File important people key

AP Psych Important People- AP Review
Directions: Write a brief description of each person’s contribution to psychology.
1. Alfred Adler (Personality)= neofreudian/ inferiority complex
2. Gordon W. Allport (Personality)= trait perspective
3. Solomon Asch (Social)= conformity/ experiment with lines
4. Atkinson and Shiffrin (Memory)= 3 stage model= sensory, STM, LTM
5. Albert Bandura (Behaviorism/Learning)= social learning theory, observational learning, Bobo doll experiment
6. Aaron Beck (Treatment)= cognitive triad/ beck’s depression scale/ depression
7. Alfred Binet (Intelligence)=1st intelligence test/ placement test for French school children/ mental age/ Binet-Simon scale
8. Paul Broca (Brain)=broca’s area/ left frontal lobe/ spoken language
9. Jerome Bruner (Thinking)= cognitive psy/ categorization/ constructivist theory
10. Raymond Cattell (Personality and Intelligence)= 16 PF/ trait perspective
11. Noam Chomsky (Language)= inborn universal grammar/ language acquition device/ overgeneralization
12. H. Ebbinghaus (Memory)=forgetting curve/ storage decay/ spacing effect/ rehearsal
13. Albert Ellis (Treatment)=Rational Emotive Therapy/ confront irrational thoughts= change irrational behavior/ cog-beh
14. Erik Erikson (Development)= 8 stages of social dev
15. Hans & Sybil Eysenck (Personality)= eysenck personality questionnaire/ introvert-extrovert/ stable-unstable
16. Patrick Wall & Ronald Melzack (sensation)= gate control theory of pain
17. Sigmund Freud (Psychodynamic)= unconscious/ psychosexual stages/ personality structure/ defense mechanisms
18. Howard Gardner (Intelligence)= 8 multiple intelligences
19. Eleanor Gibson & Richard Walk (Perception)= visual cliff experiment/ depth perception is innate
20. Carol Gilligan (Developmental)= moral dev/ gender differences/ studied mostly women
21. Harry Harlow (Developmental)= monkey experiment/ attachment studies
22. Ernest Hilgard (Consciousness)= hypnosis/ hidden observer/ disassociation
23. Karen Horney (Personality)= neofreudian/ womb envy/ no penis envy/ feminine views
24. Hubel and Weisel (Vision)= feature detectors
25. James & Lange (Emotion)= James-Lange theory/ emotion cause by physical response
26. Irving Janis (Social)= groupthink
27. Carl Jung (Personality)= neofredian/ inferiority complex
28. Lawrence Kohlberg (Developmental)= 3 stages of moral dev
29. Wolfgang Kohler (Thinking)= insight/ chimp experiment
30. Richard Lazarus (Emotion)= some emotional responses don’t require conscious thinking
31. Kurt Lewin (Social)= field theory
32. Konrad Lorenz (Developmental)= imprinting/ attachment process/ animals only
33. Abraham Maslow (Motivation)= hierarchy of needs/ humanistic pers
34. Stanley Milgram (Social)= obedience/ experiment w/ shocking of learner
35. Ivan Pavlov (Behaviorism/Learning)= classical cond/ Pavlov’s dog
36. Jean Piaget (Developmental)= childhood cognitive development
37. Carl Rogers (Personality)= humanistic/ 3 growth cond: guieneness, acceptance. empathy
38. Schachter and Singer (Emotion)= 2 factor theory/ cognitive label/ spillover effect
39. Hans Seyle (Stress)= general adaptation syndrome; alarm, resistance. Exhaustion/
40. B.F. Skinner (Learning/Learning)= operant cond/ skinner box
41. Charles Spearman (Intelligence)= g factor/ factor analysis
42. Roger Sperry (Brain)= split brain surgery
43. Robert Sternberg (Intelligence)= triarchic theory: analytical, practical, creative
44. Edward Tolman (Cognitive/Learning)= latent learning/ cognitive map/ rats in maze exper
45. E.L. Thorndike (Learning/Learning)= law of effect
46. Lev Vygotsky (Developmental)= zone of proximal dev
47. John Watson (Behavioral/Learning)= classical cond/ aversive cond/ little Albert exper
