DIRECTORY Administration, Teaching Staff, Board of Education & Bell Schedule ........................................................... 3 New for 2014-2015 School Year ..................................................................................................................... 4 Academics and Student Records Credits Needed for Gradation Requirements for Graduation Credit Requirements for Graduation Missouri Options ............................................................................................................................... 5 Dual Credit Retention Policy for Seventh and Eighth Grade Change of Address Grade Cards Honor Roll Requirements Obligations Due Schedule Changes Attendance Policy............................................................................................................................................ 6 Make-Up Work After Absence ......................................................................................................... 7 Signing Out of School Perfect Attendance Approval of Community Service Agencies ....................................................................................... 8 Prearranged Absence Policy Career & College Exploratory Days Guidance Services Counseling and Crisis Intervention Sources Miscellaneous Information and Expectations .................................................................................................. 9 Academy Academy Cards Announcements Assemblies Building Requests Cafeteria Procedures Dismissal of School Driving and Parking Regulations .................................................................................................... 10 Enrollment Information Illness or Injury Lunch Prices Lunch Charges Lock and Locker Policy Lost and Found Parent Conferences.......................................................................................................................... 11 P.E. Requirements School Bus Regulations School Dance Eligibility Solicitation Student Portal Access Telephone Calls Textbooks Visitors School Nurse Information ............................................................................................................................. 12 Health Services Immunizations Medical Update Medication Policy Health and Safety Accident Reports Emergency Procedures and Information Fire Drill Earthquake Drill Student Discipline ......................................................................................................................................... 13 Forms of Discipline Codes for Student Discipline Student Discipline Code ................................................................................................................................ 14 Category I Weapons Category II Weapons Drugs and Alcohol Academic Dishonesty Assault Assault or Threats Towards Faculty/Staff Bullying & Cyberbullying ............................................................................................................... 15 Careless Driving/Parking Lot Violations Cell Phones Defiance Disruptive Speech/Conduct Dress Code Violations ..................................................................................................................... 16 Excessive ISS Failure to Meet Conditions of Suspension, Expulsion, or Other Disciplinary Consequences Fighting Fireworks or Other Incendiary Devices Harassment Indecent Exposure ........................................................................................................................... 17 Misuse of Computers Nuisance Items Public Display of Affection Sexting or Possession of Sexually, Explicit, or Violent Material Sexual Harassment Stealing............................................................................................................................................ 18 Tardies Tobacco & Other Inhalants Truancy Vandalism Verbal Abuse to Staff/Disrespect Other Notices and Information from the District........................................................................................... 19 Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Standard Complaint Resolution Procedure Missouri Revised Statues – 1994: Public Display of Explicit Sexual Material ............................................. 20 Annual Asbestos Notification ........................................................................................................................ 21 No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 Special Education Public Notice ................................................................................................................... 22 Public Notice Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 ........................................................................ 23 Lakeland R-III School Public Announcement Surrogate Parent Program Notice of Designation of Directory Information ........................................................................................... 24 Sexual Harassment Prohibited Notice to All Employees and Students ......................................................... 25 DESE’s Title IX Coordinator ATHLETICS & ACTIVITIES HANDBOOK ............................................................................................... 26 2 Lakeland Junior High and High School Staff Mr. Mitch Towne Dr. Steve Ritter Mr. Mark McLaughlin Ms. Linda Bourland Mrs. Carrie Lasswell Superintendent Principal Counselor Special Services Director High School Secretary Teaching Staff Ms. Megan Blair Ms. Joni Cook Mr. Justen Cooper Mrs. Kristen Engelhardt Mrs. Lisa Gurley Mr. Ted Hall Mr. Kevin Huber Mrs. Natalie Hunter Mr. Tyler Janke Mrs. Tabitha Jones Mr. Steve Kuchta Mr. Cody Loyd Mrs. Katie McLaughlin Mr. Bryan Merrick Mrs. Valerie Miller Mr. Chuck Reece Mrs. Alysia Utt Mrs. Crissella Waggoner Mrs. Mary Winter Science Librarian & Social Studies Physical Education Special Education Vocal Music Math Language Arts Business Education Social Studies Social Studies Physical Education Band Language Arts Science Family and Consumer Science Agricultural Education Language Arts Art Math Board Members Mr. Jeff Dull Mr. John Stewart Mr. Mat Meeker Mr. Doug Cambers Mr. Matt Hughes Mr. Jim Neuenschwander Mr. Matt Wirsig President Vice President Treasurer Member Member Member Member Class Schedule 8:15-9:05 9:09-9:59 10:03-10:53 10:57-11:17 11:21-12:11 12:15-12:35 12:38-1:28 1:32-2:22 2:26:3:16 1st Period 2nd Period 3rd Period JH Lunch/HS Academy 5th Hour HS Lunch/JH Academy 6th Period 7th Period 8th Period 3 NEW FOR 2014-2015 Please note the following updated policies to fit our practices and based on recommendations. Driving & Parking Regulation (see section on Parking permits)..................................................................... 9 Lunch Cards .................................................................................................................................................. 10 Field Trip Eligibility ...................................................................................................................................... 10 School Dance Eligibility................................................................................................................................ 11 Student Phone Use in ISS .............................................................................................................................. 15 Student Portal Access .................................................................................................................................... 11 Textbooks ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Excessive ISS ................................................................................................................................................ 16 Tobacco and Other Inhalants ......................................................................................................................... 18 ACADEMICS AND STUDENT RECORDS REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION: In order to participate in graduation exercises and proceedings, seniors must have successfully completed all course work designated by the Lakeland R-III School District. Students must pass Government, Health and Personal Finance. Also, successfully pass the U.S. Constitution test and Missouri Constitution test. All students must also complete all required End of Course exams. Any student who is within one credit of meeting all requirements may with the approval of the principal enroll in a correspondence course from a principal approved program. A request must be completed in writing to the principal requesting participation in the program. Following approval, the student and parent will meet with the school counselor and enroll in the prescribed course at least four weeks before graduation must. All expenses are to be paid by the student. Students must attend Lakeland R-III High School the last semester of their senior year to be eligible for a diploma from our high school. All students are required to attend eight semesters in grades 9-12. Permission may be granted for an exception to this requirement. Students must meet with the principal prior to October 1 st to be considered for early graduation. Students are expected to attend school with a full schedule. Students must attend eight semesters and the last four at Lakeland R-III in order to be considered for Salutatorian or Valedictorian. The general curriculum is required of all students. The general curriculum is an acceptable curriculum for college entrance; however, the choice of the college preparatory curriculum should better prepare you for success in the college or university of your choice. CREDIT REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION: 4 Units 3 Units 3 Units 3 Units 1 Units Language Arts Social Sciences Math Science Practical Arts 1 Units 1 Units ½ Units ½ Units 7 Units Total Credits Needed: 24 4 Physical Education Fine Arts Health Personal Finance Electives MISSOURI OPTIONS PROGRAM: Students who are more than one year behind their cohort (kindergarten classmates) at the start of their senior year or are experiencing another significant need may apply for the MO Options program. The student will attend school regularly and meet all requirements for personal finance, health government, and any other local requirements to earn their diploma. The student must also pass the HiSET (formerly the GED test). The first test will be paid for by the district. Any re-testing must be paid for by the student. Students successfully completing the program will receive a Lakeland High School diploma. DUAL CREDIT COURSES: To promote academic rigor and preparation for education following high school, Lakeland High School will accept and offer dual credit courses. Dual credit courses may be offered online, on campus, or at another location. Only courses approved by administration may be used for dual credit. Summer courses or additional courses taken by a student outside school hours may not be counted for dual credit unless preapproved by administration. Students enrolled in College credit classes will be weighted. RETENTION POLICY FOR SEVENTH AND EIGTH GRADE: Any student failing more than two (2) courses at the end of the spring semester can be considered for retention. The student’s academics, behavior, work ethic, motivation, and overall character may be factored into the decision to retain. **Full listing of academic policies and practices are available in the Course Description Guide release annually in January. Students and parents should refer to the edition released in Jan. 2014. This document is available on the high school webpage at CHANGE OF ADDRESS: If a student moves during the school year, he/she must report the change to the office immediately. In order to keep the office files up to date; it is necessary to have the student’s residence, mailing address and telephone number. This information may be updated online in SIS on the parent portal. GRADE CARDS: Grade cards are issued at mid-term and at the end of the quarter. HONOR ROLL REQUIREMENTS: In order for a student to be on the “A” honor roll, they must maintain a 3.67 G.P.A. and have no more than one “C” and no grade below a “C-”. For a student to be on the “B” honor roll, they must maintain a 3.00 G.P.A. and have no more than two “C’s”. Students with Ds and/or Fs for the grading period will not be eligible for honor roll. OBLIGATIONS DUE: A student will be ineligible, transcripts and diplomas will be held until all fines and obligations are met. SCHEDULE CHANGES: Schedules must be changed within the first week of the semester. Change will be based on space available, parent, teacher, counselor and principal approval. 