Pathfinder Star Trek

Pathfinder Star Trek
Ability Scores
Each character has six ability scores that represent his character's most basic
attributes. They are his raw talent and prowess. While a character rarely rolls
a check using just an ability score, these scores, and the modifiers they create,
affect nearly every aspect of a character's skills and abilities. Each ability score
generally ranges from 3 to 18 when rolled 3d6, although racial bonuses and
penalties can alter this; an average ability score is 10. This Game Master
encourages using 2d6+10, when rolling up characters. This promises the
player a range of 12 to 22, and takes into consideration any racial bonuses or
Table: Ability Modifiers
Ability Score
The Abilities
Each ability score partially describes your character and affects some of his actions.
Strength (Str)
Table: Carrying Capacity
Strength Score
Light Load
Medium Load
Heavy Load
3 lbs. or less
4–6 lbs.
7–10 lbs.
6 lbs. or less
7–13 lbs.
14–20 lbs.
10 lbs. or less
11–20 lbs.
21–30 lbs.
13 lbs. or less
14–26 lbs.
27–40 lbs.
16 lbs. or less
17–33 lbs.
34–50 lbs.
20 lbs. or less
21–40 lbs.
41–60 lbs.
23 lbs. or less
24–46 lbs.
47–70 lbs.
26 lbs. or less
27–53 lbs.
54–80 lbs.
30 lbs. or less
31–60 lbs.
61–90 lbs.
33 lbs. or less
34–66 lbs.
67–100 lbs.
38 lbs. or less
39–76 lbs.
77–115 lbs.
43 lbs. or less
44–86 lbs.
87–130 lbs.
50 lbs. or less
51–100 lbs.
101–150 lbs.
58 lbs. or less
59–116 lbs.
117–175 lbs.
66 lbs. or less
67–133 lbs.
134–200 lbs.
76 lbs. or less
77–153 lbs.
154–230 lbs.
86 lbs. or less
87–173 lbs.
174–260 lbs.
100 lbs. or less
101–200 lbs.
201–300 lbs.
116 lbs. or less
117–233 lbs.
234–350 lbs.
133 lbs. or less
134–266 lbs.
267–400 lbs.
153 lbs. or less
154–306 lbs.
307–460 lbs.
173 lbs. or less
174–346 lbs.
347–520 lbs.
200 lbs. or less
201–400 lbs.
401–600 lbs.
233 lbs. or less
234–466 lbs.
467–700 lbs.
266 lbs. or less
267–533 lbs.
534–800 lbs.
306 lbs. or less
307–613 lbs.
614–920 lbs.
346 lbs. or less
347–693 lbs.
694–1,040 lbs.
400 lbs. or less
401–800 lbs.
801–1,200 lbs.
466 lbs. or less
467–933 lbs.
934–1,400 lbs.
Strength measures muscle and physical power. This ability is important for those who
engage in hand-to-hand (or “melee”) combat. Strength also sets the maximum
amount of weight your character can carry. A character with a Strength score of 0 is
too weak to move in any way and is unconscious. Some creatures do not possess a
Strength score and have no modifier at all to Strength-based skills or checks.
Dexterity (Dex)
Dexterity measures agility, reflexes, and balance. This ability is the most important
one for thieves, but it's also useful for characters who wear light or medium armor or
no armor at all. This ability is vital for characters seeking to excel with ranged
weapons, such as the bow or sling. A character with a Dexterity score of 0 is
incapable of moving and is effectively immobile (but not unconscious).
Constitution (Con)
Constitution represents your character's health and stamina. A Constitution bonus
increases a character's hit points, so the ability is important for all classes. Their
modifier is +0 for any Constitution-based checks. A character with a Constitution
score of 0 is dead.
Intelligence (Int)
Intelligence determines how well your character learns and reasons. Creatures of
animal-level instinct have Intelligence scores of 1 or 2. Any creature capable of
understanding speech has a score of at least 3. A character with an Intelligence score
of 0 is comatose. Some creatures do not possess an Intelligence score. Their modifier
is +0 for any Intelligence-based skills or checks.
Wisdom (Wis)
Wisdom describes a character's willpower, common sense, awareness, and intuition. If
you want your character to have acute senses, put a high score in Wisdom. Every
creature has a Wisdom score. A character with a Wisdom score of 0 is incapable of
rational thought and is unconscious.
Charisma (Cha)
Charisma measures a character's personality, personal magnetism, ability to lead, and
appearance. Every creature has a Charisma score. A character with a Charisma score
of 0 is not able to exert himself in any way and is unconscious.
Federation Races
Alpha Centaurian
Medium: As Medium creatures, Alpha Centaurians have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
Alpha Centaurian base land speed is 30 feet.
Human-like Races: Alpha Centaurians go through character creation just like
Automatic Languages: Centaurian.
Bonus Languages: Galactic and those allowed by the characters class.
+2 Strength; -2 Charisma. Andorians are stronger on average than Humans,
but are less charismatic.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Andorians have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
Andorian base land speed is 30 feet.
+4 species bonus to Fortitude saves when dealing with cold and cold-based
 +4 species bonus to Listen checks. Andorian antennae are extremely sensitive
to sound.
 Bonus Feat: Alertness.
 Danger Sense (Ex): Because of their antennae, Andorians have an
extraordinary ability that allows them to have a sixth sense about things.
