Heritage Elementary Student Handbook 2014-15

July 2014
Dear Parents and Students:
Welcome to the 2014-15 school year at Heritage Year-round Elementary
School! This handbook has important information about our school, so please
read it carefully.
For returning students and parents, we would like to thank you for your
excellent work, in and out of the classroom. Our students are the best in Wake
County, and your strong parental support has contributed to the sustained focus
on academics. We would like to encourage you to continue doing all of the
things that you have done that have made us so successful to date. These
include communicating with the teacher about your child’s successes, areas of
strength, and areas of need; engaging in conversations with your child about
the instructional program; and becoming involved in school activities through
the PTA and classroom programs.
For our new students and parents, we are extremely pleased that you are
joining our Heritage family, and we are looking forward to helping you and your
child(ren) have a successful school year.
Best wishes for a great school year and congratulations on becoming a
Heritage Hurricane!
Jennifer Abraham, Principal
Monica C. Crews, Assistant Principal
Follow us on Twitter @HEShurricanes
HES Student Handbook – Page 1
Dear Heritage Elementary Families,
On behalf of Heritage Elementary School PTA, welcome to the 2014-15 school
year. Whether you are a new or returning family, we are very excited to have you
as a part of the school’s family and history. Your child(ren) will be part of a tradition
that stands high and strives for excellence in education and building our youth.
HES PTA continually supports the students, teachers, staff, families, our building
and the community. By becoming an HES PTA member, we are able to give back
to the school by sponsoring programs that assist in both the students’ education and
their enjoyment of the school environment.
Our PTA mission is to build a strong, cooperative relationship between parents,
teachers and staff to fulfill the educational potential of every student. Some of the
ways we accomplish this are through sponsorship of cultural arts programs, awarding
educational grants, and making improvements to our school building and grounds. This
school year, we start with great excitement by supplying the Media Center with new
books, classrooms with new technology tools, books and school supplies. These
programs would not be possible without the generous volunteers and families within HES
and HES PTA.
We hope you will support HES PTA by becoming a member, volunteering in any
capacity and attending any of our monthly meetings. Your voice is important to us and
we want to hear your suggestions. While time is a luxury in our busy lives, we believe
supporting your child’s education is always time well spent. Any amount of
volunteering and support you can provide makes a huge difference in our school and,
more importantly, in the eyes of our children.
Be on the lookout for information throughout the year on all of our HES PTA
hosted activities and programs. Regular updates come through several channels,
The Heritage Herald - Announcements and news on upcoming events and activities,
which will be found in your student's Monday Folder
The StormTracker – Bi-annual newsletter with details on happenings at HES
Email notifications
Online – Facebook and HES PTA website (www.heritagepta.net)
Bulletin boards throughout the school
We look forward to meeting you and sincerely appreciate your help, time and
energy in making Heritage Elementary School a great place for our children to learn
and grow.
Kind regards,
Cathy Kopec, President
Heritage Elementary School PTA
HES Student Handbook – Page 2
In the following sections are brief descriptions of areas that will assist us in operating in a
safe, nurturing environment that is conducive to learning.
PARENT VOLUNTEERS - Please note that volunteers must apply each year.
The instruction of our children is a joint effort; active participation by parents is
encouraged. Please speak with your child’s teacher about ways to volunteer inside
and outside the classroom. Volunteering through PTA is another way to become active
in the school. We appreciate your time and expertise.
In order to volunteer, you must complete an on-line application at the school.
The media center has designated computers for you to register any day during the
week from July 7-October 31 from 7:40am-3:00pm. After October 31, the on-line
application is only available on Mondays. If you are applying to be a volunteer for the
first time, the approval process may take up to 3 weeks. If you have been a registered
volunteer in the past, the approval process may take 1 week. We encourage you to
apply as soon as possible.
You child’s homeroom teacher and the PTA will inform you of volunteering
opportunities. The staff has respectfully requested that younger siblings NOT
accompany you while volunteering in the classroom.
School Volunteers (5422 R & P)
5422 R&P
5422 R&P
A. All volunteer applicants will complete an on-line application at a school and must receive
clearance from the Human Resources Department – Employee Relations before beginning
work in a school as a volunteer. WCPSS employees do not need to register as volunteers.
B. A criminal background check, done by the Human Resources Department – Employee
Relations, is required of all volunteers.
C. Volunteer applicants with a criminal history may not be approved for clearance. No
individual will be given clearance to volunteer in the school system if he/she is a registered
sex offender. In addition, a volunteer applicant may be otherwise denied when it is in the
best interest of the school system.
