MATH 1112 - Kennesaw State University

MATH 1112
Fall 2012
Web site:
Mr. Clancy Garner
WH 106
MW 2:00 – 3:15 PM
Cl1010 Math 1107/11
MW 93:30 – 4:45 PM
CL1010 Math 1107/12
T/Th 8:00-9:15 AM
CL1010 Math 1112/05
T/Th 930 – 10:45 AM
CL1010 Math 1112/06
Office hours: MW 8 AM – 2PM
T/TH 11AM – 2PM
Attendance: Regular class attendance is essential for success in the course. In the event of absence,
students are responsible for all material, assignments, and announcements presented in class. The
instructor strongly urges each student to form a study team with one or two other students. E-mail is the best
way to request information.
You must sign-in to be counted present for each class. Those who do not sign-in are absent
There will be no make-up test or quizzes (see grading policy).
Absences are neither excused nor unexcused. Save them for when you really need them.
5 absences have no penalty
o 6 absences lose 1 letter grade for the course
o 11 absences lose 2 letter grades for the course
o 15 absences lose 3 letter grades for the course
Grading Policies: Your grade will be determined by your performance on tests, a comprehensive final
exam quizzes, and My Math Lab homework. Graded products will count toward the final grade as
Four tests
400 points
Comprehensive final exam
200 points
My Math Lab homework
100 points
50 points
Total points
750 points
Course Grades
671 - 750 points
598 - 670 points
521 - 597 points
446 - 520 points
Below 446 points
No make-up work.
 Tests – 90 % of the final exam grade may be substituted for the lowest exam grade.
 Quizzes – There will be 13 quizzes at 5 points each. So missing 3 quizzes will not impact your
My Math Lab – The assignments are open now and will expire on the 8th day after the section is
taught. Plan ahead to work these as they will NOT be reopened after they expire.
Technology Statement: Students in this class are expected to use the TI-83 or TI-84 graphing calculator.
This calculator will be used throughout the course to enhance mathematical thinking and to judge
reasonableness of results. The TI-82 will do most of what you need for this course. Access to a computer
compatible with My Math Lab software is required. My Math Lab software is packaged with all new
textbooks or can be purchased separately at the KSU bookstore. Campus computers are available at
various locations. I do NOT allow use of calculators on the final exam.
Class Roster: If your name does not appear on the official class roster, you will not receive credit for this
course. A roster will be available for you to sign in for each class you attend. This is your
Daily Homework: Some of daily homework assignments will be completed via My Math Lab, an
Internet based learning platform that accompanies the text. My Math Lab problems must be completed no
later than one week after the material is discussed in class. Submission deadlines are posted with each
Late homework will not be accepted. Homework points are derived from the average score compiled
by My Math Lab. My Math Lab homework problems can be worked multiple times until a correct answer
is recorded. You should submit your homework each time you complete any of the assigned problems.
Each section’s homework may be submitted numerous times before the due date. Other selected
problems throughout the course will also be completed from the textbook.
Prerequisite: Math 0098, if required. (Note: If you have credit for Math 1111, you should be in Math 1112)
Required Text: Precalculus (Fourth Edition) / Bittinger, Beecher, Ellenbogen, Penna
Required: My Math Lab access code. The code should come free with new textbooks. If you purchase a used
textbook, there is a fee for the access code. A new text with access code may be less expensive. If you buy a used
book the My Math Lab access code may be purchased on-line on their site.
Course Schedule:
The tentative schedule for this semester is on the class web site. The dates for all graded material and any changes
to the schedule will be announced in class.
Course Learning Outcomes of Math 1112, Trigonometry
 Students will work with exponential and logarithmic functions analytically and graphically and will see
some applications.
 Students will solve exponential and logarithmic equations.
 Students will understand trigonometric functions in terms of both the right triangle definition and the
circular definition.
 Students will study basic properties and graphs of trigonometric functions and transformed
trigonometric functions.