5 ATTENDANCE POLICY Missouri Compulsory Attendance Law requires all students of ages 7-17 to be in regular attendance. Excessive truancy will be referred to the respective county juvenile office after the parent/guardian has been notified of the student’s activities and given a chance to improve the situation. A school absence is defined as not being present at school for all or any part of a regular school day. A class absence will be recorded when a student misses more than 15 minutes of a class; however, any absence due to a student’s participation in school sponsored activities will not be recorded as an absence. The responsibility for school attendance and promptness to class is that of the student. The parent/guardian and the school shall share the cultivation of these attributes. The following procedures have been established for students attending school at Lakeland R-III: To earn credit for a course or become eligible for promotion to the next grade-level, a student must have an attendance rate of 95% or better in each course. Any student missing more than five (5) school days in a particular course during a semester must make-up the time missed. A full school day of being absent would equate to 6.5 hours to be recovered. Students failing to recover attendance time will not receive credit for the course(s). Seniors must recover all missed attendance time by 3:30pm the day before graduation in order to walk at graduation. Classifications of absences: o The following do not count towards the five (5) days a semester include: schoolsponsored activities, school approved college days, funerals, school nurse holds the student from attending school, home-bound services, OSS (up to 10 days), long-term doctor’s care (with documentation), and hospitalizations of two (2) or more days. o The following do count towards the five (5) days a semester and must be made up: doctor and dentist appointments, driver’s permit and/or license testing, truancies, prearranged absences such as family trips, and any other call-in reasons parents would excuse their student from school. o School administration makes the final decision for classification of absences. Any time that has been missed can be recovered through the following methods: o Super Saturdays from 9am-Noon o After School Credit Recovery o Tutoring before or after school, or summer school o Community service: students may also recover up to 3 days (19.5 hours) Community service must be unpaid, unrelated to any legal or school discipline, and completed and submitted to the principal within the same deadlines as all other recovery methods. Signed documentation must be submitted from the community service supervisor including the number of hours served, what the student did during the time, and contact information of the supervisor. Students may serve their time early by attending and of the recovery methods, especially when they know they will miss school for prearranged absences at a later time such as doctor’s appointments, family vacations, etc. Truancy: Any student who is absent from school without parent or administration approval will be considered truant. Students will be allowed to make up their work, but the student will be referred for discipline. See Page 21 for consequences of truancy. When a student is absent except for a school activity, the following procedures will be followed: o If a student is absent from school, one of the student’s parents should call the school before 9:00 AM or soon thereafter. Parents are to inform the school of the reason for the student’s absence. o A student not in attendance for at least 4 consecutive full class periods will not be allowed to attend or participate in extra-curricular activities unless excused by the principal. 6 MAKE-UP WORK AFTER AN ABSENCE 1. Students will have the same number of school days they were absent to complete make-up work unless they are counted truant. It is the responsibility of the student to obtain information from the teacher regarding missed work and to turn make-up work in on time. Make-up work not completed during the allotted time will be recorded as a zero. 2. Assignments or tests which were announced prior to the student’s absence will be due the day the student returns to school, even if the class does not meet that day. Students who know in advance that they will be absent (family vacation, school activity) will be required to complete assignments before the absence. 3. Students who are suspended out of school (OSS) may make up all assignments from home provided the student also completes 3 hours of community service for each day the student is suspended out of school. Documentation of community service including the number of hours served, contact information for the supervisor, and a description of services completed is due within 5 school days of returning to school from suspension. Students may recover up to 10 days of OSS through community service a year. Any days after the 10th day of OSS cannot be made up and all credit for school work will be lost. a. Students who are OSS also face the following consequences: i. If a senior student, they cannot participate in Senior Trip ii. Cannot receive an Academy Card for the rest of the school year iii. The student is no longer eligible for the A+ program iv. Cannot participate or attend school activities during suspension v. Is not allowed on school grounds during the suspension 4. Make-up for final exams requires administrative approval. PRE-ARRANGED ABSENCE MAKE UP WORK: Students going on school sponsored activities or with a pre-arranged absence, which will require them to miss some part of a school day, must obtain the work for the missed classes BEFORE going on the trip or missing school. Student are to get a form from the high school office for teachers to initial that the student has the homework assignment they will need to complete due to missing the class. Student may NOT use time during class to get the form signed by any other teachers except for the teacher of the class they are currently in. SIGNING OUT OF SCHOOL: All students must have the permission of the principal or superintendent before signing out of school. When permission is granted, the student will sign-out on the check-out sheet in the office. Any unauthorized absence will be regarded as an unexcused absence and may lead to disciplinary action. A note or phone call from a parent must accompany the student’s request to leave school. PERFECT ATTENDANCE: Perfect attendance is defined as having no time absent from the regular school day. All minutes missed except for a school sponsored activity will count against perfect attendance. The Lakeland R-III School District values education and realizes that students need to be in attendance as much as possible. To help encourage attendance the district may provide incentives on perfect attendance. LONG-TERM PREARRANGED ABSENCE POLICY: Parents must make a request for a prearranged absence. This request can be made in writing or by a phone call. The purpose of this request is so that a student may keep up with their work. When a student will be gone for an extended amount of time, this is to be approved by the principal. Students must obtain all work prior to the prearranged absence and have all work completed upon return. Prearranged absences will count toward the totally number of days missed in a semester. Any prearranged absence days that contribute to a student missing more than 5 days in a semester must make up the required time. CAREER & COLLEGE EXPLORATORY DAYS: Seniors may be excused from school for two days to meet with officials or conduct site visits for college, vocational school, or the military. Seniors may request to the principal a third day to visit the school they are planning on attending to complete enrollment, financial aid, housing, or any other college/university related issues or meet with recruiters, take the ASVAB test, or complete any other military requirement. All visits should be pre-arranged with the office. 7 When the student returns, they must present a note to the high school office from the college, indicating the student visited their site. If properly verified, these absences do not count against a student. Juniors may use one (1) career & college exploratory day during the spring semester of their junior year instead of during their senior year, but it counts towards the total amount of days allowed of three (3). APPROVED COMMUNITY SERVICE AGENCIES: Students wishing to complete community service to make up for absences or to earn credit for work while suspended out of school (OSS) must complete the community service through an approved agency. Approved agencies include: churches, community centers, city/town government agencies, animal shelters, senior centers, and other nonprofit organizations such as the Samaritan Center or Salvation Army. Students may volunteer for Lakeland Youth Athletic Association events to make up regular absences, but not to make up for OSS as students are not allowed on school ground while suspended out of school. It is recommended students should always get approval from school administration before beginning community service to ensure it is through an approved agency. GUIDANCE SERVICES The school district offers guidance services in hopes that the school may provide each student with individual guidance and counseling. Included in these services: Individual Guidance --- academic and behavioral as needed Individual Counseling --- personal, social and emotional as needed Academic to Career Guidance --- Class selection tied to career interests, best practices and recommendations. This will include individual conferencing with students and parents leading into scheduling next year. College and Post-Secondary planning --- School-to-Work to associates, bachelors, and professional degree paths. Scholarships and Financial Aid assistance --- In-house scholarship provision, support, and management of financial assistance processes and practices. Individual guidance with families on form completion, deadlines and application submission. “Directed” informational meetings and special topics --- Senior Planning, Financial Aid, School Improvement. Group and Classroom Guidance --- Character Education, alcohol and substance prevention, conflict resolution, and leadership development. Customer Service --- Quality assurance begins with customer service. If you make contact with this office regarding any issue, we will attempt to resolve it promptly and in a timely manner. The counseling office is a place to “vent” concerns, procure assistance in problem-solving, and to “think out loud” when you need to. All schedule changes must be made through the counselor, final approval will be made by the principal. Arrangements will be made whereby all students will have the opportunity to meet with and discuss future educational and occupational plans with the counselor throughout the year. OFFICE HOURS: 8 AM to 3:30 PM --- Evenings by appointment EMAIL: COUNSELING AND CRISIS INTERVENTION SOURCES: Students who desire information or counseling for alcohol abuse, drug abuse or personal problems are encouraged to meet with the school counselor. 