D. Applicants to be volunteer coaches must, in addition, complete the “Support Employee”
application/approval process through the Human Resources Department – Staffing.
HES Student Handbook – Page 3
A volunteer applicant who will transport students in a vehicle must hold a valid driver’s
license and have proof of insurance. In addition, the applicant must receive specific prior
authorization to drive from the Human Resources Department – Employee Relations.
Volunteer applicants with a prior driving record that demonstrates a risk to the safety or well
being of students will not be approved for transporting students.
Volunteers who are transporting students for school-sponsored activities or field trips will be
held responsible for injuries to students and others. Before transporting any student in a
privately owned vehicle, a volunteer must complete Form 1713b, “Notice to Drivers on
School Field Trips,” which certifies that his/her vehicle is covered by insurance as required by
North Carolina state law.
Volunteers must comply with all policies of the Board of Education. In addition, all
volunteers must understand the expectations of the school program, the issue of
confidentiality, and any special procedures required by a particular school.
If the decision is to deny clearance, the volunteer applicant will be notified by letter, which
gives reasons for the denial and describes appeal procedures. The applicant has 14 days
from the date of the letter to appeal the decision and/or to provide any corrections to the
information used to make the determination.
A volunteer may be removed from service at any time based on the best interests of the
school system.
Schools will keep a record of the number of volunteers and their time worked in the school.
The school may be required to report these figures to the school system’s administration.
Issued: December 1993
Revised: May 19, 2005
Revised: October 4, 2010
At Heritage Elementary we are proactive in avoiding issues or concerns;
however, sometimes concerns do arise. I encourage parents to let us know
immediately when you have a concern about your child, a procedure, etc. We
cannot address your concern if we are unaware. When an issue arises, please contact
the school, and avoid calling other parents, as it only heightens anxieties and does not
achieve the desired results.
In the majority of cases, parents should contact the teacher first to arrange a
meeting to discuss the concern. If the problem cannot be resolved at that meeting, the
administration will be glad to assist and/or direct you to the person most qualified to
resolve the problem. Open, direct dialogue between all concerned is the key to
resolving any conflict.
Please note that teachers are not available for unscheduled conferences in the
mornings between 7:40 and 8:10 a.m. If you need to talk with a teacher, please request
a conference by sending in a note or through email. Staff members will return phone
calls and emails within 24-48 hours.
We invite any parent, grandparent, etc. to eat with their child on any day,
except as follows. We ask that parents refrain from coming to school to eat lunch for
HES Student Handbook – Page 4
the first two weeks. This gives children time to become familiar with our routines. Also
during the first two weeks, we are often not on a regular schedule. Your cooperation is
greatly appreciated. The only exception to this is having lunch with your child on his/her
birthday. If your child’s birthday occurs during the first two weeks of the school year, you
may come and have lunch with your child. Please let your child’s teacher know ahead
of time.
Payments to your child’s lunch money account may be made by cash or check.
Checks should be made payable to Heritage Elementary School Lunch Program and
should be given to the cafeteria manager in the mornings. You may pay daily, by the
week or by the month. In addition to payment by check, Wake County offers other
payment options. Parents may prepay their child’s lunch using the following methods:
AutoPay Lunch Money Program – This is a Recurring Program where a set amount of
money is deposited into the student’s lunch account automatically on the 1st of each
month. Once the parent enrolls in the program it continues until cancelled.
On-Line Payment – Parents may pay as often as they wish on an “as needed basis.” The
payments are processed once weekly and the money is deposited into the student’s
lunch account each Monday.
Phone Payment – Parents may call and make payments to the child’s lunch account by
phone. **Payments are processed once weekly and the money is deposited into the
student’s lunch account each Monday.
Full Price 1.00
Reduced Price .30
Full Price 2.00
Reduced Price .40
The cafeteria will put a sticker on the child when she/he has $5 or less than 5
lunches remaining on their account. When a student does not have lunch money
because their account has run out, then we must give them a “vegetable lunch.” This
consists of all you can eat fruits and vegetables. However, as you can imagine, this is
not a favorite of every child. Please try to maintain a balance in your child’s account so
that no one is disappointed at lunchtime.
Food Sharing
Due to the increasing frequency and intensity of allergic reactions that impact students in the
educational environment, students at Heritage Elementary are prohibited from sharing personal
food (snack and lunch). This school policy has been created to prevent possible exposure to
Birthday Snacks
Please work with your child’s homeroom teacher about their preference for birthday snacks.
Teachers need to be notified at least one week in advance if you plan on sending in a special snack.
