Discipline Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct
The Code of Student Conduct shall apply to all students at all times on all Board of Education property, including:
➢ in school buildings
➢ on school grounds
➢ in all school vehicles
➢ at all school, school-related, or Board-sponsored activities, including but not limited to:
➢ school field trips
➢ school sporting events (whether such activities are held on school property or at locations off school
property, including private business or commercial establishments)
Levels of Interventions and Consequences for Violations of the Code of Student Conduct
As with any incident of student behavior, school administrators must exercise informed judgment as to whether a student’s actions
constitute a violation of the Board policy and/ or the Code of Student Conduct. The levels, as outlined below, guide administrators
to use progressive interventions to change student behaviors. The administrator always has the option to use an intervention from
a lower level as long as one from the prescribed level is also employed. Moreover, if a behavior is deemed a criminal offense by
local authorities and such offense is not identified in this Code of Student Conduct, the consequence may be expulsion from Clyde
A. Erwin High School. Restitution for loss or damage will be required in addition to any other prescribed consequences.
NOTE: For repeated chronic, cumulative and/or serious violations, intervention/consequences may begin at a higher
level. Students who have accumulated more than 7 days of ISS during the school year will automatically be OSS for any further
disciplinary infractions. Students who have accumulated more than 10 days of OSS may be referred to the Hearing Board for
long term suspension. Consequences may be accelerated at the discretion of administration.
Infractions and Consequences
Dress Code Violation – If a student refuses to comply with the dress code, refer student immediately to grade level administrators.
Tardy Policy:
1st - Warning
2 – Lunch detention on the class’ day
3rd – Lunch detention - parent notified by teacher
4th – Administrative referral resulting in after school (30 mins) detention-parent notified by administrator
5th – Administrative referral resulting in after school (60 mins) detention-parent notified by administrator
6th – One Day ISS
7th – Two Days ISS
8th—Three Days ISS
*A student is tardy to class when the late bell has rung and the student is not inside the classroom. This is a minimum requirement, teachers
may increase from the minimum requirement. If a teacher chooses to increase from the minimum it will be added to their code of conduct
poster as well as defined clearly in their syllabi.
Late Arrival to School – Parents must sign sign in at front office after 7:50 am.
Students tardy to school must obtain a Tardy Notification form to enter class late from Main Office.
Specific Consequences for Unauthorized Cell Phone Use:
1st offense—Phone taken by teacher and given back at end of class.
2nd offense—Phone turned into administration, and parent/ guardian must pick up.
3rd offense— Phone turned into administration and parent/guardian must pick up (next cell violation will result in ISS)
4th offense—Phone turned into administration and parent/guardian must pick up and will serve 1 day of ISS
*Only educational use of electronics, which is authorized specifically by the teacher within their lessons, will be allowed in the classroom.
Discipline Code of Conduct
Level I
Unauthorized cell phone use
Horseplay, running in the hallway
Failure to follow a reasonable request
Failure to participate in class
Misuse/unauthorized use of electronics
Not dressing out
PDA (Public Display of Affection)
Level II (Year Long)
Defiance/Disrespect/Non-compliance/Disruptive Behavior
Inappropriate language, Insubordination
Property misuse
Being in unauthorized area
Computer misuse (minor—inappropriate websites)
Dress Code violation
Excessive display of affection
Excessive horseplay
False information/accusations
Honor Code violation
Inappropriate item(s) on school property
Tobacco possession/Use
Misuse of school technology
Property damage, Truancy
1st, 2nd and 3rd offenses-, determined by teacher (examples-phone
home, conference with student, time out, move seat, other intervention
4th offense- See Level II Offense (1st 2nd 3rd minors must be on file)
1st offense— ISS 1 day
2nd offense— ISS 2 days
3rd offense—ISS 3 days
After the third referral—OSS
Level III (Year Long)
Disrespect of faculty/staff
Disruptive behavior
Aggressive behavior; physical or verbal communicating
Computer misuse (communicating threats/hacking)
Forgery/Counterfeit currency possession, use
Gambling (report to SRO)
Gross disrespect toward staff (use of profanity towards
Leaving an area, class or schools grounds without
Refusal to comply with individual search
Use of lighter/matches
Level IV (Report to SRO)
Assault causing injury
Consumption of alcohol
Disorderly conduct/directed at disrupting the school
Gang activity
Inciting or participating in a school disturbance
Harassment; verbal, sexual
Possession of alcohol
Possession of drug/chemical paraphernalia
Possession of Illegal Drugs
Possession of materials with intent to set fire
Possession of prescribed medications
Possession of weapon; excluding firearm
Putting substances in another person’s food/drink or on a
person’s body
Sexual activity- mutual
Under the influence of illegal drugs
Level V (Report to SRO)
Assault causing serious physical injury
Demonstration of mass protest
Distribution of illegal drug
Distribution of prescribed medication
False fire alarm
Sexual assault
Level VI (Report to SRO)
Assault on faculty/staff
Bomb threat
Kidnapping or unjust imprisonment
Possession of a firearm or powerful explosive
Setting fire on school property and/or willful burning of
school property or building
Use of a weapon
1st offense—OSS 1 days
2nd offense—OSS 2 days
3rd offense—OSS 3 days
4th offense – 0SS 5 days and possible referral
to the Hearing Board
1st offense—OSS 5 days
2nd offense—OSS 10 days
and referral to hearing board
1st offense—OSS 10 days
2nd offense—OSS 10 days
and referral to Hearing Board
1st offense—OSS 10 days
and referral to Hearing Board