Goals and Actions, Spring 2012 Retreat Goal 1: Special Needs Multiple Subject MS: Actions taken to support goal: Piloted and implemented new lesson plan format specifically addressing needs of students with special needs EDTE 527 Teaching Special Populations class specifically address goal Assignments within content/methods courses (e.g., case studies in reading) Sequence of courses (prereqs to methods to 528) Assistive technology fair requirement MS: Future Implement new lesson plan program-wide Fall 2012 Perhaps move Special Pops to prereqs? Too long to wait until end of program Assistive Tech Fair—many MS students couldn’t attend b/c Saturday. Strong recommendation/request to move to either Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday to make sure all candidates can attend (not Thursday or Friday b/c conflicts with P1 classes Put resources on BbLearn that are practitioner based Bilingual Bilingual: Current EDTE 527/534 Universal access on lesson plan for EDTE 570/673/676A/686A and field experience Differentiate/ Modify/ Adapt lesson for students with exceptionalities Larger focus on articulating collaboration between resources specialists and classroom teachers through articles – R. Allington & Jana Echevarria Bilingual: Future Articulate more closely with 527 instructor to reinforce concepts that will allow for better knowledge of content taught Develop universal access more completely for special populations. Identify specific IEP goals SPED SPED: Current SIMS: teaching content enhancement routines (frames) in general & sped. Settings Self advocacy strategies Graphic organizers Candidates attend PLC groups- collaborates between general and sped. SPED: Future PENT Environment – Curriculum match Collaboration courses Teach cognitive strategies to differentiate reading Explore ways to continue to prepare candidates for progress monitoring (value added). Determine a specific structure use data from Chico unified Use CSUD data to monitor progress Prepare candidates to participate in PLCs Seeking external or current funding foe study to analyze data on whether our candidates are doing this effectively Help general ed teachers strategies for teaching reading to all students RTR RTR Current All candidates are required to take either SPED 343, EDTE 527 or 534 Observation hours associated with courses – (above from 3 to 15 hours) (EDSPED.) Extensive observation hours in SPED 569 Webpage with list of Special Ed Resource Speakers Assistive Technology Faire ED specialist take SPED 580 and 680 (Autism Series) RTR Future Update materials, digital media and re-align with courses More attention during supervision to candidates planning for student IEP goals – writing into the lesson plans, etc. (specific students, specific IEP goals). Support during summer workshop and SPED prerequisite courses for initiating collaborative processes. Identify stronger or exemplary models of Tiered Intervention in our public school partners and observe, etc. Single Subject Single Current Assistive Tech Fair EDTE 534: 2 unit class on special populations Single Future Moving 534 to a prerequisite Collaboration with special needs, instructors (Ward, Feaster) and SSP professors (Thompson, Kohen, Seipel) Encourage students to see guest speakers (Don Dreshler) Bring in resource teachers (7-12) as guest speakers Mimi and Debbie’s notes (Summary) Ed specialist liaison – special ed faculty working with general ed program – to align and articulated where and how sped ed content reintroduced and reinforced. Meeting, overview how reinforced in courses Keith Lens – ½ day workshop Bilingual –Sped integration GOAL 2: Assessment Multiple Subject MS: Actions taken to support goal: 521 & 522 case study and specific reading assignments (e.g., anecdotal records, use of primary data and how to interpret and apply to instruction) 524A CATs focus on assessment 520 intro of lesson plan –new format moves assessment up to the front with objectives MS: Future Take language from CATs assessment rubric and put in the lesson plan explanation under “Assessment.” This focuses each content area on assessment from the very beginning Bilingual Bilingual Actions EDTE 440. 570, 673, 683, 676, 686A Formative & summative assessments are introduced in 440, then built upon in every subsequent course and applied in the field. Formative seems to be well developed as evidenced by measures, lesson plans, reflections, field observations. Summativestudents in spring PAAID Performance Assessment Analysis Intervention Development in which students analyze data measuring academic achievement, develop area for growth, design intervention implement then analyze results and reflect Bilingual Future Candidates taught to develop rubrics but then needs to be accountability through design application of rubrics more consistently across both coursework and application in the field Plan - Both units will have separate components addressing design of rubrics rather discussing it in assessment narrative and evaluated as part of assessment narrative. Needs to be evaluated specifically in terms of rubric development. SPED SPED Current SPED 664 – use an internet-based software to do a cure study to practice student program monitoring Easy CBN. C formative assess). Graphing progress in writing by use of graphs. Secondary Students monitor growth. SPED 520 teachers admin/scoring interpretation of Woodcock Johnson, teachers and parents Informal access: CBMs, IRI, antidotal records, observations (etc). SPED Future Focus on candidate prep in the area of summative assessment (report cards, etc) Learning how to track pupil attendance and affect of attendance Are assessments appropriate (not just fluency) Need to help candidates select/match the assessment to the need. RTR RTR Current Participation all year in PLCs at residency sites where they interact regularly with assessment data Assessment Case Study (collect data, diagnose, analyze, prescribe instruction based on data) Taught subject specific assessment methods in EDTE 664 ABC series Accountability occurs in math mini-lesson, science mini-unit and spring social studies thematic unit. (Assessment narrative in units) Participate in parent conferences and grading practices with mentor. Action Research (Data collection and analysis) ED Specialist take SPED 521 (assessment) RTR Future Rubric development assignment (applied) Single Subject SS Current 530- Spend less time on classroom management and more time on planning. Allows for two sessions on assessment. Focus on formative. 