Snacks may be limited due to students’ allergies and medical conditions. All snacks sent in are to be
approved by your child’s teacher, easily distributed, and must be store bought and packaged per
WCPSS policy. Birthday celebrations resembling a party are prohibited. This included decorations,
balloons, table covings, etc.
Lunch Visitation
Parents and other visitors are welcome to join their child for lunch. Family and friends may either
sit with their child’s class or sit at an available back table. Other students must stay and have lunch
with their class.
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Recess is part of student’s daily instruction and routine. For the safety of all students, as well as
others, we ask that siblings and adults refrain from playground activity during instructional hours.
The school day for students at Heritage is
8:10 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. – Monday through Friday
Carpool students and bus students will report directly to their rooms between
7:40 and 8:10, unless they participate in the breakfast program. In which case, they eat
breakfast and then go to the classroom.
Instruction begins promptly at 8:10 and students must be in the classroom by this
time. If your child arrives on campus after 8:10, he/she must be signed in by a parent in
the office to receive a tardy slip. Should a parent drop his/her child off without signing
them in, he/she will be contacted and asked to return to school. We do not want to
inconvenience any of our parents, but we need to decrease the amount of classroom
disruptions, tardies, and early check-outs from school. It is important for your child to
arrive to school on time, so he/she does not miss any instruction. Frequent tardies have
a negative, cumulative effect on student achievement.
We wanted to take this opportunity to share some information with parents regarding our Attendance
Policy and Tardy/Early Check-out Policy for the 2014-2015 school year. When your child is absent from
school, a note/email regarding the nature of the absence must be provided to the teacher upon returning
to school.
We will follow the NC Compulsory Attendance Law (NC General Statute 115C-378) to keep parents
informed of all unexcused absences. The Attendance Committee will meet every two weeks to monitor
unexcused absences, and will mail out letters to parents regarding students that reach 3, 6, and 10
unexcused absences. Should a student reach 10 unexcused absences, we will ask the parent(s) to come
and meet with the Attendance Committee, and sign a non-mediated contract to assist with improving
attendance at Heritage Elementary School. Please know that when your child reaches 15 absences
(excused or unexcused), we will request medical documentation from you or the absence will remain
Please plan your vacations, medical and dental appointments around your child’s track out to avoid
unexcused absences. Requests for excused educational absences must be approved by Mrs. Abraham,
Principal, and certain requirements must be met prior to getting the educational opportunity approved.
The form, Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons, is available in the Main Office.
Please feel free to contact our School Social Worker at 562-6222 if you have any questions or concerns
regarding attendance, tardies or early check-out policies. Thank you for your support and understanding.
In order to increase student independence following school expectations and
routines, we ask parents to refrain from walking their child to their classroom. Please
drop your child off in carpool and allow them to walk to the classroom on their own.
There are many adults stationed throughout the building to help students find their way.
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During staggered entry week and the first week of kindergarten, you may
accompany your child to the classroom and pick him/her up from the classroom. After
the first full week of school in each respective track, we ask kindergarten parents to
follow the carpool afternoon procedures (see below). With this procedure, you do not
need to come into the building after the FIRST FULL WEEK of school.
Carpoolers will be dismissed at 2:50 p.m. Bus students will be dismissed once their
bus arrives on campus between 2:50 and 3:30). Any change, such as picking up your
child instead of riding the bus MUST be communicated in the form of a note to the
teacher or through a phone call to the office before 2:15 by the custodial parent. We
ask for your cooperation in making changes prior to 2:15. This will eliminate confusion
and possible miscommunication. Without a note or phone call, your child will follow
his/her regular procedure.
For students who participate in off-campus/afterschool childcare, notify the
school and also the day care of any transportation changes.
Parents must be timely in picking up and/or dropping off students.
Your child’s safety and security is our primary concern. If a child is repeatedly
early for school and/or late being picked up in the afternoon, then the parent will be
notified and other arrangements for their morning and/or afternoon schedule will have
to be made. Please be aware of this as you arrange your schedules for the school year.
Staff members will arrive at morning carpool at 7:40. Students can exit their cars
at this time and enter the building.
Kindergarten parents are asked to complete a carpool form at Kindergarten
Meet the Teacher. When you child attends school on their staggered entry day, you will
receive a carpool tag. This tag will be used for the duration of your child’s attendance
at Heritage Elementary School. If you lose your carpool tag, please visit the front office,
and they will issue you a new tag with a different carpool number.
Bus transportation is provided for every child who lives in the Heritage base and
application area. We encourage you to use this service.