Andorians can roll a Wisdom check against a DC 25; if they succeed then they
know the general size, location, speed, and direction of movement of an object.
 An Andorian’s sixth sense will not usually reveal any information about the
object’s shape. Once an Andorian has sensed something, he may target it with
a ranged or melee attack (taking the same penalties on the attack roll as there
were on the sense roll, but never a bonus). This ability is modified by the
Alertness feat.
 Automatic Languages: Andorian.
 Bonus Languages: Galacta.
 +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence; -2 Strength. Arcadians are more agile than
Humans and they are capable learners. Arcadians are not as strong as
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Arcadians have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
 Arcadian base land speed is 15 feet; base swim speed is 30 feet.
 Arcadians gain a +8 species bonus on any Swim check to perform some special
action or avoid a hazard. They can move through water at their swim speed
without making Swim checks. An Arcadian can always choose to take 10 on a
Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. An Arcadian can use the run
action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
 Communal Consciousness, Arcadian (Psi-Like Ability): Arcadians gain a +1
species bonus on Intelligence-based skill checks and Intelligence-based ability
checks when in the presence of one other Arcadian, up to a maximum of +4 for
four other Arcadians (Range: 60 feet).
 Hold Breath (Ex): An Arcadian can hold its breath for a number of rounds
equal to 4 x its Constitution score.
 Limited Photosynthesis (Ex): Arcadians can produce life-sustaining energy
through photosynthesis. When carbon dioxide, water, and light are available,
Arcadians can use photosynthesis to create carbohydrates for energy.
Arcadians use this as a supplemental energy source, thereby reducing their
daily energy requirement from ingested food by half. When photosynthesis
cannot be used in this way, Arcadians have the same ingested food
requirements as other humanoids. To benefit from the effects of limited
photosynthesis, an Arcadian must be exposed to eight hours of artificial light
or four hours of natural light per day.
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Arcadians can see twice as far as a Human in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They
retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Automatic Languages: Arcadian.
Bonus Languages: Galacta.
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution; -2 Dexterity, -2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Arctuians
are on average stronger and hardier than Humans. Their physiology, however,
results in Arcturians being less agile and less charismatic. Due to their
accelerated maturation, Arcturians have lower wisdom than average Humans.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Arcturians have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
Arcturian base land speed is 30 feet.
+4 species bonus on Fortitude saves when dealing with poisons (ingested,
topical or inhaled) and radiation. Arcturians are exceptionally hardy.
+2 skill points at 1st level. Due to all Arcturians being genetically similar,
standardized education has resulted in efficient teaching.
Bonus Feat: Improved Natural Healing.
Dull Senses: Arcturians lack the sensory range of Humans. Smell, taste, touch,
hearing, and vision are all well below Human average. Arcturians receive a –2
species penalty on all Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot skill checks. They
also receive this penalty on all ranged attacks and Initiative checks.
Regeneration: Arcturian (Ex): Arcturians can regenerate missing body parts
over time (arms, legs, outer ear, etc.). The amount of time for complete
regeneration depends on the body part being regenerated and should be
determined by the GM, but generally would not exceed ten standard days for
one limb.
Tough Skin: Arcturian skin is tough, granting a damage reduction of 2/-.
Automatic Languages: Arcturian.
Bonus Languages: Galactic.
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution; - 4 Dexterity, -2 Charisma.
Large: As large creatures, Ariolo have a –1 penalty to attack and defense due
to their size. They have a –4 species penalty to Hide checks.
Ariolo base land speed is 60 feet.
 Bonus Feat: Run. Being quadrupeds, running comes naturally to Ariolo.
 Scent (Ex): Ariolo can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and
track by sense of smell. Ariolo can identify familiar odors just as Humans do
familiar sights. Ariolo can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If
the opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops
to 15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at
twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents can be detected at triple
normal range. When a scent is detected, the exact location of the source is not
revealed—only its presence somewhere within range. An Ariolo can take a
move action to note the direction of the scent.
 Whenever an Ariolo comes within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the
source’s location.
 Low-Light Vision (Ex): Ariolo can see twice as far as a Human in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They
retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
 Automatic Languages: Ariolon.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic.
 Arkenites
 +2 Dexterity; -2 Charisma. Arkenites are more agile than humans while in
their native environment (see below). Certain engrained attitudes toward
others make Arkenites less charismatic than Humans.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Arkenites have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Arkenite base land speed is 30 feet.
 Anlac’ven: Arkenites suffer a –4 penalty to Dexterity when not on their
homeworld of Arken II due to being so attuned to their own planet’s magnetic
field. To counteract this negative effect, Arkenites have developed the
Anlca’ven. When this U-shaped device is worn over the head, it creates a tiny
 magnetic field that provides an Arkenite with a false sense of balance. As long
as this device is worn, the –4 penalty to Dexterity is negated. The device is so
sensitive that while worn it also grants an Arkenite a +2 bonus on Reflex
saves, +2 bonus to Balance skill checks, and a +2 bonus on Navigate skill
checks and Survival skill checks used to keep from getting lost.
 Blindsense (Ex): Using non-visual senses based on specialized organs, an
Arkenite notices things it cannot see. Arkenites usually do not need to make a
Perception check to pinpoint the location of a creature within 60 feet,
provided that it has line of effect to that creature. Any opponent an Arkenite
cannot see still has total concealment (50% miss chance) against the Arkenite
and the Arkenite still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that
have concealment. Visibility still affects the movement of an Arkenite. An
Arkenite is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Defense against attacks from
creatures it cannot see.
