NUMONT British Primary School C/Parma, 16 28043 Madrid Founded 1962 by M.A Swanson Principal Mrs J. Gemmell Tel. + 34 91 300 24 31 Fax. + 34 91 759 94 51 E-mail: ________________________________________________________________ EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES 2015/2016 Please indicate on the attached form the activities in which your child/ren would like to participate during the current term and return it as soon as possible by writing your child/ren’s name in the end column next to the activity/activities that they wish to enrol in. Children MAY NOT change activities during the term. Please let us know by the end of each term if a child is not going to continue with an activity. All classes (with the exception of swimming) are held on school premises. Classes are from 3.50pm – 4.50pm except for piano, private French & extra English and Spanish which are by appointment. The cost of group classes is 115€ per term The cost of two day activity ballet is 200 € per term. The cost of private classes (& piano) is 165€ per term for ½ an hour a week. For one hour a week, the cost is 330€ per term. The cost of swimming is 200€ per term CLUB Lunch time Art Club YEAR Nursery & Reception PRICE 130 € TEACHER Mrs Williams & Mrs Jessica Monday ART Years 1-6 130€ Mrs Jessica Inc. materials Drama & Reporting Y 3-6 115 Miss Smith Ballet Years 3-6 115 Miss Beatrice Football Sr Years 3-6 115 Mr McLeod Junior French Club Nursery to Year 2 115 Miss Evy Music & Movement Nursery to Year 1 115 Miss Cindy Critical Thinking Year3-6 115 Miss Grogan BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS NAME OF CHILD AND CLASS This club will take place 4 times a week at lunch time from 12.30 to 13.00. This is an Art & Crafts Club where the children will be painting, drawing and making lots of crafts. The children will be making gifts and cards (picture frames sculptures, and all sorts of individual crafts). The activities will help develop co-ordination and manual skills as well as improve their creative and artistic side. This one is for budding actors and/or journalists. The children will learn how to produce a school newspaper and present their ideas confidently. They will invent film ads and recite poems. Last year the D & R Club produced a bi-termly newsletter which was written and designed by the students themselves Ballet is taught by Miss Beatrice Motilla (RTS) Registered Teacher of the Royal Academy of Dance. Children can be prepared for RAD exams. The children will be taught techniques and skills and play mini games and tournaments during the class. French will be taught through songs and games in an interactive way. Miss Evy has been teaching French at Numont for the past 6 years. This class is aimed at developing an interest in music from an early age through a stimulating musical environment. Songs, actions, musical games, and “music and movement” activities are designed to stretch and improve the children´s musical ability and build confidence in their use of language skills, body co-ordination, social development and awareness. Critical thinking and problem solving is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking, which is key to development and success in all areas of school life. We will be solving lots of puzzles and playing games as well as inventing our own! The puzzles will require you to use all the skills that you are developing in numeracy and literacy, so come along and learn while having fun! Culture Club Year 1-6 115 Miss Gill Translation Club Year 3-6 115 Miss Grogan Needlecraft Years1-6 130 Miss Katie Inc. materials Tuesday Chess Club Years 1-6 115 Mr Hooley Reception – Year 3 115 Miss Davies Drama Club The children will learn about other cultures and languages. Multicultural skills will be enhanced and this will encourage respect and understanding of differences between different cultures Translation Club is a great way to improve your grammar, reading and writing skills. We will be learning how to translate from Spanish to English as well as consolidating our writing techniques. Also, we will hold mini-conferences in which we will learn about public speaking and how to give a good presentation. We will cover a range of topics from entertainment to science, so if you are a keen writer and enjoy a challenge come along and give it a go! 'Learn the basics of crochet, knitting, cross stitch, embroidery, macrame and more. Improve your dexterity and concentration skills, and learn how to follow a pattern'. The children will learn new strategies and compete with each other. The Drama Club will enhance self-confidence, develop social skills and improve oral communication through a variety of fun activities that include storytelling, drama games, movement and Film Club Y3-6 115 Miss Olivia Guitar Club Years 1-6 115 Mr McLeod Homework Club Years 1-6 115 Numont “Masterchef” Years N-6 130 Mrs Pammy & Mrs Gemmell Mrs Bazakis Ballet Nursery & Reception 115 Miss Beatrice Phonics Club Nursery to Year 3 115 Mrs Gill voice training. Students are encouraged to watch a diverse range of films including classics, black and white movies, documentaries, blockbusters and foreign language titles, and to review the films they watch. This is a fantastic foundation on which to build literacy development. This can really help children´s critiquing and analytical skills and it also builds up their talking, listening skills and confidence. In Film club we also watch