English To begin with we will be Figure 1 our investigative continuing journalist work on Tutankhamen. As part of our topic we will then be looking at extreme survival adventures and animals in extreme climates. We will be writing a survival story, producing an Extreme Survival Animal E-book and researching facts to include in our class Survival Guide. Geography We will be finding out the location of countries that have extreme hot and cold weather, finding out about deserts and artic regions, exploring the habitats of animals living in these extremes and their adaption as well as researching the lives of the Inuit and Dolgan people and how this compares to our lives. St Oswald’s C.E. Primary School ‘Extreme Survival’ Summer 2 2015 01/05/15 to 17/06/15 7 wks Year 3 Science We will continue to find out about forces and magnets. We shall be looking at uses of magnets and carrying out a scientific enquiry. We will also be looking at the food chain of animals in extreme environments and classification. Outdoor learning Den building, a survival hunt and survival skills. Maths We will be focusing on measures and using different measuring equipment to help us solve problems. We will revisit geometry relating to 2d and 3d PSHCE We will learn about the range of changes that they and other children will experience in their lives. Music We will be exploring music in countries of extreme climate and composing our own music. shapes, angles, lines (horizontal, perpendicular, vertical), turns and degrees. We shall also be further developing our problem solving skills using money, measures, fractions and the four mathematical operations. PE Athletics and Gymnastics. RE Exploring how religious and spiritual ideas are expressed. (Christianity and Hinduism). DT We will be designing an making survival shelters and cooking up a ‘survival stew’ using natural ingredients. ICT We will continue our learning about how to use collaborative digital media such as blogs and wikis. We will also be learning about branching databases and how to create these using Textease Branch.