8 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION AND EXPECTATIONS ACADEMY: Academy meets for 20 minutes for the high school and 24 minutes for the junior high on a daily basis. This time is to be used for: 1) Study hall 2) Tutoring/Interventions 3) Activity Periods (class or extracurricular meetings) 4) Enrichment (such as ACT & EOC Prep) 5) Free time for Academy Card holders in the gym. ACADEMY CARDS: Students having no grades below a 70%, no more than 2 grades in the “C” range (70-79%), and at least 90% attendance will be eligible for a card. Students may get into home sporting events for free and are eligible for “free time” during Academy twice a week as well as other privileges offered to Academy Card holders. Teachers may decline participation for “free time” if the student is missing work, needs to study for a test, or has been a disruption in the classroom. Students failing to meet the academic and/or attendance expectations or referred to the office for discipline may lose the privileges of having an Academy Card for an amount of time to be determined by the administration. ANNOUNCEMENTS: Will be read immediately after the bell to start school at 8:15am. ASSEMBLIES: Students must sit with their grade level during an assembly unless otherwise instructed. BUILDING REQUEST: Any activity that requires the use of the school building must be approved by the office. A building request must be submitted to the office two weeks in advance of the activity. CAFETERIA PROCEDURES: All students will be in the cafeteria at the assigned time. Students are not allowed to eat in any other part of the building unless supervised by a teacher. RULES: Students will walk in the lunchroom and keep hands to one’s self and stand in the lunch lines. Each student will use his/her own lunch card and clear any trash and his/her tray When finished eating, students will return to their seats. Students may leave the lunchroom at the bell. After leaving the lunchroom, students are to return to class quickly and quietly. VIOLATION OF RULES: The office recommends the following penalties. They will be issued at the teacher’s discretion. Loss of place in lunch line. Cleaning of lunch areas and/or tables Assignment to certain eating areas (separate table, chair, room, etc.). Conference with administration. With each offense, student’s name is recorded in the office. The student may be subject to detention or suspension. DISMISSAL OF SCHOOL: The superintendent or his designee may dismiss school to weather, unsafe conditions, or any other justifiable reason. School cancellations are posted via local TV news stations, the radio, and the School Reach text-casting service. Here are some local places to look: Clinton Radio Station – KDKD 1280 AM & 95.3 FM Clinton Radio Station – KLRQ 96.1 FM Kansas City TV Stations-Springfield Radio and TV Stations DRIVING AND PARKING REGULATIONS: All vehicles driven to school must be registered in the office. No vehicle will be admitted to the parking lot unless registered with the office. Students must display their parking permit on the rearview mirror. If the student does not have the parking permit in the car for some reason, then the student should notify the office upon arriving to school. Parking permits will be collected at the end of the school year. Replacement cost is $2.00. This is required of all students who plan to drive to school one day or every day. A speed limit of 10 M.P.H. is in effect. Violation of the 9 speed limit, failure to register a vehicle, and/or reckless driving may result in loss of driving privileges or other disciplinary action. Students must stay out of their vehicles during the school day. Students are to keep their books, physical education equipment, school supplies and clothing in the assigned corridor locker. Students will not be permitted to go to their vehicle for any purpose without approval from the office. When student drivers become a nuisance, the privilege of driving to school will be removed. Students are not to park in faculty/staff parking designated by green paint on the parking curb. Senior parking (gold curbs) is also designated for seniors only. Once a student’s vehicle has been admitted to the parking lot, it is to be parked immediately. Students will not be permitted to leave the parking lot once they arrive at school. ** Please see discipline section of handbook for Careless Driving/Parking Lot Violations.. ENROLLMENT INFORMATION: Legal names will be used for all school documents. FIELD TRIP ELIGIBILITY: Students must be passing all classes in order to attend a field trip. Exceptions may be made for field trips that are a necessity for the curriculum including the guidance curriculum. Administrators will have the final discretion on this decision. ILLNESS OR INJURY: Students who do not feel well should ask permission from a teacher and report to the office. Office personnel will decide whether to send a student to the nurse. STUDENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO GO TO THE NURSE WITHOUT A PASS FROM THE OFFICE. The school nurse will decide if student will report back to class or contact parents. Students should never miss a class because of illness without first reporting to a teacher and/or the office. LUNCH CARDS: Students are to present their lunch card/ID in the lunch room when purchasing a meal. Students who do not have a card will be allowed to eat a hot lunch, but the student must go to the end of the line. Students who lose their cards are expected to obtain a new card from the high school office. The first replacement card is free. Each card after is $2.00 LUNCH PRICES: H.S. Student Reduced Lunches Adult Extra Milk $2.10 $ .40 $2.35 $ .35 LUNCH CHARGES: Students will be notified of lunch balances over $20.00. If the balance is not paid in 5 school days the student will not be able to participate in school sports, activities, assemblies, field trips, etc. until the balance is paid. Students owing any money cannot purchase ala carte items. Students with excessive balances will not be served a hot lunch. Milk and a sandwich will be provided. LOCK AND LOCKER POLICY: Each student will be assigned a locker. Students may not change lockers without the consent of the principal. It is the recommendation of the administration that lockers should be kept locked at all times. Students are encouraged to purchase locks for hallway lockers and gym lockers. Combinations or keys must be on file in the office. It is to prevent the lock from having to be cut off. No open containers of liquid are permitted in the lockers. The school is not responsible for items brought to school by students. Students leaving items unsecured (not in a locked locker) do so at their own risk of losing items or having them stolen. It is highly recommended students not share their lock combinations with other students. The school will provide a combination lock for PE lockers at the student’s request. LOST AND FOUND: Any articles found in the building or on the school grounds should be taken to the principal’s office promptly. Students who lose items should check in the office to see if is has been turned in. 10 PARENT CONFERENCES: Teachers have a planning period each day. They can be reached by calling the office and setting up a time for a return call or a conference. Please do not come to school unannounced to meet with a teacher. The teacher’s priority is to teach class. All meetings during the school day should be prearranged. P.E. REQUIREMENTS: All students are required to take one (1) credit of Physical Education (PE) courses. Students taking PE are expected to participate fully in the class by dressing appropriately (dressing-out) and making an effort in the class. Any student not dressing-out six (6) or more times unexcused in a semester will not receive credit for the semester course. Acceptable reasons for not dressing-out are late arrival to school (30 minutes into the class or more) or a doctor’s note stating there is a medical reason for not participating. Unexcused reasons include, but are not limited to, forgetting PE clothing or shoes, being tired, having other work for other classes, or having athletic contests or athletic practices that day. Should a student have seven (7) to ten (10) unexcused dress-outs for PE, the student may appeal to the principal for credit for the class. More than ten (10) unexcused dress-outs may not be appealed. Items left unsecured (not in a locked locker) are the responsibility of the student. Any student who does not participate in P.E. class for a particular day may not participate in any athletic practice, contest, or event. Exceptions may be made for legitimate injuries and/or medical documentation at the discretion of the school administration. SCHOOL BUS REGULATIONS: Any child who lives a mile or more from their assigned attendance center is eligible to be transported by school bus. Safety is the priority for all our drivers. Any student in violation of school policies or jeopardizing the safety of anyone on or in the surrounding vicinity of a Lakeland School bus will be subject to discipline ranging from a changing of seating arrangement to removal from the bus. Details of the policy are listed in the discipline section later in this handbook. SCHOOL DANCE ELIGIBILITY: Students must be passing all classes to attend school dances including (but not limited to) JH Dances, Homecoming, Prom, and any other dance sponsored by the school. PROM ONLY – the student must be eligible one week (7 calendar days) prior to prom so reservations and numbers can be submitted for food and supplies. The student must remain academically eligible on the date of prom as well. Students must have no more than 5 hours of attendance left to recover in order to attend dances. SOLICITATION: Distribution of literature, announcements, posters, bulletins and communications of any kind by individuals, including students not presently enrolled in school, shall not be permitted on school property (including vehicles) without the express approval of the principal. Commercial solicitations are prohibited. STUDENT PORTAL ACCESS: All students have access to the student portal in SIS. Students are responsible for knowing their grades and where they stand towards academic eligibility. TELEPHONE CALLS: Students are requested not to use the office phone or classroom phones for personal calls. The telephone in the office is for school business. Do not ask people to call you at school. If necessary at the end of the class period or during passing period the student may request to come to the office and a personal cell phone may be used to make contact with someone. TEXTBOOKS: Students in grades 7-12 are provided textbooks by the school district. All books that are the property of the school should be kept in good condition. All lost and defaced books are reported to the principal or his designee. Books that are lost, damaged, or torn will be charged for replacement. Students should check and note any concerns upon receiving their books to the teacher immediately. VISITORS: All visitors must get a visitor’s pass from the office and no visitor passes will be issued to drop-outs of school age or students from other high schools (unless approved in advance). 11 SCHOOL NURSE INFORMATION HEALTH SERVICES: Lakeland R-III School District has a school nurse on a full-time basis Monday through Friday from 8:00a.m.-3:30p.m. Please contact her at 644-2223 ext. 106 with health questions or concerns. The Health Services Program provides students with health screenings for vision, hearing, height, weight, and blood pressure. The school nurse will also examine, treat, and direct the care for your child in the event of illness, injury, or emergency. The disclosure of confidential health information within the school is limited to information to serve the student’s health and education interests. Your child’s health history is important for us to provide the best care at school. If there is a new or existing health condition that affects a student’s ability to participate in school activities, it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to notify the school. The nurse may need to contact you if your child needs an emergency action plan in place to be safe at school. NURSE OFFICE VISITS: Any student requiring more than 5 or 6 over the counter medications in a month will be referred to his personal care provider for evaluation. Temperatures that are considered to be a fever and recommend that the student be sent home: An Oral temperature of 100.0 and over, or a temporal temperature of 100.5 and over. IMMUNIZATIONS: Students cannot enroll and/or attend school unless immunized as required by Missouri Law. MEDICAL UPDATE: A Student Medical Information form must be filled out every year and turned into the office. This would include any immunizations received during the summer and any information concerning physical problems that the school needs to be aware of. Over-the-counter medications may only be administered with parental permission on the student medical form. MEDICATION POLICY: All medications need to be administered by the school nurse. All medications for students must be brought to school in the original container. Duplicate bottles may be requested from your pharmacy at no charge. Students who carry asthma inhalers must have an Asthma Medication SelfAdministration Form on file signed by the parent and doctor every year. All medications provided by the parent/guardian must be picked up by the last day of school. Any unused, discontinued, or outdated medications will be returned or destroyed at the end of the school year. HEALTH AND SAFETY: No student shall attend school while infected with any contagious or infectious disease. Any teacher, with the consent of the principal, may require a student suspected of having a disease or being able to transmit a disease to be examined by a physician and to provide a written statement of health before reentering school. Any student not complying may be excluded from school. ACCIDENT REPORTS: Any accident that occurs at school should be reported to the teacher or office so proper procedures can be applied. This includes first aid, as well as filling out an accident report, and the parent/guardian will be notified of what happened. If emergency medical attention is needed, and the school is unable to locate the parent/guardian, an ambulance will be called to take the student to the emergency room. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES AND INFORMATION FIRE DRILL: Fire drills are held periodically throughout the school year. At the sound of the alarm, students are to leave the building in an orderly manner and assemble in a predetermined area at least 100 feet from the building. TORNADO SAFETY: If a tornado warning should occur during the school day, the students will be moved to the safest area of the building. Parents are requested not to come to school during a tornado warning to pick up their children. Parents are also requested not to telephone the school while the warning is in effect. 12 STUDENT DISCIPLINE CORRECTIVE ACTIONS AVAILABLE FOR USE: DETENTION: Students may be assigned detentions to be served after school as a consequence for their behavior. Detentions range from 15-45 minutes in length and are to be served in the designated location. Any student not cooperating with the detention as it is intended will be subjected to further disciplinary action. INTERVENTIONS: Interventions may include the use of a variety of disciplinary consequences to correct a student’s behavior. This may include, but is not limited to, school service, loss of privileges, Saturday school or other discipline deemed to be appropriate for the situation. IN-SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Students serving a suspension in-school have lost their privileges of an ordinary student. Students in ISS may not attend class; participate in after-school activities or competitions, etc. These students are assigned to a supervised room where they are isolated from their peers. Students are required to work on assignments and are given full credit for completed assignments. Excessive days of ISS (10 or more) may result in a student being suspended out of school. OUT OF SCHOOL SUSPENSION: Students suspended from school are temporarily not members of the student body. Consequently, these students are not permitted to participate in or attend any schoolsponsored activity, home or away, whether such activity is held on a regular school day or on a weekend. Suspended students are not permitted on the school grounds for any reason without prior approval of the principal. **Students who are suspended out of school (OSS) may make up all assignments from home provided the student also completes 3 hours of community service for each day the student is suspended out of school. Documentation of community service including the number of hours served, contact information for the supervisor, and a description of services completed is due within 5 school days of returning to school from suspension. Students may recover up to 10 days of OSS through community service a year. Any days after the 10th day of OSS cannot be made up and all credit for school work will be lost. o Students who are OSS also face the following consequences: i. If a senior student, they cannot participate in Senior Trip ii. Cannot receive an Academy Card for the rest of the school year iii. Sophomores and older are no longer eligible for the A+ program iv. Cannot participate in or attend school activities during suspension v. Is not allowed on school grounds during the suspension SATURDAY DETENTION: Saturday detention may be implemented as an alternative to out of school suspension in some cases. Students will be able to maintain their present level in the classroom while also fulfilling their obligation for their inappropriate behavior. The above mentioned behaviors and consequences only serve as a guide in handling discipline problems. The principal and the superintendent reserve the right to vary from the discipline code guidelines in extreme cases. CODES FOR STUDENT DISCIPLINE ISS – In-School Suspension OSS – Out of School Suspension LA – Legal Authorities LT – Possible Long-Term Suspension 13 Student Discipline Code CATEGORY I WEAPONS: The following items are not allowed on school property or any activity, home or away: Any device including but not limited to blackjack, concealed firearm, firearm, explosive weapon, gas gun, knife, chains, knuckles, projectile weapon, rifle, shotgun, spring gun, or switchblade. Grades 7 - 12 All Offenses 1-180 days OSS or expulsion; Possible LA CATEGORY II WEAPONS: The following items which are considered potentially dangerous and are not allowed on school property or any school activity: pocket knives, ammunition, lighters, fireworks, smoke bombs, mace, pepper spray, look alike weapons or other items that are considered potentially dangerous. Grades 7 - 12 All Offenses 1-180 days OSS or expulsion; Possible LA DRUGS AND ALCOHOL: Students who are in possession, use, selling, attempting to sell, or are under the influence of drugs or alcohol while on school ground are subject to discipline. This includes illegal drugs, controlled substances, “look alike” drugs, or paraphernalia. Students disciplined for this behavior may lose some extracurricular eligibility. Students with prescriptions or daily medications (including aspirin, birth control, etc.) should have a parent bring the items to the school nurse to have distributed at school. NO STUDENTS ARE TO SELF-MEDICATE ON DISTRICT PROPERTY. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Up to 10 days OSS; LA, Possible LT 2nd Offense 10 days OSS; Possible LT, report to LA ACADEMIC DISHONESTY: Students are to complete their own work. Any student submitting work that is not their own will result in discipline. This includes (but is not limited to) cheating, plagiarism, copying, or being in possession of a teacher’s tests, answer keys, etc. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Zero on assignment; Interventions 2nd Offense Zero on assignment; Parent Conf; 1-5 days ISS 3rd Offense Zero on assignment; 110 days ISS; Possible loss of course credit ASSAULT: Students may be disciplined if they (1) attempt to cause or recklessly cause physical injury to another person; (2) with criminal negligence, cause physical injury to another person by means of a deadly weapon; (3) purposely places another person in apprehension of immediate physical injury; (4) recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death or physical injury to another person; (5) knowingly causes physical contact with another person knowing the other person will regard the act as offensive; (6) states verbal threats to another person that create a reasonable fear of injury. Digitally submitted threats or attempts to intimidate another person may be included in this policy. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LT; Possible LA 2nd Offense 5-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LT; LA 3rd Offense 10 days OSS; Possible LT; LA ASSAULT OR THREATS TOWARDS FACULTY/STAFF: Any aggressive verbal, written, or physical contact with a staff member that intentionally harms that person’s mental, emotional, or physical wellbeing. This includes the use of electronic media such as computers and cell phones. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense 1-10 days Possible LA; ISS/OSS; 14 2nd Offense 5-10 days OSS; Possible LT; LA BULLYING & CYBERBULLYING: The repeated intimidation of others by the real or threatened infliction of physical, verbal, written, electronically transmitted or emotional abuse or through attacks on the property of another. Actions such as (but not limited to) name-calling, put-downs, and verbal taunts. Grades 7 -12 1st Offense Interventions; 1-5 days ISS/OSS 2nd Offense 1-10 days ISS/OSS 3rd Offense 1-10 days OSS; Possible referral to LA; Possible LT CARELESS DRIVING/PARKING LOT VIOLATIONS: Unsafe driving on or around district property, unregistered parking, failure to move vehicle at request of school officials, failure to follow established rules for parking or driving on district property. Grades 9 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; Possible loss of driving/parking privileges 2nd Offense Possible 1-5 days ISS; Loss of driving/parking privileges 3rd Offense 1-10 days ISS; Loss of driving/parking privileges CELL PHONES: The use of cell phones in the classroom for non-educational purposes is prohibited. Student should request to come to the office during an appropriate time in class or during passing period to use cell phones. Disciplinary action will be taken if cell phone is used or seen. **The use of a cell phone while in ISS will result in one additional day of ISS. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Warning; Device confiscated & returned at end of school day 2nd Offense 30 min detention; Device confiscated & Parent Picks Up Phone from School All Subsequent Offenses 1-5 days ISS/OSS; Parent Picks Up Phone from School DEFIANCE: Refusal to follow instructions, being untruthful, unwillingness to cooperate, or insubordination towards faculty/staff. Grades 7 & 8 Grades 9 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; 1-3 days ISS Interventions; 1-5 days ISS 2nd Offense 1-5 days ISS 3rd Offense 3-10 days ISS/OSS 1-10 days ISS/OSS 5-10 days ISS/OSS DISRUPTIVE SPEECH / CONDUCT: Possession of inflammatory material, speech, or conduct on school property or during school activities which detracts from or disrupts the learning environment sufficiently to cause a referral to be made to an administrator. Offensive personal hygiene may be considered disruptive to the learning environment. Grades 7 & 8 Grades 9 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; Up to 2 days ISS Interventions; Up to 3 days ISS 2nd Offense Interventions; 1-5 days ISS Interventions; 1-10 days ISS 15 3rd Offense 1-10 days ISS/OSS 1-10 days Possible LT ISS/OSS; DRESS CODE VIOLATIONS: Student should be dressed to be a professional student. Shorts and skirts must be mid-thigh in length. Shoes should be worn at all times. Hooded sweatshirts may be restricted if individual students use them to conceal restricted items or use them as headgear. No head gear of any kind (hats, caps, bandannas, etc.). No clothing portraying or promoting tobacco, drugs, alcohol, sexual references, or other inappropriate symbols are allowed. Clothing should cover midriff, cleavage, and/or undergarments. Sunglasses are not to be worn in the building. Pants with holes exposing or possibly exposing skin above the knees are not allowed. Administration reserves the right to make the final decision on the appropriateness of any item of clothing. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Warning; Changing of apparel 2nd Offense Interventions; Changing of apparel 3rd Offense 1-5 days ISS/OSS EXCESSIVE ISS: Students who have earned ten (10) or more days of ISS during the school year may be assigned OSS in lieu of ISS regardless of the listed consequences for the various offenses listed in the handbook. Grades 7 - 12 Any Offense After 10 Days of ISS have been assigned and served Administration has the discretion to assign OSS in lieu of ISS. The number of days of OSS assigned shall not exceed the possible number of ISS days allowed in the policy. FAILURE TO MEET CONDITIONS OF SUSPENSION, EXPULSION, OR OTHER DISCIPLINARY CONSEQUENCES: Students who are suspended out of school or expelled may not be on or near district property or places where district events are being held. Grades 7 - 12 All Offenses Warning, Detention, ISS, 1-180 days OSS or expulsion; Possible LA FIGHTING: Discipline will be taken on those who fight at school. Additional discipline may be assigned to anyone provoking or initiating a fight. One side fighting or additional aggression may result in the classification of assault rather than fighting. “Horse play” may be considered as a lesser category than fighting, but may still result in discipline. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT 2nd Offense 5-10 days ISS/OSS; LA; Possible LT 3rd Offense 5-10 days OSS; LA; Possible LT FIREWORKS OR OTHER INCINDIARY DEVICES: Possession or use of fireworks, firecrackers, and smoke bombs on school property. Grades 7 - 12 All Offenses 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT HARASSEMENT: Intentionally placing a student in a situation where mental or physical harm can take place. This may include verbal, written, or physical aggression, or racial remarks. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA 16 2nd Offense 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT 3rd Offense 1-10 days OSS; LA; Possible LT INDECENT EXPOSURE: Intentionally exposing one’s own body parts normally which are normally covered or forcibly exposing body parts of another person which are normally covered. Grades 7 - 12 All Offenses 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT MISUSE OF COMPUTERS: Defacing or misusing computers; looking through unauthorized files, including but not limited to: sending unauthorized messages on the network, bypassing district content filtering program, unauthorized use of software or hardware, violation of copyright laws, or tampering with computer settings. