SPED Staff Meeting 3.13.14

Houston County Schools
SPED Staff Meeting
1. Information Sharing: http://www.houston.k12.tn.us/
 Go to our system website.
 Hover over Departments (top)
 Hover over Special Programs
 Click on the SPED button on the right.
2. Policy Changes that you need to know about:
1. Identifying students with SLD: as of July 1, 2014 RTI2 will be used to identify SLDs
2. Evaluation timeline changes: January 29, 2014 the 60 calendar day evaluation
timeline goes into effect. Program must be implemented 30 calendar days from
eligibility determination.
3. Short term objectives: March 31, 2014- TN will no longer have the requirement of
benchmarks or short term objectives in IEPs, except for the students who participate
in the alternate assessment.
o Banking Goals.
3. RTI2: How does it impact IEP’s? (for now…)
 Progress monitoring tools will chart progress toward goals
 Communication regarding progress will be shared with parents as frequently as
non-disabled peers receiving Tiered intervention.
4. PLIPs: See attached documentation and find on our website.
5. Writing Instructionally Appropriate IEPs: Powerpoint is on our website
6. Co-Teaching: Website
7. Lexia Reports