Nearsighted: Arkenite vision loses focus 25 feet away. Arkenites can read
large text at long distance and while they can still determine colors and
distinct shapes, details are blurred.
Social Grouping: To Arkenites, physiological differences between sentient
species are meaningless. However, Arkenites as a race tend to mentally group
together individuals with like social traits such as career, allegiance, social
standing, etc. This grouping affects Arkenite social interactions with other
species. An Arkenite suffers a –2 species penalty to all Diplomacy skill checks
when dealing with a being that is not a member of its own group. Arkenites
can mentally form more than one group and automatically consider members
of the Federation as part of a large, extended group. However, this causes
Arkenites to be extremely suspicious of non-Federation races. Arkenites
receive a –4 species penalty to all Diplomacy skill checks when dealing with a
non-Federation race.
Automatic Languages: Arkenite.
Bonus Languages: Galactic.
+2 Charisma. As a whole, Betazoids are a friendly and open species.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Betazoids have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
Betazoid base land speed is 30 feet.
Bonus Skills: Empathy and Telepathy. Betazoids receive these skills as class
skills regardless of whether they meet the prerequisites for the skills.
Automatic Languages: Betazoid.
Bonus Languages: Galactic.
+2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence. They are blue humanoids with a bifurcating
ridge running across their read and halfway down their body. Bolians usually
have a good disposition, though they are not known for their intelligence or
their ambition.
Medium Sized Beings: There in no special bonuses or penalties due to their
Bolian base land speed is 30ft.
Automatic Language: Bolian
 Bonus Languages: Galactic
Bzzit Khaht
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution; -2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma. Bzzit Khaht is on
average stronger and hardier than Humans. Their physiology, however,
results in Bzzit Khaht being less agile and less charismatic.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Bzzit Khaht has no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
Bzzit Khaht base land speed is 30 feet; base swim speed is 15 feet.
Bonus Feat: Alertness. Bzzit Khaht have exceptional hearing and olfactory
Amphibious: Bzzit Khaht can breathe air and water equally well. Bzzit Khaht
gains a +8 species bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or
avoid a hazard. They can move through water at their swim speed without
making Swim checks. Bzzit Khaht can always choose to take 10 on a Swim
check, even if distracted or endangered. A Bzzit Khaht can use the run action
while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
Empathy, Bzzit Khaht (Psi-Like Ability): Bzzit Khaht gains a +2 species bonus
on Diplomacy and Sense Motive checks when dealing with members of their
own race.
Low-Light Vision (Ex): Bzzit Khaht can see twice as far as a Human in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They
retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
Dehydration: If a Bzzit Khaht does not soak its skin at least once a day for one
hour in water other than salt or seawater, it suffers one point of Constitution
damage each day until its skin is soaked. In an especially dry environment, the
Bzzit Khaht may suffer this damage more often.
Automatic Languages: Bzzit Khaht.
Bonus Languages: Galactic.
+4 Dexterity, +2 Charisma. Caitians have remarkable agility and are more
charismatic on average than Humans.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Caitians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
Caitian base land speed is 40 feet.
+2 species bonus on Listen and Move Silently skill checks.
Bonus Feat: Alertness. Caitians have exceptional hearing and olfactory senses.
 Low-Light Vision (Ex): Caitians can see twice as far as a Human in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They
retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
 Automatic Languages: Caitian.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic.
 +4 Strength, +2 Charisma. Cygnians are the second strongest member race in
the Federation behind Vulcans. Cygnians are also exotic and alluring to most
humanoids. Their race is all female, and used to capture mates, before they
joined the Federation.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Cygnians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Cygnian base land speed is 30 feet.
 Bonus Feat: Gearhead. The natural technical inclination of Cygnans is a trait
shared by the whole species.
 Technical Aptitude: Cygnians receive a +4 species bonus on Repair checks
dealing with technological devices.
 Automatic Languages: Cygnian.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Deltans have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Deltan base land speed is 30 feet.
 Deltan Talents: Regardless of class, a Deltan can choose from the following
species specific talents anytime it can choose a new talent as long as it meets
the prerequisites:
 Control Pain: As a full-round action, Deltans can attempt to remove the dazed,
stunned, or unconscious condition from a creature and heal 1 hit point of
damage (Wisdom check vs. DC 12). A successful check removes the condition
from the affected character. A Deltan cannot revive an unconscious character
that is at –1 hit points or lower without first stabilizing the character.
Prerequisite: Character level 1.
 Mind Link, Deltan: Deltans may establish a psionic link with any mate. This
link remains in effect until ended by either party. As a full round action, either
party may transfer the emotions that he or she is experiencing to the other.
Deltans receiving the emanations can actually identify people and events by
the exact emotional reaction felt by the sender. The person receiving has no
control over what is received and breaking the link requires a DC 15 Will save.
The range of this ability is approximately 5,000 miles. Prerequisite: Character
level 1.
