Eight Grade Language Arts - Arcanum Butler Local Schools

8th Grade Language Arts
Course Information
Teacher: Ms. Lawson
Email: ann_lawson@darke.k12.oh.us
Phone: (937) 692-5174 extension 1258
Website: http://www.arcanum-butler.k12.oh.us/olc/teacher.aspx?s=59
Students will need:
A composition book
A binder with 4 tabs
Pencils, blue or black ink pens, colored pens for editing
3 x 5 notecards
A USB Drive
Please bring all supplies to class every day!
Course Content
First quarter we will cover:
Plot, conflict, characters, and setting
Irony and suspense
Parallel plots
Written arguments
Citing evidence and incorporating quoted information
Formal writing conventions
Your grade for the first nine weeks will be based on the following assignments:
Literary Critical Analysis
Vocabulary and Grammar quizzes
Class discussions
Independent Reading
Unit tests
Textbooks: Students will use a Literature text book in class. Books may be checked out if a student is absent
and returned to the school the next day. Student will be charged for lost or damaged text books.
Novels: Students will be issued assigned novels throughout the school year for whole-class, small group, or
independent reading. Misuse, abuse, or loss of novels may result in fines, so please treat books with care.
Class Library: My classroom has a library of books that students may check out for independent silent reading.
Students may check the books out by filling out a book check-out card. The same rules governing textbooks
and novels apply to books from the class library. The content of the books in the class library varies. I
encourage you to share and discuss the books you choose with your parents and decide together whether they
are appropriate for you. You are responsible for the content of any book you check out.
Late Work Policy
Students should make every effort to turn in assignments on the day they are due. Otherwise, work will be
considered late unless in the case of an excused absence from school or prior approval from the teacher.
Work turned in one day late will be worth a maximum of 80%. Work turned in two days late will be worth a
maximum of 60%. After two days, all points for the assignment will be lost.
Grading Policy
Grades are based on a point system. The chart below exhibits the break down of total percentage points to
letter grades:
94-90 A-
Academic Dishonesty
If students are caught cheating or plagiarizing, an automatic zero will be awarded for the assignment and the
student will be referred to the office. This rule applies to those who supply answers and those who receive
answers. There will be no possibility of making up the assignment on which a student was caught cheating.
Classroom Behavior
Students should enter the classroom, take their seat, and begin the bell work before the bell rings. In the
classroom, students are expected to be respectful – of their peers, of others’ belongings, and of the learning
environment. Please always be kind and courteous to others. If it is not yours, do not touch it. If someone
else is talking, listen. Disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. The first two offenses will be a warning, and
a third offense is grounds for a detention. Further offenses will warrant additional detentions or an office
referral. The teacher reserves the right to skip any step in the typical discipline process in the case of severe
misbehavior. All rules and regulations presented in the student handbook also apply in the classroom.
Hall Passes
Students should make every effort to visit lockers, the restrooms, and drinking fountains in between classes or
during lunch. Only in the event of an emergency will a student will be permitted to leave the classroom. If a
student habitually needs to use the restroom during class, abuses the hall pass privilege, or has an issue
completing work, hall permission may not be granted. Students will not be permitted to go to their lockers
during class.
Electronic Devices
Electronic device use is not permitted in class except when directed by the instructor for academic purposes. If
a student uses an electronic device inappropriately or at an inappropriate time, it will be collected and turned in
to the office. At no time should students in class send or receive text messages or phone class, post to social
media, or take pictures and videos – unless otherwise instructed.
Communication is vital to the learning process. Students may request an appointment to ask questions or
receive extra help. I am available during Flex, 6th period, or before or after school, as long as the meeting is
arranged in advance. I am also available to answer questions by email most evenings. The online classroom
will be kept up to date with resources and reminders, so check the online classroom frequently as well.
Let’s Have a Great Year!
Student/Parent Information Sheet
Student Name (Please Print): __________________________________________________________
Parent or Guardian Name (Please Print): _________________________________________________
Preferred Method of Contact:
□ Email: ___________________________________ @ _______________________________
□ Phone: _____________________________________________________________________
I have received a copy of the classroom syllabus for 8th Grade Language Arts/Publications. I have
read and understand the class policies and procedures and agree to follow them
Student Signature: _________________________________________________________
Parent of Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________________
Date: ____________________________