UQUNION: CLUBS AND SOCIETIES AGM POLICY AGM must include the following: 1. Sufficient notice must be given to each member according to the club’s constitution 2. Notice must be in writing (email or direct mail). 3. Written notification must be submitted to C&S office 14 days prior to AGM to be lodged on the Club AGM register. 4. Signed attendance list. This list must include each attendee’s name, student number and must be signed by the member. 5. Proxies must be in writing and do not count towards quorum. 6. Minutes must be taken from this meeting and must include details of each process. 7. Reports from outgoing office bearers (President, Secretary and Treasurer – audit report must be included in Treasurer’s report) 8. AGM must be held at a neutral venue (i.e. not at a private dwelling and ideally held at UQ campus) 9. Nominations must be called according to the club’s constitution and each nominee nominator and seconder for each position. 10. Voting can be held by either secret ballot or show of hands to be determined by the members at the meeting. This method must be evidenced in the minutes and how the results were returned 11. Any alterations to the club’s constitution may be made at a quorate AGM with details of the proposed changes put in writing and included with the notification of the AGM to all members and the Clubs and Societies office. 12. AGM minutes must be submitted to the Clubs and Societies office no later than 14 days after the meeting. C&S Standing Resolution 91/22 Page 1 of 11 THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Clubs and Societies must comply strictly with Clubs and Societies’ AGM policy in order to have their minutes passed by the Clubs and Societies Committee. Failure to fulfil these requirements could result in disciplinary action and/or future subsidies being jeopardised. Please use this as a checklist – it will make your task so much easier. STEP ONE: BEFORE THE MEETING 1)AGM Month – Your AGM must be held in October. 2)Audit – It is a legal requirement that an audit must be conducted on the financial records of the club/society prior to their AGM. As such your books should be prepared for Audit and submitted to the Clubs and Societies office by September 20th. Please ensure that the club complies with this requirement 3)Written Notification – All members of the club as well as the Clubs and Societies Coordinator must be notified of the AGM in writing at least 14 days in advance. (email will suffice) 4)AGM Policy – Be familiar with the Clubs and Societies AGM Policy. 5)Collect a new authority form from the Commonwealth bank in the Union Complex. STEP TWO: AT THE MEETING 1)Quorum: (the minimum number of club members required to be present in order for the meeting to proceed – this is indicated in each club’s constitution). Generally quorum is 15% plus one of the membership. Quorum must be reached in order for the AGM to take place. 2)Attendance List: Ensure that all those present fill in the attendance list. Signatures and student numbers MUST be included. 3)Minutes: Ensure that minutes of the meeting are taken and they represent a true record of what occurred at the meeting. Fill in the Minutes Form (attached). 4)Reports: Written reports must be given by the President and Secretary and the Treasurer must present the audited financial records of the club. These reports are to be filled in on the ‘AGM Minutes Form’ or alternatively attached to it. 5)Elections: The election of a new executive of the club is usually conducted at the AGM. A returning officer should firstly be elected (this needs to be noted in the Minutes Form) and this person conducts the elections. The returning officer cannot be nominated for any executive positions. Page 2 of 11 Nominations: Unless the nomination procedure is specified in the clubs constitution the returning office will take nominations from the floor. They will then conduct the voting procedure ensuring procedural fairness. 6)General Business: Once the elections have been completed the meeting then moves on to ‘General Business’. This covers any business not covered in the above areas. 7)Bank Form: The Commonwealth Bank ‘Authority for Unincorporated Clubs, Lodges and Society Accounts’ form must be submitted to the bank with a copy of the AGM minutes. The form must also include the signature of the Clubs and Societies Coordinator James Hudson. STEP THREE: AFTER THE MEETING CHECKLIST: The following forms need to be submitted to the Clubs and Societies Coordinator as soon as possible after the club’s AGM. Doing it straight away is the best plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Minutes from the meeting or the ‘AGM Minutes Form’ Attendance List with signatures and student numbers Commonwealth Bank Authority form Executive Contact Details form Current Membership List of the club The bank form will be signed by the Clubs and Societies Coordinator James Hudson and must be submitted with a copy of the AGM minutes to the bank. These AGM minutes will be submitted to the Clubs and Societies Committee for approval. James will provide an orientation to C&S Area for the newly elected executive of the club. If you have any questions regarding any of the above information, please don’t hesitate to contact James on 3377 2211 or email clubs.union@uq.edu.au. Page 3 of 11 Attendance Sheet for AGM: Name of Club: _____________________________ Date: ________________ Room: _________________ NAME STUDENT NO. SIGNATURE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Please check your quorum requirements – you may need more than one attendance list Page 4 of 11 President’s Report That the President’s report be accepted _____________/_____________ Carried/Lost (circle one) Page 5 of 11 Treasurer’s Report That the Treasurer’s report be accepted ____________/___________ Carried/Lost (circle one) Page 6 of 11 Secretary’s Report That the Secretary’s report be accepted. ____________/___________ Carried/Lost (circle one) Page 7 of 11 Election of new executive Name of Returning Officer: Method of Election (please tick) Show of Hands Secret Ballot Proportional Representation (PR) Affirmative Action (AA) Other President Candidate Nominated by Seconded By Nominated by Seconded By Nominated by Seconded By Nominated by Seconded By Successful Candidate: Vice-President Candidate Successful Candidate: Secretary Candidate Successful Candidate: Treasurer Candidate Successful Candidate: Page 8 of 11 General Business Meeting closed at _________________ Page 9 of 11 Executive Contact Details Club: _______________________________________ Date: _______________________________________ Contact Person: Name: M’ship Enquiries Phone: M’ship Enquiries Email: Club Web/Facebook/Myspace: _____________________________________________________ President: Name: ___________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ I give authority to UQ Union Clubs & Societies to contact me from time to time as required. Signed (President)……………………………………….………..….. Secretary: Name: Address: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ I give authority to UQ Union Clubs & Societies to contact me from time to time as required. Signed (Secretary)……………………………………….………..….. Treasurer: Name: ___________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________________ Email: ___________________________________________ I give authority to UQ Union Clubs & Societies to contact me from time to time as required. Signed (Treasurer)…………………….…………………………..….. Page 10 of 11 Bank Obligations for Clubs After the Annual General Meeting the new executive (President, Secretary, and Treasurer and on some occasions the Vice President) MUST complete the Bank Authority form included in this AGM pack. A copy of the minutes from the AGM must be presented to the bank to verify the appointment of the new signatories. The bank will not approve the form without this information Pages 1-3 must be completed as follows. Page 1. Section 1. Fill in BSB, Account Number and the name of your clubs account. Under account type cross Society Business Cheque Account. Section 2. Fill this in if you require netbank access. Note you will still need to adhere to the 2 signatures rule so 2 people will be logging in simultaneously to make payments. It is wise to print up a record of these payments for your books. Section 3. Check the Any two of the Authorised signatories box. Section 4. Sign the declaration. Page 2. Section 4. Your signatories are each to fill a section out. Please fill in every section to avoid delays. A second page 2 has been inserted for extra signatories as required. James Hudson has pre completed his authority but it will still need signing AFTER all of you other signatories have completed their details. Please bring the completed form up to him at the Clubs and Societies office. New Executives must have 100 points of identification as is required for operating all bank accounts. CBA card Student card Drivers License Passport Medicare card Other bank cards 100 points 40 points 40 points 70 points 25 points 25 points Page 3. The new president signs at Part A Page 11 of 11