536- One session & assignment is focused on assessment analyzing student & planning next step 533 Rubric in unit plan 580 Focus on assessment drawing on Ben’s expertise PACT- Analyzing student subgroups 532- authentic assessment. How do you give feedback to LLA? Content & grammar feedback. Strategies: redrafts, flexible deadlines, etc. SS Future 532- Could do more on assessment, begin with student work More work on PLCs and assessment. How do teachers collaborate around student assessment data? GOAL 3 At risk students Multiple Subject MS Actions taken to support goal: Coursework 255, 302, 524A, 524B class session addresses inclusion (certainly others, but these were the representatives of these courses) Placements in diverse settings Language awareness of cultural, social & political capital Increase candidates’ academic language New lesson plan includes ELD standards MS Future Address deficit language of “at-risk” so something in the realm of “student advocacy” Implement service-learning to help candidates better understand community and increase civic engagement Be explicit/transparent in the language that candidates will hear (e.g., “at risk”)—so if we change the language to advocacy, candidates understand they may not hear that in the field (important for system-wide surveys of supervisors) Keep focus on academic language in content courses Units that target content language for underserved students Keep talking about SDAIE, SIOP, etc **Have in-service/workshop for faculty (e.g., with Holly Ahlmadi, Butte County ELD) to support faculty Bilingual Blingual Actions EDTE 527 Web page- law resources adaptations for special populations EL case study students identifying school and family relationships strong understanding of culturally responsive teaching Pedagogy of confidence book study – faculty assets strength based focus rather than ????? Move PACT back! More time for assignments to be turned in that inform best practices pedagogy for instruction this will allow for move in depth learning and authentic work Bilingual Future Bring back in service learning with an eye to connection with the community in an authentic way Process (how to fish) to reach out and work with community Analyze how schools who successfully develop partnerships with families SPED MS Sped Current Through Service Learning, broaden awareness that special ed students are a part of the community and provide resources to the community Candidates participate in TEP meetings, community projects (SL), parent teacher meetings, student study team meetings, collaborate with administrators, school psych and general ed teachers. RTl applied to instruction and behavior MS Sped Future Learning to track poor attendance and determine reason for absences. Broadening definition and clarifying definition of “at risk”. Bring in more community people and resources to the classrooms Continue to expand on the concept that spec ed population bring strengths to community. Help candidates learn how to match community needs and student’s participation in student learning activities. Candidates need to generalize the info/strategies to urban and rural communities. Determine scope and sequence of where collaboration strategies with families fall in our courses. Need to determine where classroom management strategies for Interns are being addresses. Collaborate with admin program in enriching content in preparing principals to support and evaluate special education teachers. RTR RTR Current EDMA 604- assignments and lectures oriented to community resources EDTE 527 or SPED 343 (info about agencies, resources for special pops) EDTE 664 ABC series (academic success) RTR Future Use community resources in the Residency – (application piece) Increase mentor awareness/role in accessing and using community resources/services. Read Pedagogy of Confidence Test (Asset-Based orientation) Single Subject Single Subject Current EDTE 532- Talk about these teams and discuss how well school are serving students/struggling readers, ELLs, etc 530/530- discuss labeling and how that can be damaging but useful, critical of labeling this could keep students from falling through the cracks. How can we better serve these students by using resources (school and student)? Identifying both school and community resources that teachers can draw upon 537- Dedicate 1-2 sessions to this topic. Usually student driven readings/presentations 530/532 getting to know student, building relationships Single Future Candidate Recruitment – SOE mission, purpose statement – not sure that student make the connection with democratic focus and social justice/serving underserved populations. Could we make this clearer for our candidates? Curriculum articulation with the classes listed to the left (530, 532, 537) Talk with Ben about 580 concerning strategies for motivating and supporting at risk students Summary RTR - learn about resources and apply use of community resources with mentor (community study assignment) Bilingual – advocate for strength based model SPED – helping candidates identify resources “learn to fish” SS - Articulate courses across program EDAD - Enhance field-based work by using former graduates MA in Ed - Orr Marianne & Rogers Public Engagement for Public Education