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; Possible 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible loss of computer privileges; Possible LA 2nd Offense 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible loss of computer privileges; Possible LA; Possible LT 3rd Offense 1-10 days OSS; Loss of computer privileges for 1 year; LA; Possible LT NUISANCE ITEMS: Unapproved use of items such as video games, CD players, iPods, MP3 players, toys, and other items distracting to the educational environment. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Warning; Device confiscated & returned at end of school day 2nd Offense 30 min detention; Device confiscated & returned at end of day 3rd Offense 1-5 days ISS; Device confiscated & parent must pick-up device PUBLIC DISPLAY OF AFFECTION: Display of affection such as kissing and/or other forms of personal contact other than holding hands have no place in school. It causes embarrassment for other students, staff members, and guests in our building. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; Up to 5 days ISS 2nd Offense Interventions; 1-5 days ISS 3rd Offense 1-5 days ISS/OSS SEXTING OR POSSESSION OF SEXUALLY, EXPLICIT, OR VIOLENT MATERIAL: Students may not possess or display, electronically or otherwise, sexually explicit, or violent material including, but not limited to pornography or depictions of violence or explicit death or injury. This does not apply to staff approved curricular materials. Grades 7 - 12 All Offenses Confiscation; Interventions; 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT SEXUAL HARASSMENT: Inappropriate behavior which portrays sex or sexual conduct in a manner offensive to community standards. Words, spoken or written, touching or other physical conduct of sexual nature violate this guideline. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA, Possible LT 17 2nd Offense 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Possible LT 3rd Offense 1-10 days OSS; LA; Possible LT STEALING: Stealing or attempting to steal private or school property. Grades 7 & 8 Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; 1-5 days ISS; Restitution; Possible LA Interventions; 1-5 days ISS/OSS; Restitution; Possible LA 2nd Offense 1-5 days ISS/OSS; LA; Restitution 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA; Restitution; Possible LT 3rd Offense 5-10 days ISS/OSS; restitution; LA, Possible LT 1-10 days OSS; Restitution; LA; Possible LT TARDIES: Students must be in the classroom when the bell rings or they will be considered tardy. Tardy records are kept by semester. Grades 7 – 12 Tardy #3 – 5 30 Minute Detention with teacher Tardy #6 or more Office Referral - Interventions; 1-10 days ISS TOBACCO & OTHER INHALANTS: The use or possession of tobacco products other inhalants such as e-cigarettes on school grounds is prohibited. This includes (but is not limited to) the use or possession of cigarettes, lighters, and chewing tobacco. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense 2 days ISS 2nd Offense 4 days ISS 3rd Offense 2-10 days OSS TRUANCY: Is defined as the act of staying out of school, or a specific class without parent or school permission. This includes leaving the building and/or campus without permission from parents or the office. Parents will be notified by phone, mail, or email. School attendance is compulsory up to the age of 17. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; Up to 2 days ISS 2nd Offense 4 days ISS 3rd Offense 4-10 days ISS VANDALISM: Willful damage or attempts to damage any property, real or personal, belonging to school, staff, or students. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Intervention; restitution; up to 10 days ISS/OSS; possible LT or expulsion 2nd Offense Intervention; restitution; 5 to 10 days ISS/OSS; possible LT or expulsion 3rd Offense 10 days OSS; Possible LT; Possible LA; Restitution VERBAL ABUSE AND/OR DISRESPECT TOWARDS FACULTY/STAFF: Any verbal or physical act that is disrespectful to a staff member. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of profanities, verbally or physically mocking a teacher, rude behavior, or any other conduct deemed to be disrespectful by the faculty and/or administration. Grades 7 - 12 1st Offense Interventions; 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LA 18 2nd Offense & Subsequent Offenses 1-10 days ISS/OSS; Possible LT; Possible LA DEPARTMENT OF ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY EDUCATION STANDARD COMPLAINT RESOLUTION PROCEDURE for Improving America’s Schools Act Programs This standard complaint resolution procedure applies to all programs administered by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education under the Goals 2000: Educate America Act and the Improving America’s Schools Act (LASA). What is a complaint for purposes of this policy? A complaint is an allegation that a specific federal or state law or regulation has been violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted by school district personnel or by Department personnel. A complaint under this procedure must be in writing and signed by the complainant. The written complaint must specify the details of the situation and must pertain to a law or regulation that is allegedly being violated, misapplied or misinterpreted. Who may file a complaint? Any parent or guardian, surrogate parent, teacher, administrator, school board, or other person directly involved with an activity, program, or project operated under the general supervision of the Department may file a complaint. What types of complaints are recognized? There are two types of complaints: 1. A complaint alleging that a local school district is violating, misapplying, or misinterpreting a law or a regulation of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; and, 2. A complaint alleging that the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education is violating, misapplying, or misinterpreting a law or a regulation. How are complaints filed? 1. Complaints against local school districts. A complaint alleging that local school district officials have violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted a state or federal law or regulation must first be filed and resolution pursued in accordance with local district policy. If the issue cannot be resolved at the local level, the complainant may file a complaint with the Department. Before accepting such a complaint, the Department will ask for evidence of an attempt to resolve the issue at the local level. If the parties have not attempted in good faith to resolve the complaint at the local level, the Department may require the parties to do so and may provide technical assistance to facilitate such resolution. A question about local school district policies, rules, or practices which are not based on federal or state laws or regulations is not a complaint within the meaning of this policy and must be settled at the local school district level. 2. Complaints against the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. A local school district official, a local board of education, or any person directly affected by actions of the Department may file a written complaint alleging that the Department or its personnel have violated, misapplied, or misinterpreted a state or federal law or regulation directly with the Department. 19 How does the Department hear and resolve complaints? 1. Any formal complaint against the Department or an unresolved complaint against a local school district elated to the IASA is to be addressed to the Director of the Grants Management Section. 2. Within thirty days after receiving a complaint or appeal, the section director will resolve the complaint and inform interested parties in writing of the decision. In resolving the complaint, the section director may rely upon statements of the parties involved or may conduct an independent investigation. The section director may grant an extension of the thirty-day limit for just cause. 3. If a complainant disagrees with the decision of the section director, the complainant may, within ten working days, appeal to the Deputy Commissioner of Education. This appeal must be in writing and state why the complainant disagrees with the decision. 4. Within thirty days after receiving an appeal, the Deputy Commissioner of Education will render a final administrative decision and notify the complainant in writing. 5. If the complainant disagrees with the decision of the Deputy Commissioner of Education in a matter relating to federal law or regulation, the complainant may request a review of the decision by the United States Secretary of Education in accordance with 34 CSR Part 76, section 76.781. What other recourse is available in resolving complaints? In some circumstances, complainants may have additional recourse in the courts or through the Administrative Hearing Commission. MISSOURI REVISED STATUES -- 1994 PUBLIC DISPLAY OF EXPLICIT SEXUAL MATERIAL 1. A person commits the crime of public display of explicit sexual material if he knowingly: A. Displays publicly explicit sexual material; or B. Fails to take prompt action to remove such a display from property in his possession after learning of its existence 2. Public display of explicit sexual material is a Class A misdemeanor unless the person has pleaded guilty to or has been found guilty of an offense under this section committed at a different time, in which case it is a Class D felony. 3. For purposes of this section, each day there is a violation of this section shall constitute a separate offense. 20 Annual Asbestos Notification This notification is to inform you that the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) (40 Code of Federal Regulations 763) requires the Lakeland R-III School District to inspect its buildings for asbestos, and to develop a management plan for those asbestos-containing materials that were located within its buildings. The latest three-year re-inspection was in the Spring of 2013. Lakeland R-III School District is in compliance with all requirements, pertaining to AHERA. Each of our school buildings has been inspected for asbestos-containing materials by EPA accredited inspectors. The results of these inspections/re-inspections are included in the management plans that are on file in the district’s main office. Evidence suggests that the mere presence of asbestos in a building does not necessarily pose a hazard. Research indicates that unless asbestos is disturbed, allowing fibers to become entrained into the air, the potential health consequences appear to be negligible. Our goal is to control the disturbance of asbestoscontaining materials and the release of fibers into the air in our schools. During the past year, periodic surveillance reports have indicated no response action has been necessary. The Lakeland R-III District has conducted no other activities regarding asbestos. During the upcoming year, the District plans no activities involving the disturbance, repair, removal, enclosures, and/or encapsulation. The next periodic surveillance will be completed prior to the Spring of 2016. Should you have any questions regarding the inspection/re-inspection results, response actions take or the management plans, please contact the district office and ask for the asbestos program manager. Mitch Towne Superintendent Dear Parent of Guardian: Our district is required to inform you of certain information that you, according to The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (Public Law 107-110), have the right to know. Upon your request, our district is required to provide to you in a timely manner, the following information: Whether the teacher has met state qualification and licensing criteria for the grade levels and subject areas in which the teacher provides instruction. Whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status through which state qualification or licensing criteria have been waived. Whether your child is provided services by paraprofessionals and, if so, their qualifications. What baccalaureate degree major the teacher has and any other graduate certification or degree held by the teacher, and the field of discipline of the certification. In addition to the information that parents may request, districts must provide to each individual parent— Information on the achievement level of the parent’s child in each of the state academic assessments as required under this part; and Timely notice that the parent’s child has been assigned, or has been taught for four or more consecutive weeks by, a teacher who is not highly qualified. 