1 English 242B: Student-Managed Portfolio Development Instructor: Jordana Finnegan Units: 2 Class meetings/place: Th: 1:30-3:20 Room: 6403 Office hours: Tues: 10:00-11:00, Fri: 10:30-11:30 and by appointment Office location: 6026 Email: finneganjordana@foothill.edu Phone: (650) 949-7646 COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is designed to help you achieve the outcomes of English 1T, and apply your understanding and learning of reading/writing processes to other areas of your academic, professional, and/or personal lives. COURSE OBJECTIVES In this course, you will: A. Demonstrate meta-cognitive awareness of the integration between reading and writing processes 1. Collect and record the steps and strategies of reading, writing, learning processes 2. Write reflections of reading, writing, and learning processes in order to articulate the purpose of learning experiences and evaluate their effectiveness in different contexts 3. Demonstrate meta-cognitive awareness of the skills and behaviors necessary for college success B. Design and create a portfolio of reading and writing product work 1. Manage and maintain a “product” portfolio including artifacts of your reading, writing, and learning processes 2. Identify the qualitative differences among items in the portfolio (“artifacts”) 3. Create written products that are effective at the essay, paragraph, and sentence levels 4. Choose and organize representative artifacts for the overall product portfolio REQUIRED TEXTS Individual readings as assigned 2 REQUIRED MATERIALS A USB drive or access to Google Drive to save in-class computer work 3-ring binder, 1 inch, to organize your work for the course Loose-leaf lined binder paper, three-hole punched Regular access to the course blog on Blogger COURSE REQUIREMENTS Product Portfolio: A portfolio of selected and organized reading and writing work with reflections. 80% Selection and Organization: a collection and record of reading/writing/learning process artifacts Reflections: At least 8 substantive reflections on reading, writing, and learning processes in order to evaluate their effectiveness in different contexts Participation: Regular attendance and participation in weekly class meetings and participation on the class blog. 20% POLICIES You must receive at least a C average (>72%) to pass this course. You must pass this class to move on to 242B, and you must be enrolled in 242B in order to enroll in 1T. See FAQ. Attendance: Reflections will be guided and will be written in class. Therefore, attendance in this course is crucial for your success. After 2 absences (excused or unexcused) I reserve the right to drop you from the class. If you are dropped from 242B, you will be dropped from 1T. Absence is not a valid excuse for coming to the next class unprepared or for missing work. Make-up Work: Up to two reflections may be made up if you are absent, due by the next class meeting. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to meet with me during office hours in order to make up the work. Etiquette: This class incorporates peer review and group work. Therefore, you’ll be expected to treat your classmates, their work, and their opinions/thoughts with respect and thoughtful consideration. Texting, listening to music, and using a laptop during class are not permitted. You may not act in a disrespectful manner toward fellow students or me. If you are using a phone, a laptop, or any other distracting device during class, I will ask you to put the device away once without penalty. If you use a distracting device again, 3 you may be asked to excuse yourself from class for the day and this will count as an absence. Repeated use of a distracting device will lower your final grade. ADA: If you have a documented disability and require accommodations, please inform me at the beginning of the quarter or as soon as possible after documentation has been received. Students with documented learning and/or physical disabilities may receive reasonable classroom and/or testing accommodations. Please make these arrangements with me at the beginning of the quarter or as soon as possible after documentation has been determined. 4 English 242B Schedule Date 1/7 Objectives Portfolios Week 1 purpose, form, content examples and criteria for success (rubric) 1/14 Attend a film screening and talk in Appreciation Hall from 1:00-3:20 Week 2 1/21 Week 3 1/28 Week 4 2/4 Week 5 2/11 Week 6 2/18 Week 7 2/25 Week 8 3/3 Week 9 3/10 Week 10 3/17 Portfolios Reading-Writing Reflections Personal Dictionary entries Portfolios Reading-Writing Reflections Portfolios Reading-Writing Reflections Personal Dictionary Entries Portfolios Reading-Writing Reflections Personal Dictionary Entries Portfolios Reading-Writing Reflections Personal Dictionary Entries Portfolios Reading-Writing Reflections Personal Dictionary Entries Portfolios Reading-Writing Reflections Personal Dictionary Entries Portfolios Reading-Writing Reflections Personal Dictionary Entries Week 11 Portfolios Essay Rubric and Evaluation of Essay 3 Completing the Portfolio Week 12 Finals Week 242A Portfolios due 5