If you choose to use the carpool system, please help us in enforcing the carpool
procedures outlined below. With all of us working cooperatively, carpool will be more
efficient for students and parents.
• Parents will be issued a carpool number. Please help your child learn his/her
number. Students will not be released to anyone, including parents, in the
carpool lane without the Heritage ES- issued carpool tag displayed in the car.
HES Student Handbook – Page 7
• Parents should go through the carpool line in the afternoon to get their child,
rather than parking in the front area and coming into the school to get their
• You should not pick up your child early to avoid the carpool line.
• Cell phone use is prohibited when driving through the carpool line. Full
attention needs to be devoted to driving especially with children in the area.
Do not park or drop students off in the bus loading/unloading areas.
Remain in the carpool line rather than parking and walking students in, unless
they are carrying objects/projects they cannot carry themselves, or if you are
• Do not drop students off prior to 7:40 a.m. Early arrivers should remain in their car
until a school official indicates it is time to exit the car at 7:40 a.m.
• Siblings who attend Heritage Middle School cannot be dropped off at Heritage
Elementary and then walk to the middle school and vice versa.
• Drive down along the curb as far as possible to the end of the sidewalk when
dropping off students.
• Due to a limited number of staff members who will be available to assist, students
should open the car doors for themselves when the car comes to a full stop,
rather than waiting to have the doors opened for them.
• Students MUST enter and exit the cars from the curbside.
• Do not pull out and pass cars in front of you.
• Join with neighbors in rotating carpool duties.
All parents are asked to consistently follow the school’s carpool and dismissal
procedures. Consistent procedures allow for orderly, efficient, and safe entry and
dismissal of all students. Please familiarize yourself with the afternoon carpool
procedures on our website. You will be able to view a power point and video
explaining our procedures. www.heritagees.wcpss.net.
Thank you for working with us to keep all of our children safe!
THEREFORE, EARly pickup of your child is discouraged.
However, we realize that occasionally you will need to pick up your child for
doctor appointments, illness, etc. If you are checking out a student early from school,
you will need to let the office staff know the reason for early check out. Please also
keep in mind the following:
 Persons picking up children MUST sign them out in the office. Any restrictions to
persons picking up your child should be communicated to both the teacher and the
office. Also, if there is any other person other than the parent or legal guardian who
has permission to check your child out of school, their name and signature should
be on the STUDENT LOCATOR CARD, which is on file in the school office.
 A photo I.D. is required when checking a student out of school.
 Parents should wait in the office for their child.
 Early pick up should NOT be used as a means to avoid the carpool line.
HES Student Handbook – Page 8
The Wake County School Student Handbook lists the reasons for excused student
absences. Please review them carefully. Also, we would like to remind parents of
several important components of the attendance procedures.
Students must be in attendance at school at least half of the instructional day,
which is 11:40am for them to be counted as “present.”
If you request an “educational absence,” you must complete the Wake County
Request for Excused Absence for Educational Reasons, form and return it to the
office for principal review. The following information should be included on the
form; the nature of the absence, location, and dates, and a connection to your
child’s curriculum. The principal will review this form and approve those that follow
Wake County’s guidelines for “educational absences.” Please note that a planned
trip must have an educational intent from the beginning, correlate with the
curriculum and be an extension of the classroom curriculum activities. Trips to Disney
World, ski trips, cheerleading camps, etc. are not considered excused educational
Please be careful when scheduling trips near testing dates, even if the trip is for an
educational reason, it may not be approved if it occurs during testing windows. A
testing calendar is available on our website (please note that he testing calendar is
subject to change based on state regulations).
An absence is excused under the following conditions: Policy 6000.3
 Illness or injury, where student is unable to attend school.
 Isolation ordered by the State Board of Health or Wake County Health
 Death in the immediate family.
 Medical, dental, or other appointment with a health care provider (send note
from health care provider).
 Court – when student is under subpoena.
 Religious holiday for student’s/parent’s religion.
 Participation in a valid, prior-approved educational opportunity (completed
form is required ahead of time).
Absences not falling under one of these reasons listed above are listed as
Finally, you should send a note to school with your child upon return after each
absence. Absences not classified as excused in 6000.3 are unexcused. The student
is responsible for submitting a note/email signed by the parent citing the reason for
an absence to the principal’s designee (teacher) within two (2) days of the student’s
return to school. It is NOT necessary to call the school when your child is absent; a
note upon return is all that is required.