Psionic Charm: Deltan charisma is the result of a latent psionic effect coupled
with complex phenomenal cues. Deltans have the ability to channel this
charisma to influence, and in some cases manipulate, others. By spending one
action point during this full round action, a Deltan can attempt to make a
humanoid creature regard it as its trusted friend and ally (treat the target’s
attitude as friendly). If the creature is currently being threatened or attacked
by the Deltan or its allies, it receives a +5 bonus to its Will save (Will save
negates; see GM Notes below). The charm doesn't not enable the Deltan to
control the creature as if it were an automaton, but it perceives the Delran’s
words and actions in the most favorable way. A Deltan can try to give the
subject orders, but it must win an opposed Charisma check to convince the
creature to do anything it wouldn’t ordinarily do. (Retries are not allowed.) An
affected creature never obeys any suicidal or obviously harmful orders. Any
act by the Deltan or its apparent allies that threatens the affected creature
breaks the effect. The Deltan must speak one of a creature’s known languages
to communicate commands, or else be good at pantomiming. This special
ability is one that is forbidden by the Oath of Celibacy– required to be taken by
Deltans serving in Starfleet. Prerequisite: Character level 2. GM Notes: If the
targeted creature rolls a natural 1 on its Will save, it becomes obsessed with the
Deltan. This obsession may manifest as stalking, kidnapping, murder-suicide, or
similar pathological disorders.
Terminus (Ex): Deltans can place themselves into a state that is impossible to
distinguish from death, or they can appear to be in a coma or deep sleep.
Although able to smell, hear, and know what is going on, the Deltan is blind
and has no sense of touch or pain. The condition lasts for one hour per
character level safely. However, for every 30 minutes that a Deltan exceeds
the safe limit of the coma, sleep or deathlike state, it must make a DC 15
fortitude save. Each subsequent 30 minute extension increases the Difficulty
Class by +4. Prerequisite: Character level 1.
Automatic Languages: Deltan
Bonus Language: Galactic
+2 Intelligence, -2 Strength. They have facial ridges on their forehead as well
as going down their back along their spine similar yet significantly larger than
Vulcans. Denobulans have tongues approximately 8 inches long as well as a
unique ability to expand their facial muscles on command such as an earth
blow-fish. This ability is most likely a vestigial technique used when
Medium: As Medium sized species, Denobulans have no special bonuses or
penalties do to their sized.
Denobulan base land speed is 30ft
Denobulans gain a +5 to any craft check due to their resourcefulness.
Hibernation; Once a year (minimum), or on demand, a Denobulan may slow
their metabolism to a near-death-like state of hibernation. This effect takes an
hour of concentration to prepare and lasts for 1d4+2 days. Natural revival
from the hibernating state takes 1+1d4 hours. Only a hormonal chemical
injection can prematurely disturb the hibernation process, however, this
makes them extremely delirious for 1d4 hours.
Automatic Languages: Denobulan, and one extra language
Bonus Languages: Galactic
+4 Dexterity, -2 Constitution. Edosians are very dexterous, but are less hardy
than Humans. Edosians have three arms and three legs and that influences
their speed and Dexterity.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Edosians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
Edosian base land speed is 35 feet.
+2 species bonus on Craft (mechanical), Craft (structural), and Craft (visual
arts) checks. Edosians are renowned for their aptitude in these skills.
Bonus Feat: Multidexterity.
Automatic Languages: Edosian.
Bonus Languages: Galactic
+2 Strength. Efrosians are stronger on average than Humans. Medium: As
Medium creatures, Efrosians have no special bonuses or penalties due to their
Efrosian base land speed is 30 feet.
+4 species bonus to Fortitude saves when dealing with cold and cold based
+4 species bonus to Navigate skill checks and Survival skill checks used to
keep from getting lost. Efrosians have a highly developed sense of direction
and can instinctively know correct courses.
Bonus Skills: Navigate. Efrosians receive this as a class skill regardless of class.
 Intuitive Healing (Ex): Efrosians receive a +4 species bonus on all Treat Injury
skill checks. In addition, Efrosians may attempt a Treat Injury skill check at a –
4 circumstance penalty, effectively nullifying the species bonus, when without
a medical kit when one is usually necessary (thus the base target Difficulty
Class would be the ones indicated in the Treat Injury skill description in the
d20 Modern Core Rulebook). This ability extends to surgery attempts using
Treat Injury without a surgery kit, as long as an Efrosian has at least a medical
 Automatic Languages: Efrosian.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic
 DEX -2, WIS+2, CHA +2. Their facial features include a pronounced, deeply
furrowed brow and a bovine snout. A layer of fine, downy fur covers their
hide-thick skin.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Grazerites have no special bonuses or
penalties due to their size.
 Grazerite base land speed is 30 feet.
 Grazerites receive a +2 bonus on all Listen and Spot checks.
 Grazerites gain a +2 bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Gather Information
 After initiative is rolled but before they take their first action in combat, a
Grazerite must make a Will saving throw (DC 15). If you fail the Will save, they
are shaken for the rest of the encounter, taking a –2 penalty on attack rolls,
saving throws, and skill checks. If the save succeeds, they overcome their
moment of fear and negate the ill effects.
 Gore Attack: If forced a Grazerite may use their horns in a gore attack that
deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage. If they get multiple attacks in a round, they
can gore multiple times. Their horns are treated as natural weapons and do
not provoke attacks of opportunity.
 Automatic Languages: Grazerite.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic.
 DEX +2, CON+2, WILL +2 CHA +2. Externally, they are distinguished by the
fact that their foreheads have a slight bulge above each eyebrow. They also
have a distinctive crevice between the brows, on the bridge of the nose.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Haitians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Haliian base land speed is 30 feet.