interviews with directors, actors, producers and have an insight into how films are created! Film Club which was originally set up in the UK has proven to broaden childrens minds, and is effective at engaging pupils who don’t take part in other cultural activities. The children will be taught basic scales, chords and melodies and progress according to their skill to more challenging pieces. The genres of music will range from classical guitar to modern pop/rock. Homework will be supervised and the children will be given individual help so that they complete their homework for the day. Children will learn basic and more advanced skills in order to make delicious sweet and savoury goodies, as well as smoothies and healthy snacks to take home for the rest of the family to try. Children will learn to follow recipes, measure out ingredients and make a recipe book. The price includes all ingredients. Ballet is taught by Miss Beatrice Motilla (RTS) Registered Teacher of the Royal Academy of Dance. Children can be prepared for RAD exams. The children will practise their reading and writing skills in a small group through fun and practical games and activities by looking at all jolly phonics. There will be special emphasis on Junior Sports Reception – Year 2 115 Mr Doherty Bollywood Nursery to Year 6 Nursery to Year 1 115 Mrs Vinita 115 Mrs majella Year 1 -2 115 Miss Beatrice Creative Writing class Y1- Y6 115 Miss Laura Football Jr 115 Mr Fisher Choir Reception – Y2 Y2-6 115 Miss Davis Senior Maths Club Years 3-6 115 Miss Smith Homework Club Years 1-6 115 Science Club Y1-6 115 Miss Pammy & Mrs Gemmell Miss Gill Maths Jr WEDNESDAY Ballet sounds, blending and spelling. This will improve reading fluency and therefore encourage children to read more on their own. This club will include a variety of games and sports suited to the younger children. They will learn the rules and skills needed in ball games, relay races, hockey, tennis, stick ball and tunnel ball to name a few. This will help improve co-ordination and discipline. Bollywood is a fun activity where children can learn various Bollywood moves to exotic music. This club is aimed at younger children. It will help them get to grips with number recognition and numerical concepts through fun games and songs. Ballet is taught by Miss Beatrice Motilla (RTS) Registered Teacher of the Royal Academy of Dance. Children can be prepared for RAD exams. The children will be reading and researching different styles of writing and will be encouraged to write their own stories using their imagination. The children will be taught techniques and skills and play mini games and tournaments during the class. The children will be trained to sing in harmony and be introduced to many different types of music. This club will help children understand and apply mathematical concepts as well as reinforce work done in class. Homework will be supervised and the children will be given individual help and complete their homework for the day. Enjoy learning about science and creativity with hands-on Senior French Club Y3-Y6 115 Miss Evy Storytime N to Y1 115 Mrs Majella Mini fashion Club Y1-Y6 130 Miss Olivia Thursday Ballet Years 3-6 115 Miss Beatrice Basketball Years 1-6 115 Mrs Bazakis Drama Club Year 3-6 115 Miss Davies Homework Club Years 1-6 115 Miss Pammy & Mrs Gemmell experiments and ICT games. The children will learn and deepen their knowledge of French and French culture through worksheets in addition to games and songs. Classes will be given by a French native speaker Mrs. Majella will run this story time group for the younger children transporting them to an imaginary world of exciting adventures. Design and print a t-shirt, make a hat, a brooch or learn how to design your own costume! Children will learn how to draw and make their own fashion designs, fabric printmaking, stitch and more. Miss Olivia has lots of experience in design and will teach you some of her techniques. Ballet is taught by Miss Beatrice Motilla (RTS) Registered Teacher of the Royal Academy of Dance. Children can be prepared for RAD exams. Learn, improve and practise basketball skills. Enjoy competition and challenge. Make friends and play with children from all years in KS2. End of year Basketball "show". The Drama Club will enhance self-confidence, develop social skills and improve oral communication through a variety of fun activities that include storytelling, drama games, movement and voice training. The children will have the opportunity to enjoy musical experiences through listening, singing, movement and dance and by playing tunes and un-tuned percussion. Homework will be supervised and the children will be given individual help and complete their homework for the day. Swimming Nursery to Year 6 Modern Dance Club Y3-6 PRIVATE CLASSES English Spanish French Piano Any other /please specify Mrs Majella & Mrs Joy 115 Miss Lauren The classes will take place at Natacion Jimenez in Parque Conde Orgaz. The children will be taken to the swimming pool by bus, supervised and monitored by school teachers. Parents must pick up their children by 5.00pm at the latest directly from the swimming pool. The children will be taught by the teachers at the club, but our teachers will be there to help them dress/undress and will wait until all children are collected. Practise your moves in a range of different syles including hiphop and funky. You can also learn to choreograph your own routine.