21 Special Education Public Notice All public schools are required to provide a free and appropriate public education to all students with disabilities, including those attending private/parochial schools, beginning on the child’s third birthday through age twenty (20), regardless of the child’s disability. The public school assures that to comply with the full educational opportunity goal, services for students three (3) through twenty-one (21) will be fully implemented by 1999. Disabilities include: learning disabilities, mental retardation, behavior disorders/emotional disturbance, speech disorders (voice, fluency, or articulation), language disorders, visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically/other health impaired, multiple disabilities, deaf/blind, autism, early childhood special education, and traumatic brain injury. The public school assures that it will provide information and referral services necessary to assist the State in the implementation of early intervention services for infants and toddlers eligible for the Missouri’s First Steps Program. All public schools are required to provide parents the right to inspect and review personally identifiable information collected and used or maintained by the district relating to their children. Parents have the right to require amendment of these records if they feel the information is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of their children. Parents have the right to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education or the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Privacy Act (FERPA). You may contact your local district, if you wish to review the requirements provided in FERPA. The public school has developed a Local Compliance Plan for implementation of Special Education and this Plan is available for public review during regular school hours on days school is in session in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. The Local Compliance Plan is a written narrative which describes the district’s plan for compliance with the requirements for identifying and serving all students with disabilities. Included in this plan are the policies and procedures which the district must follow regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention, and destruction of personally identifiable information. The plan also describes the assurances that services are provided in compliance with the requirement of 34 CFR 76.301 of the General Education Provision Act. Public schools in the State of Missouri are required to conduct an annual census of all children with disabilities or suspected disabilities from birth through age twenty (20) who reside in the district or whose parent/legal guardian resides in the district. This census is compiled as of May 1 each year. This information is treated as confidential and submitted to the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education. Information to be collected includes: name of each child, parent/legal guardian’s name/address, birth date and age of each child, and each child’s disability or suspected disability. Should the district fail to submit an annual census, the State Board of Education may withhold state aid until the census is submitted. If you have a child with a disability or know of a child with a disability who is not attending the public school, please contact your school district. This notice can be provided in languages such as Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and Vietnamese or any other language as may be necessary. 22 PUBLIC NOTICE SECTION 504 OF THE REHABILITATION ACT OF 1973 Section 504 is an Act prohibiting discrimination against anyone with a handicap in any program receiving federal financial assistance. The Act defines a person with a handicap as anyone who: 1. has a mental or physical impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities, including activities such as caring for oneself, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working. 2. has a record of such an impairment; or 3. is regarded as having such an impairment. In order to fulfill its obligation under Section 504, the Lakeland R-III School District recognizes a responsibility to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and students. No discrimination against any person with a handicap will knowingly be permitted in any of the programs and practices of the school system. The school district has specific responsibilities under the Act, which include the responsibility to identify, evaluate, and, if the child is determined to be eligible under Section 504, afford access to educational services. If the parent or guardian disagrees with the determination made by the professional staff of the school district, she or he has a right to a hearing with an impartial hearing officer. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) also specifies rights related to educational records. This Act gives the parent or guardian the right to: 1) inspect and review her/his child’s educational records; 2) make copies of these records; 3) receive a list of all individuals having access to those records; 4) ask for an explanation of any item in the records; 5) ask for an amendment to any report on the grounds that it is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the child’s rights; and 6) a hearing on the issue if the school refuses to make the amendment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Lakeland R-III Special Services Director for the school district at 417-644-2223. Lakeland R-III Schools Public Announcement Surrogate Parent Program Pursuant to the requirements of state law 162.997-999 RSMo, the State Board of Education is required to appoint a surrogate parent as such time as it becomes evident that a child with a disability does not have a parent as such time as it becomes evident that a child with a disability does not have a parent or a person acting as a parent to participate in matters dealing with the provision of special education. For purposes of surrogate parent appointment, “parent” is defined as a biological parent, a guardian, or a person acting as a parent of a child including, but not limited to, a grandparent, a step parent, or a foster parent with whom the child lives. The term does not include the State if the child is a ward of the State. The term does not include a person whose parental rights have been terminated. The local school district is given the responsibility to determine when a child with a disability who requires special education and who resides in the district is without a parent. The district must notify the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education of the need to appoint a surrogate parent. Training for persons serving as surrogate parents will be provided by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education and the district. If you are interested in volunteering to serve as a surrogate parent, more information can be obtained from, the district’s surrogate parent contact person, the person responsible for the district’s special education program. 23 NOTICE OF DESIGNATION OF DIRECTORY INFORMATION Dear Parents and Guardians: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that Lakeland R-III School district, with certain exceptions, obtains your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your child’s education records. However, Lakeland R-III School District may disclose appropriately designated “directory information” without written consent, unless you have advised the District to the contrary in accordance with District procedures. The primary purpose of directory information is to allow the Lakeland R-III School District to include this type of information from your child’s educational records in certain school publications. Examples include: A playbill, showing your student’s role in a drama production; The annual yearbook; Honor roll or other recognition lists; Graduation programs; and Sport activity sheets, such as for wrestling, showing weight and height of team members Directory information, which is information that is generally not considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if released, can also be disclosed to outside organizations without a parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include, but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws require local educational agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 to provide military recruiters, upon request, with three directory information categories – names, addresses and telephone listings – unless parents have advised the LEA that they do not want their student’s information disclosed without their prior written consent. If you do not want Lakeland R-III School District to disclose directory information from your child’s educational records without your prior written consent, you must notify the District in writing by the end of the first complete week of school. Lakeland R-III School District has designated the following information as directory information: Student’s name Address Telephone listing Photograph Date and place of birth Dates of attendance Grade level Participation in officially recognized activities and sports Weight and height of members of athletic teams Degrees, honors and awards received Lakeland R-III School District 24 SEXUAL HARASSMENT PROHIBITED NOTICE TO ALL EMPLOYEES AND STUDENTS REGARDING SEXUAL HARASSMENT The Lakeland R-III School District is committed to an academic and work environment in which all students and employees are treated with dignity and respect. Sexual harassment of students and employees whether committed by supervisors, employees or students and regardless of whether the victim is an employee or student will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment includes but is not limited to: 1. sexual slurs, threats, verbal abuse and sexually degrading descriptions 2. graphic verbal comments about an individual’s body 3. sexual jokes, notes, stories, drawing, pictures or gesture 4. spreading sexual rumors 5. touching an individual’s body or clothes in a sexual way 6. displaying sexually suggestive objects 7. covering or blocking of normal movements 8. unwelcomed sexual flirtation or propositions 9. acts of retaliation against a person who reports sexual harassment. Inquiries, complaints or grievances from students and their parents and employees regarding sexual harassment or compliance with Title IX may be directed to the Superintendent of Schools, to the District’s Title IX Coordinator or the Director of the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education, Washington, D.C. The District’s Title IX Coordinator is Steve Ritter, Principal 12530 Lakeland School Drive Deepwater, MO 64740 417-644-2223 ext. 301 DESE’S TITLE IX COORDINATOR Federal regulations (the office of Civil Rights) require the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to notify all local education agencies about our Title IX coordinator. Local education agencies must then post this information in a place where students, parents and employees are likely to see it. DESE’s Title IX coordinator is Ms. Jean Cole. The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. Inquires related to Department programs may be directed to: Title IX Coordinator, Jefferson State Office Building, 5th floor, 205 Jefferson Street, PO Box 480, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0480; telephone 573-751-4581. 25 LAKELAND HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC & ACTIVITIES HANDBOOK 2014-2015 Steve Ritter Principal Justen Cooper Athletic & Activities Director Mitch Towne Superintendent Index Introduction……………………………………………………………………..3 Philosophy………………………………………………………………………3 Good Sportsmanship Code……………………………………………………...3 Board Policy…………………………………………………………………….3 Directory ………………………………………………….…………………….4 Regulations and Guidelines…………………….……………………………….5 Academics……………………………………………………………………….5 Class Attendance……………………………………………………….……….5 Citizenship ……………………………………………………………………...6 Substance Abuse ……………………………………………………….……….7 Due Process………………………………………………………………….….7 Unsportsmanlike Conduct ……………………………………………………...8 Other Policies……………………………………………………………………8 Physical Exam, Conditioning Requirements & Insurance………………………8 Emergency Care ……………………………………………………..………….9 Preseason Parent Meeting…………………………………………………….…9 Supervision Policy………………………………………………………………9 Transportation Policy……………………………………………………………9 Transportation Sign-Out Policy…………………………………………………9 Dress/Appearance…………………………………………………………….…9 Admission Charges………………………………………………………...……9 Student Assistants ………………………………………………………..……10 Awards Banquet……………………………………………………………..