 Haliians gain a +2 bonus on all Handle Animal checks and Ride checks.
 Haliians can detect opponents by sense of smell, generally within 30 feet. If
the opponent is upwind, the range is 60 feet. If it is downwind, the range is 15
feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at twice
the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents can be detected at three times
these ranges.
 The Haliian detects another creature’s presence but not its specific location.
Noting the direction of the scent is a move action. If it moves within 5 feet of
the scent’s source, the Haliian can pinpoint that source.
 Psionic Talent: Empathy
 Automatic Languages: Haliian.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Humans have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Human base land speed is 30 feet.
 Human: Humans go through character creation without modification.
 Automatic Languages: Terran.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic.
 +2 Wisdom, -2 Charisma. Joridian psionic abilities make Joridians more
insightful on average than Humans. However, Joridians are reclusive as a
whole and are not as well attuned socially to non-Joridians.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Joridians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Joridian base land speed is 30 feet.
 Bonus Feat: Non-Verbal Telepathy. Joridians receive this feat regardless of
whether they meet the prerequisite for the feat.
 Bonus Skills: Empathy and Telepathy. Joridians receive these skills as class
skills regardless of whether they meet the prerequisites for the skills.
 Mute: Joridians lack vocal chords and thus cannot speak verbally. They can,
however, learn Speak Language for any language normally accessible to
humanoids, albeit the speaking is done telepathically.
 Automatic Languages: Joridian.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic
 +4 Strength. Kaferians are stronger than Humans and more resistant, DR +2/-.
 Medium: As medium being, Kaferians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Kaferian base land speed is 40 feet.
 +4 species bonus to Fortitude saves against poisons. Kaferian physiology is
very resistant to poisons that affect humanoids.
 Blindsense (Ex): Using non-visual senses based on specialized organs, a
Kaferian notices things it cannot see. Kaferians usually do not need to make
Perception checks to pinpoint the location of a creature within 60 feet
provided that it has line of effect to that creature. Any opponent a Kaferian
cannot see still has total concealment (50% miss chance) against the Kaferian
and the Kaferian still has the normal miss chance when attacking foes that
have concealment. Visibility still affects the movement of a Kaferian. A
Kaferian is still denied its Dexterity bonus to Defense against attacks from
creatures it cannot see.
 Chemoreception (Ex): Via pheromones, Kaferians can automatically identify
members of their own colony at up to 2,000 feet away and gain a +4 species
bonus to Renown checks to identify other Kaferians not members of their
colony. Even if the individual is not recognized, the individual’s colony will be
recognized under normal circumstances as long as the Kaferian has had
contact with a member of the other colony or otherwise been exposed to the
other colony’s pheromones (90% base chance). Kaferians automatically
succeed on any Survival skill check used to track another Kaferian due to
phenomenal clues left behind on stationary objects such as walls, bushes, or
even bare ground unless attempts have been made to cover up or remove
those clues. Kaferians can also signal danger to other Kaferians by emitting
warning pheromones. Signaling danger is a free action. The pheromones
travel at 150 feet each round and project outward in a radius centered on the
Kaferian for up to 2,000 feet. Strong winds and adverse weather have little
effect on the potent pheromones and often a Kaferian will leave pheromone
markers on stationary objects. Pheromones in calm air linger for 1d4+1 hours
and can last up to 2d4 days on objects.
 Compound Eyes: This feature of Kaferian anatomy gives Kaferians a +2
species bonus on Spot checks.
 Scent (Ex): Kaferians can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes,
and track by sense of smell via their antennae. Kaferians can identify familiar
odors just as Humans do familiar sights.
 Kaferians can detect opponents within 30 feet by sense of smell. If the
opponent is upwind, the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops to
15 feet. Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting garbage, can be detected at
twice the ranges noted above. Overpowering scents can be detected at triple
normal range. When a scent is detected, the exact location of the source is not
revealed-only its presence somewhere within range. A Kaferian can take a
move action to note the direction of the scent. Whenever a Kaferian comes
within 5 feet of the source, it pinpoints the source’s location.
Automatic Languages: Kaferian.
Bonus Languages: Galactic (-10 to speaking in any other language besides
their own.)
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution. Rigellians are large humanoids, often reaching
seven feet or more in height, and are renowned for their strength and stamina.
Due to the unusually high UV output of their sun, Rigellians are darkly
pigmented. Their skin features a kind of dermal tattooing which shows up as a
network of blue lines covering the entire body in a random pattern, and their
body hair is often a stark white in coloring.
Rigellians base land speed is 30 feet.
Bonus Feats: Rigellians gain the bonus feats of Combat Reflexes and Improved
Natural Healing.
Free Language Skills: Rigellian.
Bonus Languages: Galactic, but any language the character can learn.
Other Modifiers: Rigellians have a DR 12 vs. ultraviolet radiation. Rigellians
are known for always telling the truth; it is against their culture to lie for any
reason. It is possible for them to overcome this with a Will roll, but they have
to beat a DC 22.
+2 Strength, +2 Constitution. Saurians are stronger and hardier than Humans.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Saurians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
Saurian base land speed is 30 feet.
+2 species bonus to Fortitude saves. With a cardiovascular system containing
four hearts, Saurians are extremely hardy.
