IBUS 1301 - Principles of Export


Saigon Institute of Technology Houston Community College http://www.saigontech.edu.vn


Course Syllabus

Course Registration

Number (CRN)


Course Code IBUS 1301

Course Name


Principles of Exports

Spring 2013

Campus and Room Quang Trung, Room 201

Days and Times Wednesday from 07:30 - 09:30 & 09:40 – 10:40


Course Textbook

Pham Van Binh (Mr)

Email: binhbentre@yahoo.com

Cell phone: +84 9 8242 4290

James F. Foley.

The Global Entrepreneur: Taking Your

Business International, 2nd edition. ISBN: 0-9753153-0-7,

Jamric Press International.

Course Description This course provides students with broad understanding principles of exports in terms of management processes and procedures.

Topics include significant elements of conducting an export business: governmental controls and compliance, licensing of products, documentation, commercial invoices, and traffic procedures. Application to determine the costs, benefits, risks, and opportunities for creating an international business plan.

Course Goals

Course Student

Learning Outcomes


1. Discuss documentation, logistics, transportation of export management, customs procedures as well as legal requirements.

2. Prepare appropriate export documents and responses to requests for quotation.

3. Apply export processes and procedures to public, customer and employee relationship, and to such functional areas as financial and accounting.

At the conclusion of the course, students should be able to:

1. Understand globalization and the motivations for the firm to go global.

2. Understand various methods to select the market to get success before going global.

3. Understand the effect of cultural factors, legal factors, and economic factors to global business.

4. Understand the mechanics of going global.

5. Understand the approaches to sustain global success.

Learning Objectives


1.1. Explain globalization and the motivations of going global.

1.2. Analyze four conditions for company going global.

1.3. Classify export products using harmonized code to penetrate global market.

2.1. Learn how to select the market.

2.2. Learn how to collect data for international strategy plan.

3.1. Explain cultural factors, economic factors, legal environment tax and accounting issues affecting to international business.

3.2. Understand international pricing.

4.1. Understand transportation and insurance activities in the process of going global.

4.2. Understand essential international documentation and procedures.

4.3. Understand Letter of Credit transactions and other financing transactions.

4.4. Realize financial and international risks, international payment terms, and the method of choosing payment term to minimize risks. Tools to minimize the foreign exchange risks.

5.1. Understand accessing export progress and success.

5.2. Understand how to manage international distribution channel.

5.3. Understand about international advertising, public relation, trade mission/trade shows, e-commerce.

5.4. Understand about foreign direct investment (FDI).

Lectures &

Attendance o o

Lectures are designed to help students catch up the learning objectives and clarify the course materials as well as discuss significant topics. Lectures will be supplemented with frequent use of multi-media, including the use of PowerPoint presentations and internet sites.

Students are expected to regularly attend and MUST BE punctual for all classes. Your attendance will be recorded and graded accordingly. If absent, students must have a legitimate and acceptable excuse supported by proper written documentation. Those who are absent more than six (6) hours without proper written documentation will be

dropped from the course and receive an F grade.


Academic dishonesty

All students are expected to prepare for all lessons, read course material assignments before coming classes and encouraged to raise questions and discuss during lecturing time and group presentation.

All students are assigned to do individual assignments accounting for 20% of the course grade. The topics and deadline will be given by instructor during the course.

Students will be grouped and work together to present given topics at least two times during the course timetable.

All students must complete individual and group assignments and attend both mid-term and final exams.

Students are expected to complete all assignments & exams on their own efforts. This does not prevent the student from seeking assistance from the instructor or other students. Copying of assignments or cheating on exams may result in dismissal from this course. Please refer to the Saigon Tech’s Student Handbook for further information regarding academic dishonesty.

Grading Scheme Factor o Attendance & Participation o Individual assignments o Group presentation o Mid-term Exam o Final Exam










Passing Grade




Final Score


– 100

80 – 89

70 – 79


– 69


– 59

The passing grade of this course is D.

Mid-term and final exam format:

Exam Exam Type

Number of




Multiple Choices

(on computer)


(on paper)

Closed book

Closed book








Course calendar:

Week Date




Jan 23, 2012 Course Introduction

Chapter 1: Why go global?

Chapter 2: When is a company ready to go global?

Jan 30, 2013 Chapter 3: Harmonized coded-classifying your export products

Chapter 4: Which foreign markets will be successful for your products?

Chapter 5: Selecting foreign markets

Feb 03 - 17, 2013

Tet holidays

Reading Page

3 -10

11 - 21

22 - 35

36 - 49

50 - 59











Feb 20, 2013 Chapter 6: Sources of International Marketing

Chapter 7: Two decisions before going global

Feb 27, 2013 Chapter 8: Finding your partners for indirect exporting

Chapter 9: Finding your partners for direct exporting

Group presentation and discussion

Mar 06, 2013 Chapter 10: International business across culture

Chapter 11: International Pricing

Group presentation and discussion

Mar 13, 2013 Chapter 12: Legal consideration

Chapter 13: Tax and accounting issue

Group presentation and discussion

Mar 20, 2013 Review for Mid-term exam

Group discussion

Mar 27, 2013 Midterm exam

Multiple choice test: Chapter 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 11

Essay test: SLO 1-3

Apr 03, 2013 Chapter 14: Logistics

Chapter 15: Documentation

Apr 10, 2013 Chapter 16: Financial risk, trade method and trade finance

Chapter 17: Setting a pace for your export growth

– assessing your export progress and success

Apr 17, 2013 Chapter 18: Managing international channels of distribution

Group presentation & discussion

Apr 24, 2013 Chapter 19: International advising, public relations and trade mission/ shows

Group presentation & discussion

60 - 92

93 - 109

110 - 121

122 - 146

147 - 154

155 - 169

170 - 180

181 - 188

191 - 206

207 - 228

229 - 255

258 - 274

275 - 285

286 - 310





May 01, 2013 Group presentation & discussion

Chapter 20: Key to Success: A customer Orientation

Chapter 21: Sustaining success through clear communication and managing change

May 08, 2013 Chapter 22: The internet and International Trade

Chapter 23: Beyond Exporting - Foreign Direct


Review for final exam

May 15, 2013 Final exam

Multiple choice test: Chapter 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 & 23

Essay test: SLO 3 - 5

May 22, 2013 Final exam grade result, claim and explanation

Group presentation

311 - 321

322 - 331

332 - 342

343 - 349
