Pre-prepared Libraries QC Guidelines We expect that your libraries will be supplied in the correct containers and at the required concentration and quality (requirements are stated below). Timely completion of your project depends on you following these guidelines. We perform an in-house QC, in the event that your library does not meet our QC criteria your project manager will contact you to inform you of the problems. It will then be at your discretion whether you sequence the library. If you choose not to sequence the library and instead provide us with a replacement library additional costs for QC will be levied for each replacement library. For further details on packing and submitting your libraries, please see the following document ‘Guidelines for Preparing and Submitting Samples v1.4’. Library QC Please check the following guidelines to ensure that your libraries meet our QC criteria. If you are unsure please contact your project manager prior to sending the libraries. Pre-prepared Libraries When submitting prepared libraries, these must be at least 10nM, when quantified using fluorescence (see the table below for a guide to the concentrations required). We require at least 15L of each prepared library. Average Size of Library (bp) 250 300 400 500 1 Version 1.3 March2015 Minimum Concentration of DNA (ng/L) 1.7 2 2.6 3.3 Summary Table Type of Sample Prepared Libraries Amount required ~45ng Concentration Volume ~3ng/μl 15μl Agarose gel Bioanalyzer DNA 1000 or High Sensitivity Chip N.B. When optimal library concentrations cannot be obtained it may still be possible to sequence the library but the amount of data cannot be guaranteed. Please discuss this with your project manager. 2 Version 1.3 March2015