Chapter 3: Matter and Energy Date:____________ Section 1: Classifying Matter - Notes Objectives: Classify matter as an element, compound, or mixture. Distinguish between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures. Defining Matter: Matter: anything that occupies _______________ and has ______________. o Some types of matter, such as steel, water, wood, and plastic, are ______________________________ to our eyes. o Other types of matter, such as air or microscopic dust, are ________________________ to see without magnification. Matter is ultimately composed of atoms. o Atoms: submicroscopic particles that are the fundamental _______________________ _____________________________________________. In many cases, these atoms are bonded together to form molecules. o Molecules: two or more atoms joined to one another in __________________________ _____________________________________________. States of Matter: The common states of matter are __________________________________________________. o Plasma o Bose Einstein Condensate Solids: o In solid matter, atoms or molecules pack ____________ to each other in fixed locations. Neighboring atoms or molecules in a solid may _____________________ or oscillate, but they _____________________ move around each other. Solids have __________________________ and _________________________. Examples: Ice, diamond, quartz, and iron o Crystalline solid: Atoms or molecules are arranged in geometric patterns with long-range, ______________________________. Examples: _________________________________ o The well-ordered, geometric shapes of salt and diamond crystals reflect the well-ordered geometric arrangement of their atoms. Amorphous solid: Atoms or molecules do not have ___________________________________________. Examples: _____________________________________ Liquids: o In liquid matter, atoms or molecules are _____________ to each other but are free to ___________________________________ and by each other. Liquids have a _______________________________ because their atoms or molecules are in close contact. Liquids assume the _________________________________________________ because the atoms or molecules are free to move relative to one another. Examples: _________________________________________________________ Gases: o In gaseous matter, atoms or molecules are separated by _______________ distances and are ___________________________ relative to one another. Since the atoms or molecules that compose gases are not in contact with one another, gases are ____________________________. Gases always assume the ____________________________ of their containers. Examples: _________________________________________________________ Classifying Matter: Pure substance: composed of only _________________________________________________. Mixture: composed of _______________________________________ types of atoms or molecules combined in ____________________________ proportions. Pure substances include __________________________________________________ o Element: A pure substance that ____________________ be broken down into simpler substances. No ________________________________________ can decompose an element into simpler substances. o All known elements are listed in the ___________________________________. Examples: __________________________________________________ Compound: A pure substance composed of ______________________ elements in fixed ______________________ proportions. ________________________ are more common than pure elements. Most elements are _______________________________________ and combine with other elements to form compounds. Compounds can be decomposed into __________________________________. Examples: _________________________________________________________ Pure substances can be represented with a _________________________________________. o Examples? When matter contains two types of atoms, it may be a pure substance or a mixture. o A compound is a pure substance composed of different atoms that are ______________________________ in fixed _______________________ proportions. o A mixture is composed of different substances that are __________________________ ______________________, but simply mixed together. Mixtures cannot be represented by a ____________________________________. o Properties of mixtures can vary since _____________________________ can vary. Homogeneous Mixture: a mixture of compounds or elements in which all regions are ______________________________________________________________________________ o Examples? o Includes _________________________________________________: ______________________: homogeneous mixtures in which all particles are dissolved. Solutions are usually transparent. ___________________: homogeneous mixtures in which larger particles do not separate out from the mixture. Light is usually scattered when passing through. _________________: a mixture of two metals, or a metal and a non-metal. Can also be heterogeneous! Examples: Heterogeneous Mixture: a mixture of compounds or elements in which separate regions are noticeable and have _____________________________________________________________. o Examples? o Includes _____________________: _______________________: mixture in which particles of one substance is dispersed in the other. These particles can be seen with the naked eye. Particles will settle out of the suspension if left undisturbed. Examples: In the diagram below, which pictures do you think represent mixtures and which represent pure substances? Explain your answers. (The spheres represent atoms.) Practice: Classify each type of matter as a pure substance or a mixture. If it is a pure substance, classify it as an element or a compound; if it is a mixture, classify it as homogeneous or heterogeneous. a) a lead weight e) mercury in a thermometer b) seawater f) c) distilled water g) chicken noodle soup d) Italian salad dressing h) Sugar exhaled air