Without a note, we cannot determine whether or not the absence is excused and
will mark it as an “unexcused” absence. Letters will be mailed to parents of students
who accumulate excessive absences and/or are regularly late to school or
checked out early. This is done as an effort to keep parents informed as well as
comply with WCPSS attendance policy. According to Wake County policy 6000.7,
any student who accumulates 30 or more absences may be retained. Letters are
sent to parents when a child accumulates 3, 6 or 10 unexcused absences, and at 10
HES Student Handbook – Page 9
excused absences. The school social worker is notified when unexcused absences
are deemed excessive.
Excused absences can be requested for educational reasons. Request forms are
available in the Main Office or on the Heritage Elementary School website under the
resources tab, and should be submitted to the Principal at least 14 calendar days
prior the proposed absence. PLEASE NOTE: Absences for educational reasons will be
granted ONLY if (1) the primary purpose of the trip is educational and (2) follows
grade-level curriculum. This is WCPSS board policy.
1. The teacher will determine with worked to be made up following an absence. In
making the determination about class work, the teacher will take into account the
a. Past performance of the student.
b. Circumstances that may have made the unexcused absence unavoidable.
c. Unusual family circumstances.
d. Nature of the specific learning activity.
e. Other issues that the teacher determines to be relevant to the situation.
2. Absences resulting from out-of-school suspensions are considered unexcused, and
the same policy for make-up work applies.
3. School work will be made up for excused absences under the following conditions:
a. If the absence is approved in advance, students will receive make-up work upon
their return to school.
b. Make-up work for absences of 1-3 days, the student will have 1 day for each day
absent. For absences exceeding 3 days, the student may have 2 days for each
day absent to make up work.
4. Parents may make a request to pick up missed work by emailing the teacher or by
calling the Main Office. NOTE: Make-up work will only be available for pick up after
school and you should call before stopping by to pick up the work to be sure it is
Visitors will only be able to enter the building through the front
entrance. Any person (including WCPSS employees) visiting the
school MUST report to the office to sign in and sign out. This includes
parents eating lunch, parent volunteers, Central Office employees, parents coming in
for conferences and all others entering the building. It is imperative to follow the
outlined procedures to help keep our school safe and orderly. Please note that the
front doors are locked until 7:40am for arrival, and locked again at 4:00pm.
Parents should NOT visit in other areas of the school for which
they have not signed in.
HES Student Handbook – Page 10
The Wake County Public School System believes that while parent and
community involvement should be encouraged in our schools, student and staff safety
and protection of instructional time must also be maintained. Parent conferences,
volunteer activities, and visits shall be by appointment only. No individual shall by use of
passive resistance, noise, threat, fear, intimidation, coercion, force, violence, or other
form of conduct cause disruption of any lawful function, mission, or process of the
school. Individuals who fail to follow this policy shall be subject to the restriction or
revocation of visiting privileges.
Please refer to Wake County board policy on the dress code. Policy 6410
While we do not want to dictate what students wear to school, it is important
that they see school as a place for learning and are not being distracted by what
others are wearing. It is for that reason that we ask parents to continue to use their
good judgment with regard to student dress. Some examples of inappropriate dress
would be excessively short or tight garments, halter-tops or bare midriff shirts, exposed
undergarments, sagging pants, hats and bandanas. All shirts need to have straps that
are two fingers wide, and the length of shorts should be as long as the student’s
fingertips with their hands at their sides. Sneakers are highly encouraged for safe
play on the playground and during PE. We ask for your cooperation in helping to set
a proper atmosphere for learning.
If a student’s dress or appearance is such that it constitutes a threat to the health
or safety of others, distracts the attention of other students or staff from their work or
otherwise violates this dress code, the principal or his/her designee will contact the
parents and request that they bring a change of clothes for the student.
Please dress your child appropriately for the weather conditions. It might be
helpful for your child to keep an old jacket or sweatshirt at school.
1. Each year there is the possibility of weather conditions creating unsafe traffic
conditions. When such conditions exist, the schools may be:
a. Closed for one or more days,
b. Have a delayed start, or
c. Dismissed earlier than the normal closing time.
2. Decisions on adjusting schedules are usually made after consulting the weather
service, traffic agencies, and others. Roads, streets, and highways in various areas of
the school district are checked in addition to the above sources of information. In
some situations, action must be based on forecasts by meteorologists.
HES Student Handbook – Page 11
3. As soon as a decision is made by the superintendent of schools, local radio, WCPSS
media resources (Facebook, Twitter, website, etc) and television stations are
notified. On days that the weather may be threatening, please be sure to check
media resources frequently to stay abreast of current conditions. We ask that you
avoid calling the main office, as we try to keep those lines available for emergency
4. If school is delayed one hour or more, breakfast may be served. On days of early
dismissal, lunch may be served. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the principal to
make the final decision.
