MATH 3803 – Portfolio You are to create an algebra portfolio which will consist of 5 parts (described below). This portfolio is due on or before the week of final exams. Any portfolio turned in after the due date will be assessed a late penalty of 10 points. Each section is expected to be neat and well organized, incorporation correct spelling and grammar. Section 1 – Algebra and Me You are to write a paper titled “Algebra and Me.” In this paper, you should describe your algebraic history at each of the grade levels (elementary, middle school, high school, and college). Describe both positive and negative memories. Be descriptive in relaying how you feel about algebra and why you believe you have those feelings. This paper should be 1 ½ to 2 pages long – typed (see Course Schedule for due date). This paper accounts for 5 points of the portfolio’s final grade. Section 2 – Journal This semester you will create a journal. Note the following: Journal entries will typically be written outside of class. If you are absent, you are still expected to complete the assigned journal entry. It is important to keep current in your writing and not fall behind. Journal prompts are linked to the main course page. Journal entries should be written in complete sentences with correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Neatness is important! Each journal entry should be on a separate page! Please do not place your journal entries in plastic, protective coverings. Journal entries will be collected for grading purposes and to provide feedback on the specified dates (see Course Schedule). Once a journal entry has been graded, it may be resubmitted at any point in the semester in an attempt to improve your score. It is advised that revised journal entries be submitted as soon as possible; however, the last possible day is with the project. When revising entries, corrections/additions may be placed on the original journal entry and highlighted. Or, the journal entry may be completely redone and attached to the original entry. Journal entries will be scored according to the following: 0 = The entry was missing OR only the journal prompt was included OR no meaningful response was given. 1 = A meaningful attempt to respond to the journal prompt was made but it was either incomplete or it fell far short or providing an accurate solution/response. 2 = A complete but inaccurate response was given OR a correct response was provided without a clear explanation. For example, an inappropriate strategy led to an incorrect answer OR some condition of the problem was ignored OR work leading up to the correct response was omitted. 3 = A thorough, accurate, clear response was provided. The following proportion will be solved to get your score on this part of the project (which is denoted by x): (your points earned)/(total # points possible) = x/60 The journal counts for 60 points of the portfolio’s final grade. Section 3 – Algebra in Teaching This section deals with classroom scenarios or assignments involving algebraic ideas. There will be 4 assignments, each worth 15 points for a total of 60 points. The four assignments can be accessed from the main 3803 page Section 4 – Article Reflections Throughout the semester, you will read a variety of journal articles and be required to write reflections about them. Your reflection should follow the format and guidelines contained in the document (see example article reflection on the main 3803 page). Reflections should be between 1 ½ and 2 pages in length and should be typed (doublespaced). These are due at the beginning of class on the specified date. Each article reflection is worth 5 points. (see Course Schedule for due dates) Title 1. Children’s Understanding of Equality: A Foundation for Algebra 2. Algebraic Problem Solving in the Primary Grades 3. Functions From Kindergarten Through Sixth Grade 4. You may choose an article from any of the remaining articles in the course packet. These reflections account for 20 points of the porfolio’s final grade. Section 5 – Performance Task This section consists of a performance-based task that is created using the GRASPS model. This model is one recommended as part of the mathematics GPS. It is intended that you work on this task throughout the semester, utilizing the articles, work samples, etc. that are examined during class. You can click here for a link to the task and the scoring rubric. This performance task is due with the project. This section of the portfolio is worth 35 points.