LA 12 Spring Competency Choose two or more novels from the

LA 12 Spring Competency
Choose two or more novels from the required reading list to develop and support your chosen
thesis statement. Consider writing your own thesis. Use the essay format as taught in The Lively
Art of Writing and class instruction.
A Separate Peace
Lord of the Flies
1984 Beowulf
Other class readings
Thesis statements (Again, consider writing your own. Chances are you will have greater passion
if you do):
1. Some people merely exist for their own pleasure, offering little of substance of value to
others in their society.
2. Whenever a leader becomes corrupt, that corruption permeates society.
3. Fear is an effective weapon for controlling the populace.
4. Societies tend to isolate those individuals who exhibit tendencies which are different
from what is considered normal.
5. The characterization of women in novels if often stereotypical, showing them either as
cruel or power hungry or vain and frivolous.
6. Honorable leaders display similar characteristics and actions which are important for
humanities survival.
7. Simon, as well as other characters, can be seen as Christ figures.
8. The importance of democratic order can be seen clearly in the disintegration of those
societies which turn away from it.
9. Propaganda is an important tool used by leaders to maintain control over the populace.
10. On theme that seems to occur frequently in novels is the importance of the individual;
responsibility in forming an equitable society.