Immunities (Ex): Saurians can breathe several different types of gases that
would be instantly fatal to most humanoids. This makes them extremely
useful on exploratory missions and landing parties. Saurians can survive the
atmospheric composition of Class C, E, F, G, H, K, L, M, N, and O worlds under
most circumstances.
 Low-Light Vision (Ex): A Saurian can see twice as far as a Human in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They
retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
 Automatic Languages: Saurian.
 Bonus Languages: Galacta.
 +2 Strength; +2 Constitution; -2 Charisma.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Tellarites have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Tellarite base land speed is 25 feet.
 Tellarites gain a +4 species bonus on Will saves when faced with situations
that would normally frighten others.
 Tellarites receive a +2 species bonus to Repair, Trade and Commerce, and
Value Estimation skill checks.
 Furred Hide: The tough, furred skin of Tellarites grant a damage reduction of
 Automatic Languages: Tellarite.
 Bonus Languages: Galacta.
 +2 to Charisma. Tiburonians are naturally easy-going and relate well with
 Tiburonians are very similar in appearance to humans, but slightly taller on
average. They have scalloped, elaborately shaped ears. Males are often bald.
 Tiburonians are known for two things: hedonistic tendencies and great
expertise with technology, particularly in the areas of robotics.
 Tiburonians tend to make good explorers, science officers and negotiators.
They have a sly sense of humor and prefer to solve problems with the most
labor-efficient solution possible. They don't consider themselves to be great
fighters, only resorting to violence as a last resort.
 Technologically Adept: +2 bonus on all skill rolls involving technology,
particularly in the area of robotics.
 Weak Immune System: Tiburonians are not as hardy as other species. -2 to all
rolls to resist diseases, poisons and fatigue.
 Automatic Languages: Tiburonian.
 Bonus Languages: Galacta.
 +4 Strength, +2 Intelligence.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Vulcans have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Vulcan base land speed is 30 feet.
 +4 species bonus to Fortitude saves when dealing with heat and heat-based
attacks. +4 species bonus to Will save when faced with any fear checks or
 +2 species bonus on Mind Meld, Listen, Knowledge (all), Technology and
Computer Use skill checks.
 Bonus Feats: Improved Natural Healing, Nerve Pinch and Psionic Talent. In
addition, at any time a Vulcan character is capable of learning a new feat, it
may chose from Archaic Weapons Proficiency and Photographic Memory
regardless of the prerequisites required. This feat replaces the feat it would
normally be able to gain for the level.
 Logical (Ex): Vulcans cannot be fazed and are allowed to take 20 on skill
checks while under fire.
 Truthful: Vulcans are known for always telling the truth; it is against their
cultural imperative to lie for any reason. It is possible for a Vulcan to
overcome this with a Will roll, but it must beat a DC 22.
 Automatic Languages: Vulcan.
 Bonus Languages: Galacta.
 +0 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +0 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +2 Wisdom*. These
adjustments reflect a Xelatian in its natural water medium. (Ability modifiers
reflect a Xelatian in a water medium. Xelatians in an anti-gravity harness have
the following adjustments, subtract from the modifiers above: -2 Strength, -4
Dexterity, -2Constitution.)
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Xelatians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size. Xelatian base land speed is 25 feet**; base swim speed is 60
 Xelatians gain a +8 species bonus on any Swim check to perform some special
action or avoid a hazard. They can move through water at their swim speed
without making Swim checks. A Xelatian can always choose to take 10 on a
Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. An Arcadian can use the run
action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line.
 Communal Consciousness, Xelatian (Psi-Like Ability): Xelatians gain Empathy
as a class skill. However, its use only applies to other Xelatians. The range of
this special form of Empathy is not limited to line of sight; its range extends
for approximately five miles.
 Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Xelatian must hit an opponent of any
size with its tentacles. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action
without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, the
Xelatian establishes a hold and can conduct an attack, move, or full round
action. This ability can only be used in a Xelatians natural water environment,
free of its anti-gravity harness.
 Jet (Ex): A Xelatian can jet backward once per round in water as a full round
action at a speed of 240 feet. It must move in a straight line, but does not
provoke attacks of opportunity while jetting.
 Low-Light Vision (Ex): Arcadians can see twice as far as a Human in starlight,
moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of shadowy illumination. They
retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.
 Water Breather: Xelatians are aquatic and must have water to process oxygen.
Xelatian antigravity harnesses provide recirculated, specially treated water
for respiratory purposes. However, a Xelatian must immerse itself in sea
water for one hour for every seven hours it is in the antigravity harness. A
Xelatian suffers one point of Constitution damage for each hour after the
seventh it goes without sea water emersion. In an especially dry environment,
the Bzzit Khaht may suffer this damage more often. Xelatians exposed to air
without water to process oxygen begin to suffocate immediately.
 Automatic Languages: Xelatian.
 Bonus Languages: Galacta. Xelatians must train (spend 1 skill point) to learn
Speak, Galacta.
 +2 Strength; -2 Charisma. Zaranites are stronger on average than Humans, but
are an introverted species.
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Zaranites have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Zaranite base land speed is 30 feet.
 Bonus Feat: Any.
 Bonus Skill Points: Zaranties receive 4 bonus skill points at first level and gain
1 additional skill point at each level beyond first.