 Students will understand the development of the trigonometric identities and will manipulate
trigonometric functions including simplifying trigonometric expressions and verifying trigonometric
 Students will be able to solve trigonometric equations.
Classroom Etiquette:
1. Come to class prepared, having attempted all homework problems and having previewed the material that will
be covered during the class period.
2. Be punctual. People coming in late disrupt the flow of the class and places them behind in material covered in
class. Occasionally, being late cannot be helped, and that is fine. On these occasions, I would prefer you
enter the classroom late rather than missing the entire class.
3. Be attentive. If you need to engage in other activities (e.g., studying for another course), please do not do them
during class. If you get drowsy during class, please feel free to leave the classroom and get a drink of water.
Simply leave and return quietly.
4. No side conversations. Discussions with your neighbors while I am presenting material or while one of your
classmates is speaking are disrespectful to us all. If you missed something that was said, let me know and it
can be repeated.
5. Behave in a dignified and respectful manner toward your fellow students and the instructor.
6. Turn all cell phones and pagers to vibrate. Cell phones must not be on the desk.
7. Please ask questions when they occur to you. No questions are “dumb” questions. Failure to ask your
question can hamper the learning process. If I must move ahead with additional material at that
time, I will address your question at the end of the class period.
Prerequisite for MATH 1190: A “C” or better in MATH 1113 is required to enroll in Calculus I
(MATH 1190)
Final Exam
See the Registrar’s site for the schedule
Homework Assignments:
The schedule, as a minimum, should be completed for each section of material that we cover. You should
attempt every problem after the section has been discussed and be prepared to ask questions at the
beginning of the next class period. You should work some problems every day.
Assignments are a combination of problems found on My Math Lab and problems directly from your
textbook. My Math Lab problems will used for the 100 points in Evaluation and Grading. The 50 points
of Daily Problems will be similar to the problems in the text.
My Math Lab assignments are posted on My Math Lab and you are given approximately one week to
complete the assignment. Remember that this counts the same as a major Test and they are not accepted
Fall Term, 2010
Students who find that they cannot continue in college for the entire semester after
being enrolled, because of illness or any other reason, need to complete an online
form. To completely or partially withdraw from classes at KSU, a student must
withdraw online at, under Owl Express, Student Services.
The date the withdrawal is submitted online will be considered the official KSU
withdrawal date which will be used in the calculation of any tuition refund or refund to
Federal student aid and/or HOPE scholarship programs. It is advisable to print the
final page of the withdrawal for your records. Withdrawals submitted online prior to
midnight on the last day to withdraw without academic penalty will receive a “W”
grade. Withdrawals after midnight will receive a “WF”. Failure to complete the online
withdrawal process will produce no withdrawal from classes. Call the Registrar’s
Office at 770-423-6200 during business hours if assistance is needed.
Students may, by means of the same online withdrawal and with the approval of the
university Dean, withdraw from individual courses while retaining other courses on
their schedules. This option may be exercised up until March 12,2012.
This is the date to withdraw without academic penalty for Spring Term, 2009 classes.
Failure to withdraw by the date above will mean that the student has elected to
receive the final grade(s) earned in the course(s). The only exception to those
withdrawal regulations will be for those instances that involve unusual and fully
documented circumstances.
Academic Integrity ( I take this very seriously!)
Every KSU student is responsible for upholding the provisions of the Statement of
Student Rights and Responsibilities, as published in the Undergraduate and
Graduate Catalogs. Section II of the Student Code of Conduct addresses the
University's policy on academic honesty, including provisions regarding plagiarism
and cheating, unauthorized access to University materials,
misrepresentation/falsification of University records or academic work, malicious
removal, retention, or destruction of library materials, malicious/intentional misuse of
computer facilities and/or services, and misuse of student identification cards.
Incidents of alleged academic misconduct will be handled through the established
procedures of the University Judiciary Program, which includes either an "informal"
resolution by a faculty member, resulting in a grade adjustment, or a formal hearing
procedure, which may subject a student to the Code of Conduct's minimal one
semester suspension requirement.