NACLIM Deliverable D21.12 Deliverable title Description of a monitoring system on the shallow East Greenland shelf This is a report describing the design of a new monitoring system to be deployed on the East Greenland shelf WP No. 2.1 Lead beneficiary: WP title Exchanges across the Greenland-Scotland-Ridge Work duration 1) 12 x NIOZ / Laura De Steur 15 October Due delivery deadline: 2013 15 Actual delivery date: October 2013 R= report P= prototype Nature of the deliverable D= demonstrator O= Other PU = public x Dissemination level PP= restricted to other programme participants, including the Commission services RE= restricted to a group specified by the consortium, including the Commission services CO= confidential, only for members of the consortium, including the Commission services 1) Work duration = project month Lead beneficiary: NIOZ Laura De Steur Other contributing partners: UHAM Detlef Quadfasel team UIB K. Vǻge UNIRES S. Ǿsterhus Page 1 Index 1. Executive summary ........................................................................................................... 3 2. Project objectives .............................................................................................................. 3 3. Detailed report on the deliverable ...................................................................................... 4 4. References ........................................................................................................................ 7 5. Dissemination and uptake ................................................................................................. 8 5.1 Dissemination .................................................................................................................. 8 5.2 Uptake by the targeted audience ...................................................................................... 8 6. The delivery is delayed: Yes No ............................................................................. 9 7. Changes made and difficulties encountered, if any............................................................ 9 8. Efforts for this deliverable .................................................................................................. 9 9. Sustainability ..................................................................................................................... 9 10. Dissemination activities ................................................................................................. 10 Description of the work package in the Description of Work (DOW) for reference .......... 11 Page 2 1. Executive summary The Arctic Ocean is characterized by a large volume of freshwater stored in the upper ocean originating from inflow of Pacific Water, input from the Siberian rivers, net precipitation, and more recently, increases in sea-ice melt water. During the last decade a large amount of freshwater has accumulated in the Arctic Ocean, particularly in the Canadian Basin but also in the central Arctic. Estimates of the anomalous volume range from 1000 to 8000 km 3. Freshwater anomalies from the Arctic released into the subpolar gyre in the North Atlantic Ocean can alter upper ocean density and stratification, and potentially modify vertical motion and hence the overturning circulation in the North Atlantic. Changes in the meridional overturning circulation can ultimately influence the relatively mild climate we experience today in Europe. In order to quantify the amount of freshwater that presently flows from the Arctic through the East Greenland Current (EGC) a mooring array of three moorings was initiated which may serve as a basis for a future monitoring program near the Denmark Strait. This array will particularly provide new information of the flow of freshwater on the shallow East Greenland shelf and adds to existing knowledge of the shelf-break EGC in earlier years. The shelf is a hazardous region for placing oceanic moorings since there are many icebergs and intensive fishing activities and hence there are little data available from this region. The present-day mooring array on the shelf at approximately 68̊N contains instrumentation to measure the current velocities, pressure, salinity, and temperature and was deployed in 2013 for initially one year. These mooring data will be complemented with hydrographic data (Conductivity, Temperature and Depth (CTD)) to incorporate vertical stratification between the instruments which are at 80 m and 300 m (near the bottom) depth. Here we provide a report on the design of these moorings which were deployed in August 2013. However, there are some shortcomings related with the simple mooring set up that limit our ability to obtain exact flux numbers which are discussed here. Hence, recommendations for future improvements of this monitoring system are given. 