EAST COAST RAILWAY (Medical Department) NOTICE INVITING TENDER 1. Tender Notice No. WHS/57/MCC/KRPU-RS/291 Dated :30/8/2014 2. For and on behalf of the president of India Acting through Chief Medical Superintendent, East Coast Railway, Visakhapatnam invites sealed tenders for the under mentioned work. Cleaning of KORAPUT Railway Station i.e. surface cleaning activities from Platform No.1 to 3, PRS building & newly constructed PRS building on PF.1, all the offices and service buildings, circulating and parking areas, Retiring rooms, Dormitories and waiting halls, RPF office, FOBs, tracks and washable aprons, cleaning of drains, rag picking and garbage disposal by using mechanized equipments, consumables and tools(as specified in the tender schedule) for a period of three (03) years from the date of issue of LOA. Tender value Rs. 1,16,69,897/Earnest Money Deposit Rs. 2,08,350/Cost of Tender Document Rs.5,000/Date of closing of tender 14/10/2014 at 13.00 Hrs. Date of opening of tender 14/10/2014 at 16.00 Hrs. 3. The prescribed non-transferable tender forms are obtainable on any working day from the office of the C.M.S, E.Co.Railway, Visakhapatnam on remittance of the cost of tender form (non-refundable) as mentioned either by crossed DD drawn in favour of FA &CAO/ East Coast Railway / Bhubaneswar on any Nationalized/Schedule Bank payable at Visakhapatnam or in the form of money receipt issued by Divisional Cashier/ E.Co.Railway/ Visakhapatnam (Allocation 93-652-99 of Waltair Division) in support of deposition of requisite money with him. An amount of Rs. 500/- extra has to be paid if the tender document is required by Registered Post. 4. The Tender should be accompanied by a deposit towards earnest money (Allocation: 000845-04) as mentioned above and to be made in cash or any of the following forms obtained in favour of FA&CAO/ E.Co.Railway, Bhubaneswar, payable at Visakhapatnam. 1) Deposit receipt 2) Pay order. 3) Demand Draft issued from STATE BANK OF INDIA or any Nationalized Bank. (GUARANTEE BONDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED). NOTE: Tenders not accompanied by the requisite sum of earnest money will be summarily rejected. EMD will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenderers after finalization of the contract or within six months from the date of opening of the tender whichever is earlier. 5. Tender forms will be available for sale from date: 12/9/2014 The last date and time of issue of tender forms up to 11.00 hrs of: 14/10/2014 The last date and time of receipt of tenders up to 13.00 hrs of: 14/10/2014 Date and time of opening of tenders at 16.00 hrs of: 14/10//2014 6. If the date of opening happens to be Bandh or Holiday, the tender will be opened at the same time on the following working day. Signature(s) of Tenderer(s) Divisional Railway Manager (Medical) VISAKHAPATANAM. 7. The tender documents will also be available in the website at www.eastcoastrail.indianrailways.gov.inand/orhttp://tenders.gov.inand can be downloaded and used as tender documents for submitting the offer. Separate remittance towards the cost of tender documents and the earnest money should be enclosed, while submitting the tender. Otherwise, the tender will be summarily rejected. Railway Administration shall not be responsible for any delay/difficulties/inaccessibility of the down loading facility for any reason whatsoever. Tenders will also be accepted by post. However, Railway shall not be responsible for any postal delay 8. In case of any discrepancy between the tender documents down loaded from internet and the master copy available in the office of the C.M.S./E.Co.Railway/Visakhapatnam, the later shall prevail and will be binding on the tenderer(s). No claim on this account will be entertained. The tenderer(s) are required to observe the Web Site to find out any correction slips issued subsequent to uploading of the tender notice and schedule. 9. Eligibility Criteria: The tenderer who wish to participate in the tender should fulfill the following “ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA” as the work is costing above Rs.50 lakhs. (a) Should have completed in the last three financial years (i.e current year and three previous financial years) (b) Total contract amount received during the last three financial years and in the current financial year up to the date of opening of tender At least one similar work, for a minimum value of 35% of the advertised tender value. (i) Similar nature of works physically completed within qualifying period i.e, the last 3 financial years and current financial year shall only be considered in evaluating the eligibility criteria. (ii) The total value of similar nature of works completed during the qualifying period, and not the payment received within qualifying period alone, shall be considered. Should be a minimum of 150% of Advertised Tender Value of work. An authenticated certificate duly attested from employer/ client, audited balance sheet duly certified by a Chartered Accountant to be produced. 10. The following works are considered to be similar nature works for this purpose. The same has been defined by CMD/E.Co.R/BBS unambiguously. “Maintenance of Sanitation by Mechanized and Manual Cleaning”. 