУК - Заедно в час

We are currently looking for a Placement Associate to join our team. This role is critical to ensuring that
Teach for Bulgaria (TFB) is able to fulfill its mission of delivering highly motivated teachers to
underprivileged students across public schools in Bulgaria. As part of the Public Partnerships
department, the Placement Associate will be responsible for establishing contacts with school principals
and generating applications for TFB teachers. The Placement Associate plays an important role as an
intermediary between two key work streams: teacher admissions and induction to the program and
ongoing training and support. Therefore, the person is expected to effectively collaborate with other
functions, contribute to a smooth communication and working process, problem-solve in an efficient
and independent manner.
We are looking for a candidate with strong interpersonal skills which have enabled him or her to
influence others. The ideal person possesses solid entrepreneurial, problem-solving and organizational
skills with a proven track record of achieving results. Candidates are expected to have a university
degree in Business/Economics or other related field, as well as minimum of 2 years professional
experience within the corporate or non-profit industries. Excellent command of the English language
and a driving license are compulsory. Previous event management and/or sales and marketing
experience would be considered as an advantage.
Please review the detailed job description below. To apply, please submit your professional CV and
cover letter to n.koleva@zaednovchas.bg by February 15, 2016. Please note that we review candidates
on a rolling basis, so early applications are highly encouraged!
Key Priorities
1. Develop relationships with school principals and represent TFB program: Be proactive in meeting
principals and attend events in order to expand TFB’s exposure within the school system in
2. Generate applications for TFB teachers from target schools: Convert principals’ general interest in
concrete openings for TFB teachers according to all application criteria.
3. Place all incoming TFB teachers in target schools: Provide all incoming teachers with a teaching
position according to TFB’s school ranking model and growth strategy.
4. Be an active and engaged member of TFB community: Live and represent TFB’s organizational
values, act as a committed and supportive person to both teachers and team members.
Responsibilities of the role
Establish and Develop Relationships
Since the beginning of the program, Teach for Bulgaria (TFB) has partnered with different types of
public schools (ОУ, СОУ, ПГ) in order to place teachers and reach students from families with low socioeconomic background. Establishing relationships of mutual trust with school principals is a major
premise to building strong and long-term partnerships.
The role requires a pro-active approach to developing TFB’s principal relationships including individual
meetings, events participation and presentation of the program, organizing custom events for
principals, as well as generating referrals and recommendations.
Essential outcomes of the process are increasing TFB’s reputation within the school system in Bulgaria
and building a pipeline of interested principals.
Generate Openings for TFB Teachers
Convert principals’ general interest into openings for TFB teachers in accordance with all application
criteria. Be mindful of our target school profile and invest efforts in maximizing the number of openings
from such schools.
Make efficient use of marketing materials and other resources to reach the target for openings. Be on
top of communication campaigns for school principals and place them wisely around application
Manage Placement Process
Execute an efficient and transparent placement process for all incoming teachers. Base placement
decisions on TFB’s school ranking model and growth strategy. Take program participants’ relocation
preferences into account but make sure those are in tune with TFB’s organizational priorities. Lead the
process thoroughly and mindfully.
Integrate feedback from the Program department on placement within TFB partner schools and
collaborate with colleagues in order to achieve desired outcomes.
Communicate effectively with school principals throughout the placement process, prepare teachers’
application documents, organize and conduct interviews, tackle potential issues and manage follow-up
actions. Make sure all rejected schools are informed in a professional and timely adequate way.
Gather data on the process and analyze it after the campaign is finished. Suggest future improvements
based on trends observed.
Budget Responsibility
Utilize placement budget in an efficient and responsible way. Prepare alternative options for
unexpected costs.
Professional qualifications
Building Relationships and Influencing Others
Builds positive professional relationships with a range of audiences and in a range of circumstances.
Effectively communicates messages and ideas to others.
Organization and Planning
Able to organize, prioritize, track and manage resources. Works efficiently in a multi-task and deadline
structured environment. Detail and result-oriented approach.
Strategic and Analytical Thinking
Identifies, prioritizes, and proactively anticipates opportunities/problems to solve. Uses rigorous logic
and data to analyze the situation. Develops high quality and actionable strategies/solutions.
Making Decisions and Demonstrating Judgment
Uses appropriate context and data to make sensible and timely decisions. Demonstrates sound
judgment when faced with tough decisions.
Constant Learning
Improves constantly by proactively working on own growth and by seeking and integrating feedback
from peers. Delivers effective feedback to colleagues and helps them grow.
Strong organizational skills
Plans activities aligned with targets and placement strategy, prioritizing interventions with the highest
return on investment. Executes in a professional and timely manner.