2. Project objectives With this deliverable, the project has contributed to the achievement of the following objectives (see DOW Section B.1.1): Page 3 Nr. 1. Objective Assessing the predictability and quantifying the uncertainty in forecasts of the North Atlantic/Arctic Ocean surface state 2. Assessing the atmospheric predictability related to the North Atlantic/Arctic Ocean surface state 3. Monitoring of volume, heat and fresh water transports across key sections in the North Atlantic 4. Quantifying the benefit of the different ocean observing system components for the initialization of decadal climate predictions 5. Establishing the impact of an Arctic initialization on the forecast skill in the North Atlantic/European sector 6. Quantifying the impact of predicted North Atlantic upper ocean state changes on the oceanic ecosystem 7. Quantifying the impact of predicted North Atlantic upper ocean state changes on socioeconomic systems in European urban societies 8. Providing recommendations for observational and prediction systems 9. Providing recommendations for predictions of the oceanic ecosystem 10. Disseminating the key results to the climate service community and relevant endusers/stakeholders 11. Constructing a dataset for sea surface and sea ice surface temperatures in the Arctic Yes No X X X X X X X X X X X 3. Detailed report on the deliverable 3.1 Introduction The liquid freshwater content of the Beaufort Gyre in the Arctic Ocean increased with approximately 1000 km3 between 2003 and 2007 (Proshutinsky et al., 2009) and with 8000 km3 by 2008 (McPhee et al., 2009). Riverine water has contributed to the observed accumulation in particularly the Canada Basin (Yamamoto-Kawai et al., 2009, Morrison et al., 2012) under strong anticyclonic wind forcing for several years (Giles et al., 2012). Freshwater increases have also been observed in the central Arctic (Rabe et al., 2011), the Eurasian Basin (Timmermans et al., 2011) and the Lincoln Sea (de Steur et al., 2013). Freshwater leaves the Arctic Ocean as liquid freshwater and as sea ice through Fram Strait and the Canadian Arctic Archipelago (Dickson et al., 2007). Anomalies in export have been related with atmospheric pressure and circulation patterns in the high Arctic (Karcher et al., 2005, Jahn et al., 2009) and can be traced down as far south as the North Atlantic (Dickson et al., 1988). External freshwater anomalies Page 4 (e.g. large discharges from the Arctic or ice sheets) are thought to affect the subpolar gyre by altering the upper ocean stratification and buoyancy which inhibits vertical motion and therefore weaken the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (Manabe and Stouffer, 1999). It is therefore essential to observe the present-day Arctic-Subarctic freshwater fluxes and changes therein with respect to earlier estimates, in order to anticipate on potential future effects. Presently our knowledge of year-round liquid freshwater flux in the East Greenland Current between 1997 and 2008 comes from a mooring array in Fram Strait at 78.8°N (de Steur et al., 2009). However, a portion of the freshwater in the EGC is thought to be advected into the Nordic Seas, there is a large flux of sea ice in Fram Strait, and there is a substantial portion of freshwater on the shelf contributing to southward flux as well. We therefore have little knowledge of the net freshwater flux entering the subpolar gyre across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge. Here we report on a new monitoring system that is developed under NACLIM that aims to reduce one of the aforementioned uncertainties: the freshwater flux on the East Greenland shelf near Denmark Strait. 3.2 Present mooring array on the East Greenland shelf In order to increase our knowledge of the freshwater flux in the East Greenland Current (EGC) north of Denmark Strait measurements are needed on the continental shelf where potentially a substantial portion of southward transport of freshwater to the North Atlantic exists. Figure 1 illustrates the study region. The shelf region is characterized by ice bergs from the Greenlandic glaciers, sea-ice cover for at least 6 months and by fishing activities (trawling) and is hence a region from which it is difficult to install instrumentation to obtain continuous observations. A relatively simple mooring array was deployed in August 2013 as a pilot survey of the flux on the shelf. This small array consists of one bottom frame containing an 75 kHz Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) and an SBE 37-SM Microcat, a two 200 m tall vertical moorings with two ADCPs (600 and 1200 kHz respectively), an RCM-8 current meter and three SBE 37-SM Microcats. The intention was to also add a previously deployed fourth mooring on the shelfbreak (~500 m tall), however, since this mooring was damaged and not recovered from the previous year, the instruments were lost and it could not be included in the array described here. Figure 2 shows the vertical set up of the three moorings presently on the shelf. The bottom frame (KGA12) is designed to protect the ACDP from icebergs and trawling. The two shallow vertical moorings (KGA13 and KGA14) extend up to 80 m below the surface which is as Page 5 high in the water column as we wanted to place our instruments with respect to the risks related with icebergs. The upward looking ADCPs measure velocities towards the surface and allows us to estimate the upper ocean flux. The current meters measure each hour and the Microcats measure salinity, temperature and pressure each 15 minutes. These moorings shall be in place for one year and they all contain ARGOS beacons. Once recovered in August 2014 the data shall be processed and quality controlled and merged with hydrographic data to improve vertical stratification. In addition, regression of the time series of two neighbouring moorings (KGA12 and one east of it, not shown here) from an array that was present on the shelf slope in 20112012 could provide an eastward extension of the flow field on the shelf slope and add to the flux estimate on the East Greenland shelf. 