culture & social issues - Leavenworth High School



The Grand Tour: Sons of aristocrats completed their education with a tour of Europe’s major cities (Paris, Rome, Venice, Florence)

 Still education in the Latin classics & use of French as the international language

Poverty --- problem in not just the cities but in countryside

Before: assisting was a Christian duty Now: charity encouraged their idleness and led to vice & crime

 Culture

High Culture --Literary and artistic world of educated (theologians,

scientists, philosophers, intellectuals, poets, dramatists) & wealthy ruling class

Popular Culture --- written & unwritten lore of the masses most passed down orally

 18 th century, expansion of reading & publishing

 Magazines -- England important center

 Newspapers 1 st 1702 in London

 Education

 European schools perpetuated the class hierarchy rather than creating avenues for social mobility

 Education should function to keep people in their own social class

 Complaints led to some new schools offering modern language, geography, job opportunities like bookkeeping

 Crime & Punishment

 Except in England: judicial torture important means of obtaining


Punishments: cruel & spectacular included public executions

 Cesare Beccaria 1738-1794 On Crimes and Punishments 1764

Imprisonment, deprivation of freedom more lasting impression

New type of prison: cells, subjected to discipline and regular work to rehabilitate them

 Carnival

 Celebrated in Spain, Italy, France, Germany, Austria

 Spectacular form of festival: ate, drank, celebrated great indulgence

 Last from Christmas to lent

 Religion

Pietism --- teachings of Count Nikolaus von Zinzendorf 1700-1760

 Also called Moravian Brethren

 Personal experiences of God in one’s life that constituted true religious experience: more personal

John Wesley 1703-1791 Anglican minister

 Lower religion to level of the people

 Followers separated from Anglican church after his death: Methodist

Religious Toleration: ‘battle cry of philosophers

Joseph II of Austria Toleration patent 1781

 Recognized Catholic as public practice,

 Granted Lutherans, Calvinists, & Greek Orthodox to worship privately

 Jews

Restricted: forbidden to own land, hold many jobs, forced to pay burdensome special taxes (except in Poland)

Pogroms: Jewish communities (ghetto) looted & people massacred

 Some areas favored assimilation of Jews into the mainstream but by conversion as basic solution

 Music

 Italians 1 st followed by Germans, Austrians, English

 Musicians depended on a patron-prince or aristocrat

 Italy & Germany musical leaders due to princes, archbishops, & bishops

Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750

 Organist & music director at German courts

 Task, to make “well-ordered music in the honor of God”

George Frederick Handel 1685-1759

 Secular in his temperament but had stormy international career

 Wrote music for large public audience

 Best work: religious “Messiah”

Franz Joseph Haydn 1732-1809

 Musical director for Hungarian princes

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 1756-1791

 1 st concert at age 6, 1 st opera written at age 12

Could never find a patron, died as debt ridden pauper at 35

 Novels

 Attractive to women readers & writers

Samuel Richardson 1689-1761 printer by trade

 1 st novel Pamela: or Virtue Rewarded

 Servant girl’s resistance to numerous seduction attempts by her master.

Reads her letters, finds her having a good mind as well as body. Marries her: virtue rewarded

Henry Fielding 1707-1754

 novels about people without scruples who survived by their wits

History of Tom Jones, a Foundling

 About adventures of a scoundrel: scenes of England from hovels in

London to country houses of aristocracy

 Writing history

 Philosophes, historians creating revolution in history: eliminate role of

God in history (Greek historian: Thucydides)

 Part of work still social, economic, intellectual, cultural, developments, but also to entertain, goal to help civilize their age, history played a role in this

Age of Louis XIV, by Voltaire 1751 initiated idea of social history

Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon 1776-1788 gave many causes, but major reason was growth of Christianity