…10 Athletic Lettering Policy…………………………………………….…………10 Multiple Activity Policy……………………………………………….………10 Parent/Spectator Information ……………………………………………….…11 Communication that Coaches/Sponsors Expect from Parents………………....11 Communication You Should Expect from Your Student’s Coach/Sponsor…...11 Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches/Sponsors…………………….11 Issues Not Appropriate to Discuss with Coaches/Sponsors……………………11 Procedures to Discuss Concerns with a Coach/Sponsor……………………….11 Parent/Spectator Behavior Policy………………………………………………12 Fall & Winter Sports Game Schedules……………………………………..13-15 Activities Commitment Pledge…………………………………………………17 2 Introduction Welcome to the Lakeland R-III School District Student Activity Program. The Lakeland R-III School District encourages you to take advantage of as many programs as your time and talent will permit. Good luck to you as you strive to grow emotionally, mentally, socially, and physically through your activities. This handbook is to be distributed to all students upon beginning their first sport season or their first day of school, whichever comes first. Philosophy We believe that interscholastic activities shall supplement the secondary curricular program, and as such become a vital part of a student’s educational experience. The emphasis for Lakeland Athletics is on Sportsmanship, Character, Commitment, and Teamwork. The high school athletic experience contributes to the development of learning and social skills that maximize a student’s education. It is important to note that participation is a privilege, not a right; however, we invite all students to participate fully in our programs. Good Sportsmanship Code Lakeland R-III School District encourages and expects its players, coaches, faculty, parents, and fans to: 1. Maintain pride in self and school 2. Strive to keep high standards of conduct 3. Cheer for one’s own team is always encouraged 4. Respect opponents as fellow students who are also trying to do their best 5. Respect the rules of the game and the officials and their decisions 6. Follow the directives of the school staff at home and away events 7. Accept victory or defeat graciously Board Policy Lakeland School District has established policies for student athletics and activities. Important points noted in Board Policy PRF 2920 are summarized as: 1. Students will meet the eligibility requirements set out by MSHSAA. 2. Any student failing a class may be required to attend study sessions after school. 3. Students displaying unacceptable citizenship behaviors may be suspended from participation 4. Each coach and sponsor will establish written guidelines for their groups. These guidelines shall be presented orally and in written format. A copy of such guidelines will be on file with the principal. 5. Students are not to engage in hazing. Students found to have violated this policy will be subject to suspension/expulsion from school and suspension and exclusion from activities/athletic participation depending on the severity of the misconduct. 3 Directory of Lakeland High School Sponsored Activities Activities Director: Justen Cooper High School Sports Volleyball* Fall/Spring Baseball* Cross Country* Boys’ Basketball* Girls’ Basketball* Softball* Coach Kevin Huber Steve Kuchta Steve Ritter Justen Cooper Justen Cooper Tyler Janke Email Junior High Schools Volleyball* Boys’ Basketball* Girls’ Basketball* Coach Tabitha Jones Tyler Janke Bryan Merrick Email Organization Band* Choir* HS Cheerleading* FBLA FCCLA FFA FTA National Honors Society JH & HS Quiz Bowl* Yearbook Sponsor Cody Loyd Lisa Gurley Sunni Inman Natalie Hunter Valerie Miller Chuck Reece Joni Cook Joni Cook Joni Cook Natalie Hunter Email Class Senior Class Junior Class Sophomore Class Freshmen Class 8th Grade Class 7th Grade Class Sponsor Valerie Miller Kevin Huber Megan Blair Alysia Utt Tabitha Jones Mary Winter Email N/A *Denotes a MSHSAA Sponsored & Regulated Activity **All Coaches and sponsors may be reached by calling the HS office at 417-644-2223** 4 Regulations and Guidelines The following regulations and guidelines are expectations of the Lakeland R-III School District for its participants in all activities and athletic programs. Academics A student with a failing grade (scoring below 60% in a class / F reported on a grade card) for any quarter will be ineligible for contests. Students may become eligible for contests in the same quarter’s midterm. o Students with a failing grade at the end of 2nd semester/4th quarter will not be penalized by this policy; however, the students must meet MSHSAA By-Law 2.3.2a listed below. A student who is currently failing any course will not be excused from any classes to attend athletic or activity contests or events. If the leave time for the team/organization is prior to the dismissal of the student body (3:16pm), then that student may not participate in the contest/event. The student may attend the contest/event through transportation at their own expense; however, the student may not participate in the event/contest nor may the student sit on the bench, be in the locker room, or gather in any other team/group designated area. A student with one (1) F in any classes may continue to participate in contests and/or events as long as the contest/event does not require the student to miss classes. Any student with two (2) or more F grades in any classes may no longer participate in any contests or events regardless of it taking place during or outside the regular school hours. MSHSAA By-Law 2.3.2.a requires students to pass 80% of courses in a semester to be eligible the following semester. At Lakeland, any student with more than one failing grade at the end of the semester will not be eligible for participation in MSHSAA activities the following semester regardless of grades at midterm. Students may recover up to one (1) credit that is required for graduation by attending summer school to re-establish eligibility for the fall semester. Lakeland High School offers only ½ credit during the summer for recovery. Class Attendance A student that is not in attendance for ½ Day (4 classes excluding Academy) will not be eligible to practice or compete on the same day. The principal has final decision for eligibility for a contest due to attendance. Students who are excessively tardy to school on the day of a contest (home or away) or excessively tardy to school the day following a contest (home or away) may not participate in the next contest unless accompanied by the doctor’s note or other prearranged excuse. o There is no excused tardy classification. All students are expected to be to school on time. o Excessively tardy is defined as 3 occurrences of arriving to school late the day after a contest. If a student misses class without being excused by the principal, the student shall not be considered eligible on that date. o Typical reasons to be excused by the principal include (but are not limited to) doctor’s appointment, funeral, dentist appointment, school sponsored trip/activity, etc. o Reasons students would not be excused include (but are not limited to) family vacations, job requirements, providing child care, truancy, etc. o Any student who misses school because of illness for any part of the day may not participate in athletic contests that day. Citizenship Students who represent a school in interscholastic or extra-curricular activities must be creditable citizens and judged so by the proper school authority certifying a list of students for competition. Those students whose character or conduct both in school and out of school is such as to reflect discredit upon themselves or their schools are not considered “creditable citizens.” Conduct shall be satisfactory in accord with the standards of good discipline. This policy is in effect 365 days a 5 year, so infractions committed during the summer months will affect a student’s eligibility status. Violations do not accumulate from year to year. For the purpose of this handbook a year is July 1 to June 30. Should a student participant be in violation of this code with regularity, participation privileges may revoked by the administration at any time. o Students assigned In-School Suspension (ISS) may not participate in school activities. This begins at the time period from when ISS is assigned and concludes at 8:15am of the next school day after ISS is completed. Should a student be in ISS on Friday, that student will not be eligible until Monday morning at 8:15am. ISS is typically assigned for Tuesday or Thursday (whichever occurs next). o Students suspended out of school (OSS) may not participate or attend any school activities or functions including at off-campus locations. o Any student who withdraws or is expelled from school because of disciplinary measures shall not be considered eligible for 365 days from the date of expulsion or withdrawal (MSHSAA By-Law 212.0). o Any student who is (1) arrested for, charged with, and/or issued an indictment or information regarding, (2) pleads guilty to, (3) is convicted of, (4) receives probation for, or (5) receives a suspended imposition of sentence for any violation or alleged violation of federal, state, or local law (regardless of whether the matter is pending in a local court, the juvenile justice system, or the adult justice system) shall, within twenty-four (24) hours of the action, notify the Activities Director or Principal. Failure to provide such notification within the stated time frame may result in the student’s removal from the respective team/activity. In addition, the student should note that by failing to provide this information, the student possibly jeopardize his/her respective team’s season and may cause the team to be placed on probation. If the student does not notify the school of the situation prior to the school’s discovery, then the student shall be ineligible for up to 365 days from discovery, pending review by the Board of Directors (MSHSAA By-Law 212). o A student who is involved with criminal behavior and has been charged will be ineligible until all matters have been concluded with the legal system and the school (MSHSAA By-Law 212.0). o A student who is found guilty of a law violation shall not be considered a creditable citizen until he/she has satisfied his/her fine and/or penalty (MSHSAA By-Law 212.0). o If a student is on probation under the suspended execution or suspended imposition of a sentence, the student must fulfill all special conditions of the probation such as jail time, payment of a fine, restitution, community service, counseling, etc. before eligibility can be restored. After the student has fulfilled the special conditions of probation, but remains under general conditions of probation only, the local Board of Education shall determine eligibility (MSHSAA By-law 212.0). o Any student participating in activities may be required at any time to produce documentation from the proper authorities to verify that student is a creditable citizen (is clear of any issues related to MSHSAA By-Law 212.0). Substance Abuse These rules are in effect regardless of location (on or off school grounds) and time of year (in or out of season). Drugs o First Offense – Suspension for 50% of the season. Must complete 10 hours of counseling at the student’s expense. o Second Offense – 365 day suspension from all activities. Alcohol o First Offense – Suspension for 50% of the season. o Second Offense – Suspension for one full semester. Must complete 10 hours of counseling at the student’s expense. o Third Offense - 365 day suspension from all activities. 