3.3 Future improvement of a monitoring array in the EGC and on the shelf The present array has two weaknesses: 1) the measurements (particularly of salinity) do not span the water column close to the surface (i.e. above 80 m) in order to stay away from icebergs but it is here where the largest amount of freshwater resides, and 2) the lateral spacing between the two moorings is of low resolution (20 km apart) which is larger than the Rossby radius of deformation, and hence not all features and variability of the current on the ~60 km broad shelf can be captured. Here we provide some recommendations to improve a future monitoring system in the EGC and particularly on the shelf. The first difficulty, to measure closer to the surface, can be approached by including mooring extensions with TC sensors (Temperature-Conductivity) that are flexible enough to bend but also strong enough to not break under large strain from ice. An example of this is shown in Figure 4. The so-called Ice Snake from Aanderaa connects the different TC sensors with a conducting cable such that the data is stored in a data-logger with floatation at larger depth below the surface. The top of the Ice Snake contains a Pressure sensor too such that information is obtained about how often and how deep the top of the line is pushed down. The second problem of too low resolution of the array requires simply more instrumentation and moorings. For better resolution of the EGC on the shelf and the shelf slope, an array with at least 5 moorings are recommended for one year to obtain a time series of the current structure and variability on the whole shelf. In addition, higher resolution and improved insight in the spatial and temporal variability of salinity and temperature on the shelf could be obtained by the introduction of a sea glider. The glider could initially be deployed and tested for a period of two weeks during an oceanographic Page 6 cruise in the area. The use of a glider in winter, when the region is covered with sea ice, would be the ultimate goal to obtain more, highly essential winter data. Figure 3: The Aanderaa Ice Snake with Temperature-Conductivity (TC) sensors 4. References Dickson et al., 1988. The "Great Salinity Anomalies" in the northern North Atlantic, 1968- 1982, J. Phys. Oceanogr., 20, pages 103–151. Dickson et al., 2007. Current estimates of freshwater flux through Arctic and subarctic seas, Prog. Oceanog., 73, pages 210–230. Giles et al., 2012. Western Arctic Ocean freshwater storage increased by wind-driven spin-up of the Beaufort Gyre, Nature Geoscience, doi:10.1038/NGEO1379. Jahn et al., 2009. Effect of the large-scale atmospheric circulation on the variability of the Arctic Ocean freshwater export, Clim. Dynam., doi:10.1007/s00382-009-0558-z. Karcher et al., 2005. Arctic Ocean change heralds North Atlantic freshening, Geophys. Res. 32, L21606, doi:10.1029/2005GL023861. Page 7 Lett., Manabe and Stouffer, 1999. The role of thermohaline circulation in climate, Tellus, 51A-B, 91-109. doi:10.1034/j.1600-0889.1999.00008.x McPhee et al., 2009. Rapid change in freshwater content of the Arctic Ocean, Geophys.. Res. Lett., 36, L10602, doi: 10.1029/2009GL037525. Morrison et al., 2012. Changing Arctic Ocean freshwater pathways, Nature, 481, doi: 10.1038/nature10705. Proshutinsky et al., 2009. The Beaufort Gyre freshwater reservoir: State and variability from observations, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C00A10, doi:10.1029/2008JC005104. Rabe et al., 2011. An assessment of pan-Arctic Ocean freshwater content changes from the 1990s to the IPY period, Deep-Sea. Res. I, 58, doi: 10.1016/j.dsr.2012.12.002. de Steur et al., 2009. Freshwater fluxes in the East Greenland Current: A decade of observations. Geophys. Res. Lett. 36, doi:10.1029/2009GL041278 de Steur et al., 2013. Hydrographic changes in the Lincoln Sea in the Arctic Ocean with focus on an upper ocean freshwater anomaly between 2007-2010. J. Geophys. Res. Accepted. doi: 10.1002/jgrc.20341 Timmermans et al., 2011. Surface freshening in the Arctic Ocean’s Eurasian Basin: An apparent consequence of recent change in the wind-driven circulation, J. Geophys. Res., 116, C00D03, doi:10.1029/2011JC006975. Yamamoto-Kawai et al., 2009. Surface freshening of the Canada Basin, 2003-2007: River runoff versus sea ice meltwater, J. Geophys. Res., 114, C00A05, doi:10.1029/2008JC005000. 5. Dissemination and uptake 5.1 Dissemination Peer reviewed articles: None so far. Publications in preparation OR submitted: In preparation OR submitted? Title All authors Title of the periodical or the series Is/Will open access be provided to this publication? Planned: 2014 Freshwater flux on the East Greenland shelf at 68.3°N L. de Steur and others Ocean Sciences Discussion Paper Yes 5.2 Uptake by the targeted audience According to the DOW, your audience for this deliverable is: Page 8 The general public (PU) X The project partners, including the Commission services (PP) A group specified by the consortium, including the Commission services (RE) This reports is confidential, only for members of the consortium, including the Commission services (CO) How are you going to ensure the uptake of the deliverables by the targeted audience? The report will be sent around to NACLIM partners and will be published on the NACLIM website. 