Adjusted Survival Curves with Multivariable Laplace Regression - online Appendix Study population The Cohort of Swedish Men (COSM) and the Swedish Mammography Cohort (SMC), largely described elsewhere1, were combined. Briefly, the SMC started in 1987, when a questionnaire on lifestyle and health was sent to all women residing in two regions of central Sweden and born between 1914 and 1948. The questionnaire was replicated in 1997 with the inclusion of additional items. 39,227 women responded to this questionnaire. COSM was established in 1997, and comprised 48,850 men from central Sweden, aged 45-79 at baseline, who responded a self-administrated questionnaire similar to the one sent to women. The final population of 50,594 participants used in this example was obtained after excluding participants with missing/incorrect personal identification number, pre-baseline death, or prebaseline cancer, diabetes, or CVD. Former smokers were also excluded to simplify the presentation. During 16 years of follow-up (1 January 1998 – 31 December 2013) 12,134 deaths were ascertained through linkage with the National Register of Death and Death Causes. Methods and Results The presented method calculates adjusted survival curves from estimates obtained with Laplace regression. Given a set of survival percentiles, Laplace regression directly estimates differences in survival according to level of a given exposure of interest, possibly adjusting for potential confounders.2 When the exposure is the only covariate of the model, survival percentiles estimated with Laplace regression and Kaplan-Meier are similar.3 For each percentile in the observed range (1st-25th), unadjusted differences in survival between smokers and non-smokers are reported in the first column of Table 1, and correspond to those plotted in Figure 1A of the letter. When multivariable adjustment is required, confounders can be included in the Laplace regression model. In the example we presented we chose to include one dichotomous covariate (gender, codified as 0 for women and 1 for men), one continuous (body mass index, kg/m2), and one categorical (baseline age, with 7 5-years categories codified from 0 to 6) that was included in the model by creating 6 dummy variables. For a given percentile p the following model was estimated: ๐๐ (๐ก๐๐๐ ๐ก๐ ๐๐๐๐กโ|๐ ๐๐๐๐, ๐๐๐, ๐๐๐, ๐๐๐๐๐๐) = ๐ฝ๐ 0 + ๐ฝ๐ 1๐ ๐๐๐๐ + ๐ฝ๐ 2๐๐๐๐๐๐ + ๐ฝ๐ 3๐๐๐ + ๐ฝ๐ 4๐๐๐1 + ๐ฝ๐ 5๐๐๐2 + ๐ฝ๐ 6๐๐๐3 + ๐ฝ๐ 7๐๐๐4 + ๐ฝ๐ 8๐๐๐5 + ๐ฝ๐ 9๐๐๐6 where age1-age6 are the dummy variables representing the original age-categories covariate. ๐ฝ๐ 1 is interpreted as the multivariable adjusted difference in the pth percentile of survival between smokers and non-smokers. This coefficient is reported, for each p, in the second column of Table 1. The adjusted survival curves for smokers and non-smokers presented in Figure 1B of the letter are calculated with linear predictors of these coefficients, by assigning the mean value to all the included covariates and 0 and 1 to the smoking status exposure, respectively. Table 1: Difference in survival percentiles (PDs), with 95% confidence interval (CI), between smokers and non-smokers Survival Differences (years), PD (95% CI) Percentile Unadjusteda Adjustedb 1 1,07 (0,8 ; 1,33) 1,85 (1,48 ; 2,23) 2 1,43 (1,15 ; 1,71) 2,68 (2,21 ; 3,15) 3 1,54 (1,24 ; 1,83) 3,17 (2,74 ; 3,6) 4 1,77 (1,47 ; 2,08) 3,72 (3,26 ; 4,17) 5 1,95 (1,62 ; 2,27) 3,88 (3,51 ; 4,25) 6 1,95 (1,64 ; 2,26) 3,89 (3,51 ; 4,26) 7 2,12 (1,78 ; 2,46) 3,85 (3,49 ; 4,21) 8 2,04 (1,73 ; 2,35) 3,84 (3,48 ; 4,2) 9 2,12 (1,82 ; 2,42) 3,76 (3,43 ; 4,08) 10 2,19 (1,86 ; 2,53) 3,69 (3,41 ; 3,97) 11 2,18 (1,86 ; 2,5) 3,8 (3,52 ; 4,07) 12 2,19 (1,88 ; 2,5) 3,73 (3,45 ; 4,01) 13 2,24 (1,89 ; 2,58) 3,75 (3,49 ; 4,01) 14 2,17 (1,84 ; 2,5) 3,72 (3,45 ; 3,98) 15 2,18 (1,87 ; 2,5) 3,7 (3,43 ; 3,97) 16 2,14 (1,83 ; 2,45) 3,66 (3,39 ; 3,93) 17 2,12 (1,8 ; 2,43) 3,66 (3,41 ; 3,92) 18 2,03 (1,68 ; 2,38) 3,69 (3,44 ; 3,95) 19 2,01 (1,65 ; 2,38) 3,68 (3,41 ; 3,95) 20 1,98 (1,66 ; 2,3) 3,66 (3,38 ; 3,93) 21 1,96 (1,63 ; 2,3) 3,62 (3,34 ; 3,9) 22 1,98 (1,66 ; 2,29) 3,59 (3,34 ; 3,83) 23 1,88 (1,57 ; 2,2) 3,58 (3,35 ; 3,82) 24 1,64 (1,3 ; 1,99) 3,61 (3,38 ; 3,83) 25 1,48 (1,16 ; 1,79) 3,61 (3,39 ; 3,84) a Estimates were obtained by fitting Laplace regression models with smoking status as the only coviariate b models were further adjusted for age (categorical), body mass index (continuous), and gender (dicothomous) Marginal adjusted curves Researchers may often be interested in computing marginal, rather than conditional, adjusted survival curves. A possible approach to marginalize survival curves is to use inverse probability weights (IPW), as described in Cole & Hernan, 2004.4 Instead of stratifying or adjusting the model for a covariates vector (conditional approach), the inverses of the probability of being exposed and non-exposed given the covariates are estimated. These values are then used to weight the survival curves. A simple way to estimate these weights is by fitting a logistic regression to compute the probability of the exposure given the covariates. In our example data we fit a logistic regression to predict the individual probabilities of being smoker or non-smokers given the predictors (baseline age, BMI, and gender). Next, we estimated IPW Laplace regression models on percentiles 1st-25th using the inverse of these probabilities as weights. Finally, survival curves were computed with the Stata command laplace_surv, and are presented in Figure A1. These curves correspond to those we would obtain by simply weighting the Kaplan-Meier curve. However, Laplace regression can be extended to include more covariates – that means – to produce survival curves that are marginalized over a set of predictors but still conditioning on a second set. This is easily done by using the first covariates to calculate the weights, and fitting a IPW Laplace regression further adjusted for the second set of covariates. For example, we calculated inverse probability weights by fitting a logistic regression for smoking conditioned on age and gender. IPW Laplace regression was then estimated further adjusting for BMI, and survival curves are presented for BMI=30 Kg/m2 (Figure A2) Figure A1 100 95 90 85 80 Current Smokers Never Smokers 75 0 Figure A2 2 4 6 8 10 Follow-up time (years) 12 14 16 References 1. 2. 3. 4. Harris H, Håkansson N, Olofsson C, Julin B, Åkesson A, Wolk A. 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