6 Tobacco o First Offense – Suspension for of 20% of the current season o Second Offense – Suspension for of 40% of the current season o Third Violation – Suspended from all activities for 365 days from the date of the violation Loss of eligibility due to discipline carries over to the next season. o If a student is suspended for 10 games and only 8 games remain in the current season, then the student will also be suspended for 2 games in the next possible sports season. Due Process Student participants who are disciplined for violating any of these standards will be afforded due process. The student will be allowed to explain their position to the Coach/Sponsor and/or Activities Director before any penalties are invoked. Any penalties longer than one calendar week (7 days) may be appealed to the Activities Director and then the Principal. Unsportsmanlike Conduct Student-Athletes o Any student-athlete ejected from a contest will be ineligible for the next contest. Furthermore, the student must appear in a meeting with the activities director, the principal, and the coach before resuming participation in contests. o The committee of the activities director, principal, and the coach may impose consequences ranging from loss of playing time to removal from the team due to any student-athlete’s ejection from a contest. o Any student-athlete ejected from more than one contest during a season will be ineligible for the remainder of the season. o Any student-athlete ejected from three contests during a school year will be ineligible to participate for 365 days from the third ejection. Fans’ Conduct o Any student, parent, teacher, or community member removed from the viewing area of a contest must meet with administration before the possibility of being allowed to return to school activities. Fans may be suspended from attending school activities after a first offense. o A second removal from any event will automatically result in a 365 day suspension from attending school activities. Other Policies Physician exam, Conditioning Requirements & Insurance All students-athletes must have a completed physical submitted to the high school office, school nurse, or coach before being allowed to practice or participate in competitions. If the medical exam is conducted after February 1 st of the previous school year, then the physical form is good for the following school year. o Example: A physical completed on February 1, 2014 will be good for the 2014-2015 school year. All sports require a minimum number of conditioning practice days. Most sports require 14 days, but some programs only require 10. Please check with each coach on the policy for the sport. An exception is made for students who have been a member of another school sport squad immediately preceding the sport season, has been actively practicing with the sport squad, has had 14 days of physical conditioning and begins conditioning practice with the new sport squad with no more than seven calendar days having passed between the two sports before beginning practice. MSHSAA Bylaws state that a student shall not be permitted to practice or compete on a school’s athletic team until the student has verification that he/she has insurance that will cover the injury. Student accident insurance would meet the requirement. If insurance is a concern, please address this with the Activities Director so temporary insurance policies can be acquired. 7 Emergency Care Coaches, teachers, and sponsors are not doctors. Some staff members are certified in CPR, AED, and/or First Aid. We will always error on the side of caution by recommending a doctor’s examination or an emergency room visit as appropriate. School officials reserve the right to withhold student-athletes from participation in activities until cleared by a doctor when an injury has occurred. Any student who is unconscious or suspected of having a concussion will not be allowed to return to participation until cleared by a doctor. Any head injury where there is suspicion of a concussion will result in a student requiring to be cleared by a doctor before resuming competition or practices. Preseason Parent Meeting A parent or guardian of the student-athlete must attend the team meeting conducted by the coach and administration prior to the first game being played in each season. Coaches will outline all rules and expectations for the season. The administration and coaches will be available to answer questions. Supervision Policy No individual student or team shall be permitted to participate in contests without being accompanied and supervised by a representative of the school faculty or administrative staff. Coaches are responsible for supervision of groups while on the bus traveling to and from events, while at the events, and until the students’ ride arrives. Contests may not occur without school representative supervision. This includes, but is not limited to, practices, meetings, contests, and bus transportation Transportation Policy Travel must be by school-provided transportation. Students must return by school-provided transportation. A student may ride home with his/her parent/guardian if the parent/guardian personally signs the student out with the teacher/sponsor/coach. Transportation Sign-Out Policy The legal guardian (often a parent) of a student-athlete may sign-out their child to ride home with the guardian rather than ride the bus. Coaches reserve the right to require all participants to ride the bus to and from events. Only in rare circumstances may someone other than the legal guardian sign-out a student from an event. This must be approved in writing by the principal, activities director, or superintendent of Lakeland R-III Schools. Dress/Appearance Each coach reserves the right to express in writing during the preseason parent meeting expectations for the student-athletes and dress and appearance during the season. Admission Charges: $3.00 for adults $2.00 for children (K-12) 8 Student Assistants Some students desire to be part of a team, but they do not wish to participate in competition. Therefore, students may assist the coaches in minor responsibilities. The following are guidelines for selecting and having student assistants: o Be selected by the coach in charge o Be responsible, dependable, loyal, and cooperative with coaches and players o Care for equipment under the supervision of the head coach o Attend all practices, meetings, and contests as directed by the coach in charge. Student helpers shall work closely with coaches during practices and competitions. o Be assigned specific duties and responsibilities for these duties. o Prepare designated pre-game equipment. o Follow all team rules o Attend team pre-season meeting with a parent Athletic Lettering Policy Model good citizenship Maintain satisfactory grades Be responsible for and return all equipment and uniforms own by the school Regularly attend practice Follow the rules of this handbook, the high school, and the school district Student assistants may be awarded a letter if they give regular attendance to their duties throughout two seasons (years) in the same sport Each coach may set standards for their sport for students to earn letters Awards Banquet There will be an athletic awards banquet at the end of each semester to recognize the student-athletes, award letters and other individual recognition, and celebrate the success of the programs. Multiple Activity Policy Students who are participating in more than one activity during a specific time frame of the school year may continue to be involved in both activities if they individually work with the sponsor of that activity. Activity sponsors will cooperate with each other to assure all students have an equal opportunity to participate, practice, and be part of a team organization or activity. Should a conflict for event/completion occur, the priority will be: o State Competition o Regional or Sectional Competition o District Competition o Competition which the student is an officer or captain o The event/competition in most need of the student’s participation as determined by the sponsors, student, and administrator. o The primary sport/activity declared by the student at the start of the season 9 Parent/Spectator Information Communication That Coaches/Sponsors Expect From Parents 1. Concerns should be expressed directly to the coach/sponsor, but NOT immediately before, during, or after a contest or practice. If needed, a meeting should be facilitated and scheduled first with the coach. If conflict has not been resolved after that meeting a meeting may be scheduled with the athletic director and/or principal 2. Notification of any schedule conflicts should be shared well in advance 3. Any illness or injuries Communications You Should Expect from Your Student’s Coach/Sponsor 1. Philosophy of the coach/sponsor 2. Expectations the coach/sponsor has for your son/daughter and for all the students involved in the activity. 3. Location and times of all practices and games 4. Team/activity requirements such as fees, special equipment, etc. 5. Procedure should your son/daughter be injured during participation 6. Discipline that results in the denial of your son/daughter’s participation 7. Requirements to earn a school letter for that activity Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches/Sponsors 1. The treatment of your student mentally and physically 2. Ways to help your student improve 3. Concerns about your student’s behavior Issues Not Appropriate to Discuss with Coaches/Sponsors 1. Playing/participation time 2. Team strategy 3. Play calling 4. Other student-athletes/participants Procedures to Discuss Concerns with a Coach/Sponsor 1. Call the coach/sponsor at school to set up an appointment 2. If the coach/sponsor cannot be reached at school, do not call them at home, instead set up an appointment through the Activities Director 3. Please do not approach the coach/sponsor before or after a contest or practice. These times are usually emotional for both the parent and coach. Meetings at these times rarely establish a resolution. 4. If meeting with the coach does not resolve your concern, please contact the Activities Director to discuss the situation. The next steps will be determined at this meeting. Parent/Spectator Behavior Policy The primary responsibility of the Lakeland R-III Schools’ activities program is to its students. It is understood that the coaches/sponsors will promote the growth of each individual in the activity and as a person. The following guidelines are established: 1. Concerns or complaints are not to be addressed at competitions or practices. Parents should schedule a conference with the coach/sponsor to address concerns. Coaches and sponsors will be instructed that their primary responsibilities at games and practice are to the team or group and the individual issues with parents or spectators should only be discussed in the proper setting. 2. Parents and spectators must abide by accepted sportsmanship standards. This includes behavior towards officials, school staff and administration, coaches, sponsors, other spectators, the players, and anyone associated with the opponents. 3. These guidelines apply to home and away activities. 4. Should patrons not abide by the above standards, penalties may be imposed including, but not limited to, verbal warnings, removal from grounds or event, and suspension from all Lakeland RIII School activities. 10 Cross Country 2014 9/4 9/16 9/20 9/27 10/01 10/07 10/15 10/22 11/01 Eldorado Springs Drexel Clinton Hermitage Midway Barstow Sherwood Lakeland Districts 4:30 4:00 9:00 9:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 4:00 TBA Fall Baseball 2014 9/06 9/11 9/13 9/16 9/20 9/27 9/29 9/30 10/04 Russellville/Double Away (11:00am) Green Ridge Away (4:30pm) NEVC /Double Home (11:00am) Morrisville Home (5:00pm) Crane/Crocker @ Evangel (11:00 am) NEVC/Double Away (11:00am) Morrisville Away (5:00pm) Green Ridge Home (4:30pm) Hurley/Double Home (11:00am) 11 Lakeland Volleyball 2014 All matches will start at 5:30 unless otherwise stated. All matches are V/JV unless otherwise stated. 8/18 8/26 8/28 9/02 9/04 9/06 9/09 9/11 9/15 9/16 9/20 9/22 9/25 9/27 9/29 9/30 10/02 10/04 10/07 10/09 10/13 10/13 10/16 10/20 9/04 9/09 9/10 9/11 9/15 9/17 9/22 9/25 9/29 Jamboree @ Rich Hill (TBA) V Drexel Away Green Ridge Home Sheldon Away Osceola Home Osceola Tournament (TBA) JV Appleton City Away Rich Hill Home Sherwood Away Chilhowee/Ballard Away V Cass-Midway Tournament V (TBA) Windsor Home Cass-Midway Home Adrian Tournament TBA JV Adrian Home Miami Away Ballard Away Sherwood Tournament V (TBA) Skyline Home (6:00) Kingsville Home NEVC Away (5:00) JV Lincoln Away V Archie Home District Week (TBA) Lakeland JH Volleyball 2014 All games are at 5:30 unless otherwise stated. Osceola Home Appleton City Away Sherwood Home (5:00) Rich Hill Home Archie Away Sherwood Away (5:00) Windsor Home Midway Home Adrian Home 12 Lakeland High School Basketball 2014-2015 All Games will begin at 5:30 unless otherwise Noted All Games are V/JV unless otherwise Noted 11/25 12/1-12/6 12/11 12/12 12/16 12/18 01/02 01/06 01/08 01/09 01/12-01/17 01/23 01/26-01/31 02/03 02/05 02/10 02/13 02/17 02/19 02/20 2/23-2/28 Appleton City Away (5:00) Warsaw Tournament (VG/VB) Archie Home Lincoln Away Weaubleau Home (5:00) Green Ridge SFCC (TBA) Hermitage Away Osceola Away Drexel Home Adrian Away Lakeland Tournament (VG/VB) Wheatland Home Osceola Tournament (VG/VB) Kingsville Home Sherwood Home (JVG/JVB) Fair Play Away Rich Hill Home Windsor Away Sherwood Away (5:00) Cass-Midway Away (5:00) Districts VG/VB (5:00) Junior High Basketball 2014 All games are at 5:30 unless otherwise noted. 10/10 10/13 10/14 10/20 10/23 10/27 10/30 11/03 11/06 11/11 11/13 11/17 Weaubleau NEVC Macks Creek Calhoun Chilhowee Climax Springs Rich Hill Sherwood Archie Appleton City Osceola Cass-Midway Away (5:00) Away Home Home Away Away Home Home Home Home Home Away 13