11. The following documents should be submitted along with the tender: a) List of personnel Organization available on hand and proposed to be engaged for the subject work. b) List of plant and machinery available on hand (own) and proposed to be inducted (own and hired to be given separately) for the subject work. c) List of works completed in the last three financial years giving description of work, organization for whom executed, approximate value of contract at the time of award, date of award and date of scheduled completion of work. Date of actual start, actual completion and final value of contract should also be given. Signature(s) of Tenderer(s) Divisional Railway Manager (Medical) VISAKHAPATANAM d) All documents in support of fulfillment of eligibility criteria should be furnished along with the tender and should be available at the time of tender opening. Tenders not accompanied by documentary evidence in support of eligibility criteria will be rejected. No post tender communication, in any form will be made or entertained, after opening of tenders, in this regard. e) List of works on hand indicating description of work, contract value, and approximate value of balance work yet to be done and date of award. Note : 1) In case of items (c) and (e) above, supportive documents / certificates from the organizations with whom they worked/ are working should be enclosed. 2) Certificate from private individuals/ organization for whom such works are executed/ being executed shall not be accepted. 3) No joint ventures / Memorandum of Understandings are allowed for the works costing up to Rs. 5 crores.(Authority: R.B. letter No. 2002/CE-I/CT/37/JV, Dt. 13.8.2009) 12. Tenderer (s) can drop their tender in a sealed cover duly super scribing the tender notice no. and name of work in the tender box provided in the office of C.M.S./Visakhapatnam. 13. All the tenderer (s) who wish to participate in the tender should submit the requisite amount of Earnest Money along with the tender in an acceptable form like cash receipt (after depositing cash with the Divisional Cashier, East Coast Railway, Visakhapatnam), Demand Drafts issued by the National/ Schedule Banks in favour of “FA&CAO, East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar” Payable at Visakhapatnam. 14. Cost of the tender form and earnest money NOT to be clubbed and are to be deposited separately in the required forms as mentioned above. 15. If the tenderer (s) is a partnership firm, the firm alone should satisfy the eligibility criteria but not the individual of the firm. 16. The tenderer will submit the details of machinery / plant and other credentials as per Annexure D-I of the tender document. Railway Administration, if it so feels, shall inspect the infrastructure and administration available with the firm so as to assess the capability of the firm to execute the work successfully. 17 The tenderer must give all required documents as per the tender notice. Proof of eligibility of the firm must be attached with the tender documents and should be properly indexed. If tenderer does not fulfil the eligibility condition mentioned above, the offer will be summarily rejected. Signature(s) of Tenderer(s) Divisional Railway Manager (Medical) VISAKHAPATANAM 18 The successful tenderer has to give an undertaking that he would furnish the following; three days before the starting of work: (i) The machines indicated in Annexure D-I of the tender form (ii) Statement indicating names & bio-data of the work force duly signed by the contractor along with two photographs each of all staff attested by the contractor. iii) Valid EPF registration certificate, iv) Valid Employees’ State Insurance Certificate, v) Valid labour license. If the tenderer fails to comply with the above conditions, the work order will be rejected outright and the earnest money along with security deposit will be forfeited. vi) A declaration should be given along with the statement of names that the contractor is an independent employer and all persons engaged/employed by him are at his own cost and expenses for carrying out the agreed work under this contract, and shall be their employees, and not that of the Railways, vii) Medical fitness of the contract labour is the responsibility of the contractor. They should be medically examined for fitness. 19 The Railway administration reserves all rights to modify, cancel or discharge complete tender without assigning any reasons to the tenderers. 20 Tender can also be sent in sealed cover under regd. post, with acknowledgement due, to the address of the Chief Medical Superintendent, E.Co.Railway, Visakhapatnam, so as to reach him on or before the time and date mentioned above. The Railway administration will not be responsible for delays on postal accounts. 21 The tenderer is supposed to have surveyed the work at the Koraput Railway station (As per work schedule) and the quantum of work personally before dropping the tender. For any details the contractor may contact office of the Sr. DMO (H&FW)/VSKP before dropping the tender. 22 On the cover of the tender “Tender for mechanized cleaning and upkeep of Koraput Railway station” should be clearly written. 23 The period of the contract is for three years from the date of issue of LOA. 24 No intimation will be given to the unsuccessful tenderers. 25 Electricity & water will be provided free of cost by the Railways at nominated locations. Signature(s) of Tenderer(s) Divisional Railway Manager (Medical) VISAKHAPATANAM. Copy to CMD / E.Co.Railway / BBS for kind information please. Copy to DRM( Engg.) E.Co.Railway / WAT for information & to upload the same in the Railway and Govt.Web-sites. Copy to CPRO / BBS with a request to publish this Tender Notice in all leading News papers of Telugu, Oriya, Hindi and English as per DAVP norms.