 Fluorine Breather: Zaranites require small amounts of fluorine as a
supplemental gas to their respiratory processes. As a result, a Zaranite wears
an environmental mask on its face which is connected to a small, discrete tank
of fluorine worn on its back. A typical tank as described above will provide
sufficient fluorine for three days of continuous use. If a Zaranite is deprived of
its supplemental fluorine, it suffers one point of Constitution damage every 12
 Through Federation science, some Zaranites have elected to surgically alter
their physiology to remove their requirement for fluorine. Zaranite that goes
through this surgery no longer requires supplemental fluorine to live.
However, this procedure is very controversial within Zaranite culture. A
Zaranite that has had this procedure done receives a –4 circumstance penalty
to Diplomacy skill checks when dealing with Zaranites who have not undergone this procedure.
 Automatic Languages: Zaranite.
 Bonus Languages: Galacta.
Enemy Races
Klingon, Imperial
+2 to Strength, +2 to Dexterity, +2 to Constitution, -4 to Charisma (treat their
Charisma as -0 when dealing with other Klingons). Klingons are generally
regarded as a brutal warrior species, but this characterization is not always
fair or accurate. Klingons are humanoids very similar to terrestrial Humans,
with only a small portion of their planetary populations becoming as warriors
and later leaders. There are two primary Klingon social classes: warriors and
Medium: As Medium creatures, Klingons have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
Klingon land base speed is 30 feet.
Klingon Blood Rage: Klingons can fly into a rage once per encounter for 4
rounds. This rage causes -2 AC +4 to strength and -2 to wisdom, intelligence
and charisma.
+2 intimidate. Klingons regularly subject themselves to large amounts of pain.
And are as such experts at torture.
Klingons are a survivalist culture and train from birth in survival, gaining +2
to all Survival checks.
Klingons gain a +4 to Fortitude checks when making checks versus their
alcohol intake and to resist pain.
Skill Bonuses: +2 species bonus on Intimidation skill checks. Intimidation is a
Klingons preferred method of diplomacy.
Klingons also gain a +4 to Diplomacy skill checks when trying to impress
others by their ability to drink alcohol.
Automatic Language: Klingon.
 Bonus Languages: Galactic
Klingon/Human Fusion Hybrid
 +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Constitution. Klingon/Human Fusion Hybrids
are a genetic blending is the result of the Klingon augment virus was a
modified form of Levodian flu that threatened to wipe out the Klingon race in
the mid-22nd century. It was inadvertently created by Klingon researchers
who were attempting to bio-engineer enhanced warriors using DNA from
genetically-modified human embryos left over from Earth's Eugenics Wars.
Because afflicted Klingons' DNA had been altered by the virus, the Human
appearance and genetic traits were passed onto the descendants of the
infected. It feared that Klingons without ridges would become outcasts and
lose their positions; making would no longer have a place in the Empire. But
in the 2260’s, affected Klingons served as the captains and crews of front-line
starships in the Klingon Defense Force.
 Medium: As medium being, the Klingon/Human Fusions gain no special
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
 Fusion Klingons base land speed is 30 feet.
 Skill Bonus: The Klingon/Human Fusions gain a +2 bonus to Disguise and
Human Psychology.
 Automatic Languages: Klingon and Galactic
 Other Languages: Any they can learn.
Klingon/Romulan Fusion Hybrid
 +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +1 Intelligence, +2 Constitution. The
Klingon/Romulan Fusion Hybrid was genetically engineered by the Klingons
to allow Intelligence forces to gather intelligence on the Romulans. Their
Romulan physiology allows them to blend in with the Romulans and they have
been highly trained in Romulan Psychology. The Klingon Operatives were all
volunteers for this assignment.
 Medium: As a Medium being, the Klingon/Romulan Fusions gain no special
bonuses or penalties due to their size.
 Fusion Romulans base land speed is 30 feet.
 Skill Bonus: The Klingon/Romulan Fusions gain a +2 bonus to Disguise and
Romulan Psychology.
 Automatic Languages: Klingon and Romulan.
 Other Languages: Any they can learn.
 +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, +2 Constitution. Romulans have an
extreme loyalty and sense of honor to the Romulan Star Empire. It is possible
to turn a Romulan, but for someone to do so would require a Diplomacy Skill
check at a DC of 35. Romulans are also distant relations to Vulcans that left the
planet Vulcan before the Vulcan race learned how to control their emotions.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Romulans gain no special penalties or bonuses
due to their size.
Romulan base land speed is 30 feet.
Skill Bonuses: Romulans gain a +2 bonus on all Listen skill checks.
Free Language Skills: Romulan.
Other Languages: Galactic
+4 to Strength, + 2 to Constitution, -2 to Dexterity. Gorns gain an additional
2d8 hit points at first level; these hit points are in addition to those given by
class and Constitution modifiers. Gorns are covered in a thick scale hide that
gives them a Natural Defense Bonus of +3 and DR 3/-.
Medium: As Medium species, Gorns have no special bonuses or penalties due
to their size.
Gorns have a base land speed of 20feet. However, Gorns are slow and steady,
with their speed never modified by armor or encumbrance.
Natural Weapons: A Gorn does 1d10 points of damage when using his sharp
teeth as a weapon.
Bonus Feats: Gorns gain the bonus feat of Endurance.
Free Language Skills: Gorn.
Bonus Languages: Any language, but they have a -20 to speaking any language
they learn.