Personal characteristics
Effective communication and Presentation skills
Able to look through “client” perspective and prioritize/adapt messaging. Exceptional communication
skills (written/oral) which influence others and lead to actions. Able to present concepts in a simple but
appealing manner. Delivers professional and audience related presentations.
Entrepreneurship and Grit
When challenged, works through obstacles purposefully and relentlessly. Has a “do whatever it takes”
attitude and maintains a sense of possibility even during tough times. Action-oriented and believes
there is always something he/she can do. Not afraid to experiment with new approaches and put the
work necessary to achieve results.
Problem solving skills and Creativity
Constant focus on tackling every possible issue that might appear on the way to success. Able to
recognize potential pitfalls and prepare alternatives. Possesses an “out-of-the-box” mindset and
suggests creative solutions if necessary. Able to develop different points of view on situations and
channel others into them.
About Teach For Bulgaria
Teach For Bulgaria aims to provide access to quality education to every child in Bulgaria, regardless of
the place he/she lives and the social status of his/her parents. The organization is partner in the
international network Teach For All, that works successfully for improving the access to quality
education in more than 42 countries in 5 continents.
The problem that we are solving is the lack of knowledge and competences in 40% of the Bulgarian
youths so they can enter the labor market, low motivation for learning and development that results in
30% of Bulgarian students to drop out from school. A major factor for this is the lack of qualified,
motivated, young teachers who can substitute the decreasing number of truly good teachers in Bulgaria.
The solution that we apply is preparing young and talented specialists to become effective inspiring
certified teachers who can make significant progress with even the lowest-performing students. Teach
For Bulgaria trains these young people to become teachers-leaders, they receive qualification “teacher”
from a partner university and then we place these teachers in the most needy schools where they work
with our guidance and support for a period of two years.
Currently, 95 teachers teach in 55 schools in 8 regions in Bulgaria. They work with over 7000 students,
grades 1-12, on main school subjects and already have significant impact on students’ achievement and
their aspiration about future professional realization.
Historical placement stats:
# Teacher openings
# New teachers
# Partner schools
# Partner regions
2012 – 2013
2013 - 2014
2014 - 2015
Ценностите, към които екипът на Заедно в час се придържа в ежедневната си работа:
Предприемачески дух
Посрещаме предизвикателствата с готовност и енергия. Намираме смели, иновативни решения на
проблемите без да жертваме професионализма и фокуса върху дългосрочни резултати. Отворени
сме за нови идеи и преживявания (работим извън зоната си на комфорт, изпробваме нови
решения), за да постигнем мисията ни.
Фокус върху резултатите и дългосрочното въздействие
Водим се от убеждението, че всяко дете има правото на и способността да постигне успех.
Работим за постигането на дългосрочни, устойчиви резултати и взимаме решения, целящи
възможно най-голямо въздействие. Стараем се да намерим подходящия баланс между
ефективното постигане на краткосрочни резултати и осъществяване на дългосрочно въздействие.
Когато е възможно, използваме данни, за да измерваме ефективността си и да насочваме
действията си. Справяме се с трудностите и адаптираме подхода си, когато не успяваме да
постигнем целите си в срок.
Постоянно учене
Стараем се постоянно да развиваме и подобряваме себе си и нашата организация, като се
възползваме от всяка възможност за това и помагаме на съотборниците си да го направят.
Ефективно сътрудничество
Стараем се да създаваме дългосрочни и смислени партньорства с нашите съотборници и
партньори. Помагаме си, за да постигнем общите ни цели. В нашата работа със съотборниците сме
приятелски настроени и честни, отворени за обратна връзка и подкрепящи. Проявяваме нужното
търпение, за да разберем гледната точка на другия и да адаптираме комуникацията и действията
си, така че да постигнем ефективно сътрудничество и постигане на общите ни цели.
Уважение и скромност
Проявяваме уважение към хора от разнообразна среда и възраст, с различни убеждения и опит.
Не правим бързи заключения за хората и вярваме в потенциала им за високи постижения.
Отворени и любопитни сме за различните гледни точки.
Винаги действаме като посланици на организацията и мисията ни. Проявяваме постоянство – дори
и в най-трудните и напрегнати моменти запазваме самообладание и професионално държание.
Представяме се по начина, по който искаме другите да виждат нашата организация (в медиите
включително): чрез облеклото си, в общуването си, и в следването на правила и изпълняването на
очаквания. Ние спазваме договорените крайни срокове и работим ефективно. Винаги използваме
подходящ език и тон в общуването.