Group Reflections
Can be used as a dramatic reading or presentation by 5 voices
A Reflection “You Can’t Possibly Mean Me!”
Voice 1:
I’m not important
I can’t speak well
No-one will believe me
I don’t even know Your name.
You can’t possibly mean me!
Voice 2:
I’m too young
I wouldn’t know what to say
You can’t possibly mean me!
Voice 3:
I’d rather run away.
I’ll sit under a tree and sulk
Even if it does get eaten by a worm.
You can’t possibly mean me!
Voice 4:
I’m just a home- makerVoice 5:
- so was Mary
Voice 1:
I’m just a simple worker –
Voice 5:
- so was Andrew
Voice 2:
I’ve made a lot of mistakesVoice 5:
- so did Peter
Voice 3:
I thought I’d got my whole life mapped outVoice 5:
-so had Saul.
Group Reflections
Voice 4:
You can’t possibly mean me!
I’m not good enough
I’m not clever enough
I’m not wise enough.
Voice 5:
You can trust me
You can put your hoe in me
I will not let you be put to shame.
I will guide you,
Show you the path to walk
And teach you my ways.
Voice 1:
Can you possibly mean me?
Voice 2:
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying
Voice 5:
“Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
Voice 2:
And I said
Voice 3:
“Here am I, send me.”
Voice 2:
Because I realised that
Voice 4:
Just possibly
Voice 1:
He might mean
Voice 3:
“Rosalind Selby: from the United Reformed Church’s Vocation Sunday 2007 material-used
with permission”