6. The delivery is delayed: Yes No 7. Changes made and difficulties encountered, if any If you have encountered difficulties or made changes, please write four lines of explanation. One planned mooring for 2013-2014 could not be redeployed in the shelf-slope EGC since the mooring that was there the year before was lost and thus the instrumentation that would be used for this mooring was not available. The mooring was likely lost in early 2013 due to an iceberg encounter. This illustrates exactly how difficult it is to obtain measurements from this region. 8. Efforts for this deliverable How many person-months have been used up for this deliverable? Partner Person-months NIOZ UHAM UIB UNIRES Total 0.5 1 1 2 4.5 Period covered From 01/11/2012- to 15/10/2013 From 01/11/2012- to 15/10/2013 From 01/11/2012- to 15/10/2013 From 01/11/2012- to 15/10/2013 Total estimated effort for this deliverable (DOW) was 4.5 person-months. 9. Sustainability The present system performance will be evaluated in D21.21, daily time series of the freshwater flux will be delivered to the NACLIM data base under D21.34, and ultimately an assessment of the year-round freshwater flux on the shelf will be added to D21.53. Page 9 10. Dissemination activities Add the dissemination activities (starting from November 2012) related to this deliverable. Fill in the table below in all its parts. [3] Indicate here which type of activities from the following list: Publications, conferences, workshops, web, press releases, flyers, articles published in the popular press, videos, media briefings, presentations, exhibitions, thesis, interviews, films, TV clips, posters, Other. [4] Indicate here which type of audience: Scientific Community (higher education, Research), Industry, Civil Society, Policy makers, Medias ('multiple choices' is possible. Type of activities[3] Main leader Title (+website reference) Date Place Type of audience[4] Presentation Laura de Steur (NIOZ) Freshwater components in the East Greenland Current between Denmark and Fram Strait 2012 22-26 July 2013 Knowledge of the future/North Atlantic and Climate Change, at IUGG Meeting, Gothenburg (SE) Scientific Community Page 10 Size of audience Countries addressed Have you sent a copy to Chiara (project office) via mail? All Yes Description of the work package in the Description of Work (DOW) for reference Objectives WP 2.1 • To modify existing measuring systems in order to make them more accurate and more sustainable for long-term monitoring of the exchanges across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge • To provide updated time series of mass and heat transport for all the Atlantic inflow branches to the Nordic Seas and mass and freshwater transport for the most important overflow branches • To estimate the variability and identify any potential trends in these flows. Description of work and role of the partners The experience from previous experiments has revealed gaps in the monitoring systems, but also indicated ways to make them less costly to run. At the project start, these changes will be implemented and measurements acquired during the field phase of the project. The mooring arrays for the Atlantic inflows and the overflows will only slightly be modified, but the arrays capturing the freshwater fluxes on the East Greenland Shelf and those covering the overflow sources upstream are new developments. Task 2.1.1 Monitoring the inflow of Atlantic water to the Nordic Seas a) The existing monitoring systems across the three Atlantic inflow branches will be modified in order to enhance the accuracy and make them more sustainable as long-term monitoring systems. [UiB, MRI, HAV, MSS, SAMS]. The output will be the Deliverable D8, D21, D34, D57 b) Monitoring will be maintained during the field phase of NACLIM and time series of hydrographic properties and volume transport of the three Atlantic inflow branches generated annually. [UiB, MRI, HAV, MSS, SAMS]. The output will be the Deliverable D21, D34, D57 c) Based on the updated time series, variability and potential trends of the inflow branches will be estimated and evaluated in relation to available model results. [UniRes, UiB, MRI, HAV, MSS, SAMS] The output will be the Deliverable D51, D59 d) At the project conclusion, a design for a sustainable long-term inflow monitoring system will be recommended. [UniRes, UiB, MRI, HAV, MSS] The output will be the Deliverable D59 Task 2.1.2 Monitoring the dense water overflow across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge a) Denmark Strait overflow. [MRI, UHAM] The output will be the Deliverable D21, D34, D57 b) The existing ADCP mooring array in the Faroe Bank Channel (FBC) will be maintained during the field phase of NACLIM and time series of FBC-overflow properties and transport generated annually. [HAV, UiB and UHAM] The output will be the Deliverable D21, D34, D57 