5. When school is closed for the day, the day(s) missed will be made up on Saturday(s)
as designated by the Board of Education.
In case of inclement weather, all YMCA year-round school programs will operate
according to the Wake County school schedule. For example, if school is dismissed
early due to weather, the YMCA program will be closed.
No one at school may administer medication without a Parent Request and
Physician Order for Medication. The 1702 form is available in the office and the Heritage
Elementary School website under the resources tab. This includes both prescription and
over-the-counter medication. If your child misses a dose of mediation given at home,
no one at school is allowed to administer the missed dose. A parent’s verbal permission
is not sufficient. The parent must come to school to administer the missed dose.
This policy also applies when a student is on a field trip. If a field trip extends
beyond the normal school day, a Physician Order for Medication is required to give the
child medication while on the field trip. A parent’s verbal permission is not sufficient.
You will be notified when your child’s medication is running low. Parents must
check in medication at the front office. Students are not allowed to transport medicine
to school, with the exception of inhalers.
Students with a temp of 100 or higher must be picked up by the
parent/guardian. Students must be fever free for 24 hours without medication before
returning to school. It is recommended that students be kept at home for 24 hours after
their last incident of vomiting. This is in an effort to minimize the spreading of
If a student brings in an item(s) from home, the school is not liable if it is lost or
stolen or broken. If the item from home causes a distraction to the students(s), the item
HES Student Handbook – Page 12
will be confiscated by school staff. For the first infraction, items will be returned at the
end of the day to take home. On the second occurrence, the item will remain at school
until the last day of school. We ask for your cooperation in this matter.
Field trips are planned by your child’s class/grade level to further enhance units
of study. They are intended to be a learning experience. Parents may take the
opportunity to volunteer as a chaperone for one of their child’s field trips. Listed below
are policies and procedures for school-sponsored field trips:
1. Refunds cannot be made for field trips that involve one of the following: (a) a
chartered bus; (b) venues such as theater performances, museum workshops,
or seminars; (c) parents who paid to ride the charter bus but changed their
mind and decided to drive a private vehicle.
2. A “parental consent” form must be signed and returned to school before the
day of the trip for your child to go on the field trip.
3. Parents may volunteer to chaperone for a field trip, but the teacher will
determine the number of chaperones. If there are a large number of
chaperones, teachers will choose using a lottery system. Only approved
volunteers may chaperone.
4. Chaperones are not allowed to ride the yellow school bus. Parents are only
allowed to ride activity buses and/or charter buses.
5. Chaperones are to follow the schedule/directions outlined by the teacher(s).
The purpose of being a chaperone is to assist the teacher and monitor
students. Younger siblings are not allowed to attend fieldtrips. Volunteers
who choose to vary from the field trip schedule and/or do not adequately
supervise students will not be asked to volunteer on future field trips.
6. If you are accompanying the bus in your private vehicle, please keep in mind
that the tour event will begin at the scheduled time and cannot wait for late
7. Students must ride the bus to the fieldtrip. Parents who are traveling in their
private vehicle may wish to transport their child home after the trip. This is
permissible, as long as you complete the dismissal form with the teacher.
The school media center is an integral part of the instructional program of the
school and in many ways becomes an extension of the classroom. Media specialists are
teachers as well as resources to help students and classroom teachers locate
appropriate materials for curriculum support.
The media center is open during regular school hours. The circulation desk opens
for students at 7:40 each morning and closes to students at 2:30 p.m.
HES Student Handbook – Page 13
The Heritage Media Center has an “open circulation” policy, which means that
students may visit the media center throughout the school day with teacher permission.
Books are checked out for two weeks but there is an additional week of grace
before overdue notices begin. A list of overdue books or individual notices may be sent
to teachers or students periodically. Fines are not charged for overdue books. If a book
is damaged or lost, the student will be expected to pay for the book.
Parents are encouraged to check with the teacher about his/her policy
concerning circulation in the Media Center. Parents are also encouraged to volunteer
in the Media Center.
1. Encourage your child to read at home daily.
2. Read to your child as much as possible. It helps children increase their listening
vocabulary by hearing you read books to them that are above their own reading
3. Discuss proper school manners and behavior in the classroom, cafeteria, on the bus,
and playground.
4. Label student’s clothing and supplies.
5. Be sure that your child knows his/her first and last name and parent’s name.
6. Have a transportation plan for your child in case of bad weather. Only bus students
are permitted to ride a bus.