48. Ernst Weber (Perception)= weber’s law. JND/ difference threshold/ proportion of change
49. Wilhelm Wundt (Perception)= 1st psych lab exper/ Lezpig, Germany 1879
50. Benjamin Whorf (Language)= linguistic determinism hypothesis/ culture effects lang
51. Yerkes/Dodson (Motivation/Emotion)= arousal effects performance/ best level is moderate
52. Philip Zimbardo (Social)= social roles/role play/ Stanford prison exper
53. Mary Ainsworth (Developmental)= attachment studies/secure vs insecure/ the strange situation
54. Franz Gall (Brain)= phrenology
55. Diana Baumrind (Developmental)= parenting styles
56. Thomas Young & Herman Von Helmholtz (Sensation & Perceptions)= trichromatic theory of vision/ 3 cones/ red, green. blue
57. James Flynn (intelligence)= Flynn effect/ standardization of tests
58. John Garcia (Conditioning)= classical cond/ aversive cond/ taste aversions
59. Rosalie Rayner (Conditioning)= Watson’s assistant for little Albert
60. Elizabeth Loftus (Memory)= misinformation effect/ false memories
61. Nathaniel Kleitman (Consciousness)= discovered sleep stages & REM
62. William Masters & Virginia Johnson (Motivation)= sexual response cycle: excitement, plateau. orgasm, resolution
63. Lewis Terman (Intelligence)= Stanford-binet intell test/ supported eugenics/ 1st widespread intell in U.S. (Army)
64. Dorothea Dix (Treatment)= humane treatment of patients in mental hospitals
65. Simon LeVay (Motivation)= sexual orientation/ homosexuality/ found smaller cell cluster in hypothalamus of heterosexuals
66. Karl Wernicke (Brain)= wernicke’s are/ left temporal lobe/ lang comprehension
67. Jerome Kagan (Development)= inborn temperament
68. Cannon & Bard (Emotion)= Canon-Bard theory/ physical & cognitive happen at the same time
69. Muzafer Sherif (Social)= superordinate goals/cooperation
70. Martin Seligman (Personality & social)= learned helplessness
71. William Stern (Intelligence)= developed IQ/ MA/CA x100
72. Hermann Rorschsch (Personality)= projective test/ psychoanalysis/inkblot test
73. Henry Murray (Personality)= TAT test/ projective test/ psychoanalysis
74. Kubler-Ross= 5 stages of death & dying/ denial, anger. bargaining, depression, acceptance
75. Mary Calkins (History & Approaches)= 1st female to earn a PhD in psych but never received it/ 1st female pres of APA
76. Margret Floy Washburn (History & Approaches)= 1st female to receive PhD in psych/
77. G Stanley Hall (History & Approaches, Development)= 1st pres of APA/ 1st psych lab exper in U.S/ adolescence= storm & stress
78. William James (History & Approaches)= wrote psych 1st textbook Principle of Psych
79. E.B. Titchener (History & Approaches)= structuralism. introspection
80. Phineas Gage (Brain)= damage to frontal lobe/ effected personality
81. Eric Kandel & James Schwartz (memory)= long term potentiation/ LTP-= LTM/ biological basis for memory
82. Karl Lashley (memory)= memory does not reside in a single specific spot/ rat experiment w/ maze took out pieces of brain
83. George Miller (memory) = magical number 7 plus or minus 2/ storage capacity to STM
84. Paul Ekman (emotion) = facial feedback/ expression intensify emotion
85. Katharine Briggs & Isabel Briggs Myers (personality) = MBTI/ thinking & feeling type
86. David Wechsler (Intelligence)= WAIS/ most widely used intell test/ WISC
87. L.L. Thurstone (Intelligence)= 7 clusters of intell
88. Philippe Pinel (Abnormal Psych)= medical model for diagnosing psych disorders / humane treatment
89. Mary Cover Jones (treatment) = exposure therapy/ behavioral approach
90. Leon Festinger (social) = cognitive dissonance/ to reduce discomfort we change attitudes or actions
91. Robert Cialdini (social)= foot-in-the door phenomenon