Ability Modifiers: +4 to Intelligence. Tholians are covered in a thick crystalline
structure that gives them a Natural Defense Bonus of
+2 and DR 4/-. Tholians require a 400°F living environment; their native
atmosphere is reported to be nitrogen. Oxygen is considered a toxin to the
Tholians. If Tholians are somehow exposed to an oxygen environment, they
lose all bonuses to their Defense and DR. In addition, they will lose 2 points of
Constitution per minute until they are returned to their natural environment;
at that time their Constitution points will return at the their normal rate of
healing. Tholians also have a native immunity to all diseases that are of an
organic nature.
Medium: As Medium creatures, Tholians have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
Tholians have a base land speed of 30 feet.
 Skill Bonuses: Tholians gain a +4 species bonus on Navigate and Technology
skill checks.
 Free Language: Tholian.
 Bonus Languages: Any language the character can learn.
Neutral Races
 +2 to Dexterity, +1 Intelligence. Orions (While not completely members of the
Federation, some of their colonies in Federation space have independently
joined the Federation.) actually had a larger and better organized economy.
The Federation grew rapidly and engulfed the Orion territory, which
remained independent. There are three sub-races in the Orion Species, the
Ruddies (mainly the business owners and officials), the Greens (the workers
and slaves) and the Greys (the outcast).
 Medium: As Medium creatures, Orions have no special bonuses or penalties
due to their size.
 Orion base land speed is 30 feet.
 Bonus Skills: +2 to Trade and Commerce, Sense Motive and Value Estimation.
 Free Language: Orion and Galactic.
 Bonus Languages: Any language the character can learn.
Skill Summary
Administration (Intelligence)
Appraise (Intelligence)
Artistic Expression (Charisma)
Percussion Instruments
Stand-Up Comedy
Stringed Instruments
Weapons Kata
Wind Instruments
Assassination (Intelligence)
Bluff (Charisma)
Bribery (Charisma)
Carousing (Charisma)
Climb (Strength)
Concentration (Constitution)
Craft (Intelligence)
Metal Working
Weaponsmith (Simple, Martial, and Archaic)
Cryptography (Intelligence)
Demolitions (Intelligence)
Disable Device (Intelligence)
Disguise (Charisma)
Engineering (Intelligence)
Civil Engineering
Combat Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Structural Engineering
Small Vessel Engineering
Escape Artist (Dexterity)
Forgery (Intelligence)
Gaming (Intelligence)
3-D Chess
Dice Games
Role Playing Games
Gather Information (Intelligence)
Handle Animal (Charisma)
Instruction (Intelligence)
Interrogation (Charisma)
Intimidate (Charisma)
Investigate (Intelligence)
Leadership (Charisma)
Life Sciences (Intelligence)
Linguistics (Intelligence)
Marksmanship (Dexterity or Strength)
Mediation (Wisdom)
Medicine Science (Intelligence)
First Aid
General Medicine
Herbal Medicine
Trauma Care
Negotiation/Diplomacy (Wisdom)
Operations (Intelligence)
Alien Device Operation
Clandestine Operation
Communication Systems Operation
Computer Operation
Deflector Shield Operation
Environmental Suit Operation
Psionic Device Operation
Small Equipment Systems Operation
Starship Helm Operations
Starship Impulse Drive Operations
Starship Sensor Operations
Starship Warp Drive Operations
Starship Weapons Operation
Zero-G Operations
Perception (Wisdom)
Personal Combat (Dexterity)
Physical Science (Intelligence)
Computer Science
Nuclear Physics
Piloting (Dexterity)
Shuttlecraft Pilot
Small Vessel Pilot
Starship Pilot
Vehicle Pilot
Planetary Science (Intelligence)
Planetary Survival (Wisdom)
Cool Temperate
Warm Temperate
Procedures (Intelligence)
Cloaking Device Procedures
Damage Control Procedures
Intelligence Procedures
Security Procedures
Transporter Operation Procedures
Profession (Intelligence)
Psionic Studies (Wisdom)
Psionic Talent (Wisdom)
Ride (Dexterity)
Sense Motive (Wisdom)
Sleight of Hand (Dexterity)
Sports (Varies with Sport)
Boxing (Strength)
Cross-country (Constitution)
Gymnastics (Dexterity)
Martial Arts (Strength or Dexterity)
Skiing (Dexterity or Constitution)
Swimming (Strength)
Track (Dexterity)
Tennis (Dexterity)
Weight-Lifting (Strength)
Wrestling (Strength)
Social Sciences (Intelligence)
Political Science
Space Science (intelligence)
Stealth (Dexterity)
Survival (Wisdom)
Tactics (Wisdom)
Atmospheric Combat Tactics
Aquatic Combat Tactics
Ground-Based Combat Tactics
Small Unit Tactics
Starship Boarding Tactics
Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics
Zero-G Combat Tactics
Technical (Intelligence)
Cloaking Device Technology
Communication Systems Technology
Computer Technology
Deflector Shield Technology
Electronics Technology
Holodeck Technology
Life Support Systems Technology
Personal Weapons Technology
Shuttlecraft Systems Technology
Small Equipment Systems Technology
Starship Sub-light Drive Technology
Starship Weapons Technology
Transporter Systems Technology
Vehicle Technology
Starship Warp Drive Technology
Trade/Commerce (Intelligence)
Value Estimation (Wisdom)
Zen Mastery (Wisdom)