7. The student has a responsibility to take good care of school books, library books,
and recorders. Damage fees will be assessed to cover these items.
8. Any change of address, parent’s place of employment, or child custody issues
should be reported to the school office. Update changes in phone numbers
9. It is important for your child to be present at school during the testing window.
Please avoid scheduling doctor/dental appointments during testing. This also
includes CASE 21. Your child’s teacher will advise you of upcoming testing dates.
10. Parents attending conferences should plan for the supervision of younger siblings.
Sending young children to the playground or Media Center during a conference is
not permissible.
11. The distribution of birthday party invitations at school is not permissible. We ask that
you do NOT send flowers, balloons, etc. to the school for your child to receive during
the instructional day, as there is no room for storage and it creates a distraction for
12. The school does NOT allow anyone to bring in food from non-commercial sources
for classroom celebrations.
13. Gum is NOT permitted at school.
14. Wake County Public School System Email Use – The use of WCPSS email is expected
to be related to the goal of educating students and/or conducting WCPSS business.
Email is a way for you and your child’s teacher to communicate. We respectfully
request, however, that you do NOT send cartoons, jokes, pictures, religious
messages, etc. to teachers.
HES Student Handbook – Page 14
15. Student Internet Use – Students will be given the privilege to use the internet, and are
expected to use it properly. The faculty and staff members of WCPSS may request
that a principal deny, revoke or suspend specific user privileges according to
established discipline procedures.
Track 1
September 5
December 5
March 6
June 2
Track 2
September 26
December 19
March 27
June 30
Track 3
September 26
December 19
March 27
June 30
Track 4
September 26
December 19
March 27
June 30
Students in grades K-5 will receive a quarterly report card. Teachers will schedule
conferences twice a year, typically in the fall and spring. If you need to meet with your
child’s teacher outside of the two conference windows, please set up an appointment
with your child’s teacher.
Grades in art, music, and P.E. are given for first and second semester.
The student performance level is determined with quarterly objectives and
assessment data. Work habits and conduct grades are separate from the student’s
content proficiency.
Level 4 – Extends targeted grade level standards.
Level 3 – Demonstrates proficiency of targeted grade level standards.
Level 2 – Inconsistent and needs support to meet targeted grade level standards.
Level 1 –Insufficient performance of targeted grade level standards with support.
The Rating Scale for Conduct and Work Habits rates students with a 1 through 3,
where students receive
3 – meets expectations
2 – inconsistently meets expectations
1 – does not meet expectations
HES Student Handbook – Page 15
Homework is aligned with the NC Standards and teacher lessons. Any
work given to students has been explained, with examples presented during
Please understand that the times given for homework are guidelines.
However, the length of assignments may vary depending upon projects, tests, or
other variables. If your child consistently takes much longer than the
recommended time to complete homework, please contact your child’s
teacher so a solution can be found.
Finally, understand that homework may not given every day. Your child’s
teacher sets guidelines that have been explained to students and
communicated to you. Also, work that is given over time such as projects or
research may affect whether or not students have work each evening. It is
helpful, of course, if students do a little bit of work at a time, rather than waiting
until the day before project/work is due.
Reading 20 minutes per day by the parent or child.
Other assignments may be sent home as the year
20 minutes per day
50 minutes per day
HES Student Handbook – Page 16
Bus transportation is a service provided for students who live in our
transportation district. Drivers are hired and bus routes are established by the
Wake Forest-Rolesville Transportation District, a subset of the Wake County Public
Schools Transportation Department. To request a change in your assigned stop,
please fill out a request form available on the Wake County Public School
System’s website at www.wcpss.net.
NOTE: Bus drivers will NOT discharge a kindergarten or 1st
grade student at a stop unless a responsible person is present at the
stop for that particular student.
If your child is transported by bus and in the event you need
him/her to go home a different way, please NOTE Transportation
does not allow students to ride a different bus home, or to a friend or
family member’s home. Your child would have to take their regular
bus home, or arrangements should be made to have him/her picked
up in carpool. Any change in transportation must be called into the
office or send in a note to the teacher.
Students are expected to obey all bus safety rules as explained in the
Wake County’s K-5 Handbook. In the event that a bus safety rule is violated, the
driver submits to the principal or assistant principal a discipline referral. The
administrator investigates the referral by talking with the child and any witnesses
to the event. A discipline notice describing the event and its consequences will
be sent to the parents in the mail or by the student. After several infractions
within a school year, a child may be suspended off the bus. Students must
follow the outlined rules for their safety and the safety of others.