c) The overflow across the shallow Wyville Thomson Ridge will be monitored downstream of the ridge. [SAMS] The output will be the Deliverable D21, D34, D57, D44, D55 d) Based on the updated time series, variability and potential trends of the monitored overflow branches will be Page 11 estimated and evaluated in relation to available model results. [UiB, UHAM, MRI, HAV, SAMS] The output will be the Deliverable D51, D59 e) At the project conclusion, a design for a sustainable long-term overflow monitoring system will be recommended. [UniRes, UiB, UHAM, MRI, HAV, SAMS] The output will be the Deliverable D59 Task 2.1.3 Sources of the Denmark Strait Overflow A skeleton mooring array based on the currently deployed full Kogur array will be maintained to monitor the deep East Greenland Current [UiB] and the North Icelandic Jet (American partner, WHOI), the two identified pathways of Denmark Strait Overflow Water. The eastern part of the Kogur section is regularly occupied by CTD cruises [MRI]. Along with the ongoing mooring program at the Denmark Strait sill [MRI, UHAM], these concurrent measurements will be an important step towards determining the relative contributions of the two sources of overflow water. The output will be the Deliverable D21, D34, D57, D44, D55 Task 2.1.4 Freshwater fluxes on the East Greenland Shelf The extension of the Kogur array onto the Greenland shelf will be maintained and expanded in order to measure the transport of fresh water by the East Greenland Current [NIOZ]. The deployment will initially take the form of an innovative pilot project in which the technology required for upper-ocean measurements in ice-covered waters already employed (e.g. in the Davis Strait) will be further developed. The output will be the Deliverable D8, D12, D21, D32, D53, D21, D34, D57, D44, D55 Interaction with other work packages WP2.1 addresses the exchanges of heat and mass across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge and will provide data (input) to activities in WP’s 1.1, 1.2, 3.1, 3.2, 4.1 and 4.2. WP 2.1 will exchange data and observations technology with WP 2.2: WP2.2 addresses the assessment and improvement of the observing system south of the Greenland/Scotland Ridge. WP2.1 proposes to perform similar work but for the region north of the Greenland Scotland Ridge . For more information on interactions with WP 2.3, please see the exhaustive explanation in WP2.3. WP 2.1 and WP 3.1 will jointly investigate the importance of initializing the density structure in the overflow region: the importance of initializing the density structure in the overflow region will be investigated in collaboration with WP 2.1 by providing the information from the “perfect” model experiments obtained in WP3.1. Data on exchanges across the Greenland/Scotland Ridge from WP2.1 is required as input to WP3.2. List of deliverables D21.12) Description of a monitoring system on the shallow East Greenland shelf: This is a report describing the design of a new monitoring system to be deployed on the East Greenland shelf. [month 12] Who is in charge: NIOZ Page 12 D21.21) Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-ScotlandRidge-1: Full title: Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-Scotland-Ridge-1st Batch This deliverable consists of time series of mass, heat and freshwater transport across the GSR calculated on the first year of observations. [month 18] Who is in charge : UIB D21.32) Report on system performance: a monitoring system on the shallow East Greenland shelf: This is a report on the performance of the monitoring system described under D12. [month 30] Who is in charge: NIOZ D21.34) Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-ScotlandRidge-2: Full title: Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-Scotland-Ridge-2nd Batch. This deliverable consists of time series of mass, heat and freshwater transport across the GSR calculated on the second year of observations. [month 30] Who is in charge: UIB D21.53) Assessment of the freshwater transport in the East Greenland Current at the Kogur array: Assessment of the freshwater transport in the East Greenland Current at the Kogur array [month 44] Who is in charge: MRI D21.57) Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across Greenland-Scotland-Ridge3: Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-Scotland-Ridge- 3rd Batch [month 44] Who is in charge: UIB Page 13 Person-months per participant Person-months (PM) Deliverable title Lead benef iciary Tot PM UH AM DQ Description of a monitoring system on the shallow East Greenland shelf NIOZ 4.5 Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-Scotland-Ridge1st Batch Report on system performance: a monitoring system on the shallow East Greenland shelf Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-Scotland-Ridge2nd Batch Assessment of the freshwater transport in the East Greenland Current at the Kogur array Daily time series data of mass, heat and freshwater transports across the Greenland-Scotland-Ridge3rd Batch UIB MPG UPMC UiB UniRE S 1 1 2 28 3 9 1 NIOZ 4.5 1 1 2 UIB 27 3 9 1 MRI 11 1 1 1 UIB 27 3 9 1 Page 14 GEOM AR DMI HAV FMI MRI NIOZ SAMS NER C/ ICPO NERS C VITO GIM DTU MSS 0.5 4 6 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 0.5 4 6 6 4 6 2