All teachers go over bus safety rules during the first week of school.
Additionally, a bus emergency exit drill is conducted during the first week of
school for each track. Please support us by emphasizing to your child the
importance of adhering to the safety rules on the bus.
From time to time buses may break down, get behind traffic, have a
substitute driver, etc., any of which may make the bus late. When a bus is
running late in the morning, Heritage Elementary is NOT notified, therefore, we
are not aware of the problem. If a bus hasn’t arrived within 15 minutes of your
usual pick-up time, please call transportation at 919-805-3030.
HES Student Handbook – Page 17
Heritage Elementary School
All students are responsible for complying with and are expected to be familiar
with the WCPSS Code of Student Conduct and school board policies governing
student behavior and conduct. All Code of Student Conduct policies are
contained in the WCPSS Student/Parent Handbook, which is distributed to all
students and parents at the beginning of each school year or upon enrollment
in the WCPSS. If there is a conflict between the rules expressed in this
handbook/agenda/planner and the Code of Student Conduct policies, the
WCPSS Code of Student Conduct policies shall take precedence.
Todos los estudiantes son responsables por el cumplimiento y el conocimiento
del Código de Conducta Estudiantil y de todas las políticas de la Junta Escolar
que gobiernan el comportamiento y la conducta estudiantil. Todas las políticas
del Código de Conducta Estudiantil se encuentran en el manual de WCPSS de
Estudiantes/Padres, el cual se distribuye a todos los padres y estudiantes al
principio de cada año escolar o al matricularse en el WCPSS. Si hay un
conflicto entre las reglas expresadas en este manual de Estudiantes/Padres y el
manual/agenda/planificador de la escuela de su hijo(a) las reglas expresadas
en este manual deben tomar prioridad.
INTRODUCTION: Heritage Elementary has received state-wide recognition as a PBIS school
(Positive Behavior Intervention and Support). PBIS sustains a positive social culture and
an effective learning environment for all students.
An effective school climate is one that is nurturing, safe, and conducive to learning. In
establishing a discipline policy, it is important to focus on encouraging students to make
good choices and being responsible for their behavior. In making these decisions,
students learn that there are rewards and consequences for their actions. Our job as
educators and parents is to guide students towards appropriate choices and to assist
them in learning from their mistakes. Within this framework, teachers certainly have the
leeway to establish a variety of individualized behavior management plans that support
the school’s philosophy. The goal is to provide school-wide consistency for an optimal
learning environment.
Please keep the following in mind when reading the policy:
1. All staff will be implementing the policy. It is important that we are consistent and
uniform in its application.
2. Due process with students will be followed at all times. An investigation will be
conducted by the administration. This will include speaking with all students
HES Student Handbook – Page 18
3. Parents will be informed and communicated with concerning most instances of
infractions. We will not send notes home or call for every Minor infraction. At any
Major-level infraction or an infraction resulting in suspension, the parent will be
notified by note or phone. Deficiency Conduct Reports that document infractions do
not become part of the child’s permanent record. They are maintained in the office
and used to guide our PBIS program.
4. Bullying is ….If your child feels that he/she is being bullied; please encourage your
child to report it to their teacher, guidance counselor or administration. If your child
does not feel comfortable reporting the bullying, please contact administration
immediately. Bullying and harassment will not be tolerated at Heritage Elementary.
Please take time to read the policy included in the handbook and discuss it with your
child. Much emphasis should be given to the Harassment/bullying policies as you
discuss behavior expectations with your child. Also, PLEASE RETURN THE PORTION ON THE
signature does not indicate agreementsimply that you have read and understand
the policy.
Have respect for all.
HES Schoolwide Expectations
Everyone is accountable. Show safe and responsible actions.
MINOR acts of misconduct are typically handled by the classroom teacher or staff
member that observed the incident.
INSTANCES OF MINOR INFRACTIONS (may include but are not limited to):
Inappropriate language
Physical contact
Property misuse
Time Out
Loss of privileges
e. Parent contact
f. Conference with student
g. Other
MAJOR: Continued or aggravated instances of Minor misconduct and/or more serious
misconduct is addressed as a Major.
INSTANCES OF MAJOR INFRACTIONS (may include but are not limited to):
Fighting/physical aggression
Abusive/inappropriate (verbal/written) language
Dress code violation
HES Student Handbook – Page 19
Property damage
Skip class/truancy
Time in office
Conference with student
Individualized instruction
Loss of privilege
Bus suspension
In-school suspension
Out-of-school suspension
Parent contact
HES Student Handbook – Page 20