Monitoring methodologies for web-accessibility in the European Union SMART 2014/0061 SELECTED INFORMATION RESOURCES ON WEB ACCESSIBILITY MONITORING Date: 15th July 2015 Internal identification: Contract number: 30-CE-0679566/00-74 SMART 2014/0061 Disclaimer : By the European Commission, Directorate-General of Communications Networks, Content & Technology. The information and views set out in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Commission. The Commission does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this study. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on the Commission’s behalf may be held responsible for the use which may be made of the information contained therein. © European Union, 2015. All rights reserved. Certain parts are licensed under conditions to the EU. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged. SMART 2014/0061. Selected information resources on monitoring web accessibility The key information resources selected have been structured into 3 main categories: European studies on monitoring ICT accessibility, including web accessibility; information about monitoring initiatives in the countries covered by the study and finally a selection of scientific articles on the subject. European studies on monitoring ICT accessibility These are specific studies covering several EU member states and analysing and monitoring the situation of ICT accessibility, including web accessibility. Funka… et al. (2014). Measures to Improve Accessibility of Public Websites in Europe. Study for the National Disability Authority of Ireland, during the Irish presidency. Funka… et al. (2013). Measuring Progress of eAccessibility in Europe – MeAC 3. Technosite… et al. (2011). Monitoring eAccessibility in Europe. MeAC 2. Empirica…et al. (2008). Measuring Progress of eAccessibility in Europe MeAC 1. Monitoring initiatives across Member states The following table shows the monitoring initiatives identified for the purposes of this study. In some countries dedicated web accessibility certification schemes were identified as well. However, these do not fall under the definitions of the three Types of monitoring initiatives set out by the European Commission for the purposes of the current study. Country Title BE Toegankelijkheidsmonitor CZ Paradni web DK EE Mapping of web-accessibility on public web-sites, Analysis of public authorities internal initiatives on web-accessibilities The conformance of public sector websites to WCAG 2.0 requirements Campagne présidentielle, Elections municipals, FR Ce que les sites Web publics nous disent de leur accessibilité, Top78, Bibliothèque accessible 2 SMART 2014/0061. Selected information resources on monitoring web accessibility Country Title HU National Infomation Communication Strategy Monitoring IE Monitoring Report on the implementation of the NDA's Code of Practice on Accessibility of Public Services and Information provided by Public Bodies LV Monitoring of e-governance (E-pārvaldes monitorings) LT Supervision of the requirements of state and local government websites Gewoon toegankelijk, NL Onderzoek digitale toegankelijkheid van gemeentelijke websites, Accessibility monitor NO Status i riket Kvalitet på nett Accessible websites, The impact of digitization on the operation of public administration offices in Poland, Accessibility of websites of public institutions for the disabled, Accessibility study of websites, Polish Academy of Accessibility, Study of websites of the main political parties in Poland, PL An assessment report for websites of Polish offices, Polish e-courts. Ranking of websites of district and appeal courts and the Supreme Court, Accessibility study of websites of universities, Accessibility of bank web portals and e-banking websites, Accessibility study of mobile telephony operators in Poland, Evaluation of the accessibility of selected e-services of public administration offices of cities included in the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia, Accessibility ranking of carriers’ websites Report on the conformity of Central Public Administration websites with WCAG 1.0 of W3C, Study on the state of accessibility of web sites of higher education institutions, Accessibility of web contents in the health sector, PT Accessibility of web contents in Portuguese municipalities, Accessibility of web contents in written press, radio and television, according to WCAG 1.0 W3C, APDSI - Web Accessibility – status report in the 1000 Biggest Portuguese Companies, SUPERA - Accessibility of web contents in Portuguese Municipalities, SK Accessibility of web pages in Slovak republic, Report on the results of monitoring compliance with the accessibility of websites ES Web Accessibility Observatory SE Hur är läget?, Information till alla UK Reporting on progress: central government websites 2013 to 2014 US California State Auditor 3 SMART 2014/0061. Selected information resources on monitoring web accessibility Selected scientific literature on monitoring web accessibility 2011-2015 The following table shows a selection of scientific articles published from 2011 t0 2015 that are directly connected with the scope of the study. Authors Reference Date Source "Mapping disability policies in 2015 Europe: Introducing the disability online tool of the commission (DOTCOM)." Alter 9.1 (2015): 75-78. "The role of tool support in 2015 public policies and accessibility." interactions 22.3 (2015): 60-63. http://eprints.whiterose.a 2015 Lorca, Pedro, "Does Web accessibility differ among banks?." World Wide Web Javier de Andrés, and (2015): 1-23. Ana Belén Martínez 2014 Benavidez, "Iberoamerican Observatory of Carlos, et al. Web Accessibility." Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Springer International Publishing, 2014. 101-108. rticle/10.1007/s11280014-0314-0 The european e-government 2014 web accessibility divide. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV '14). ACM, Determinants of the Web Ana B. 2014 accessibility of European banks, Martínez, Information Processing & Javier De Andrés, Julita Management, Volume 50, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 69-86, García, 5/2691195.2691287 Solovieva, Tatiana I., and Jeremy M. Bock. Monitoring for Accessibility and University Websites: Meeting the Needs of People with Disabilities. AHEADAssociation on, 2014, vol. 27, no 2, p. 113127. 2014 /publications/JPED/JPED2 7_2/JPED27_2_FULL%20D OCUMENT.pdf#page=7 Snaprud, M., Rasta, K., Andreasson, K., & Nietzio, Benefits and Challenges of Combining Automated and User Testing to Enhance eAccessibility–The European 2014 hapter/10.1007%2F9783-319-08596-8_20 Priestley, Mark, and Anna Lawson. Paternò, Fabio, and Antonio Giovanni Schiavone Kim Andreasson and Mikael Snaprud. cfm?id=2745395 hapter/10.1007/978-3319-08596-8_15 http://www.sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S 0306457313000794 4 SMART 2014/0061. Selected information resources on monitoring web accessibility A. Internet Inclusion Initiative. In Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 137-140). Springer International Publishing. 2014 http://www.praiseworthy ournal=irecos&page=articl e&op=view&path%5B%5 D=15515 Sloan, David, and Sarah Horton "Global considerations in 2014 creating an organizational web accessibility policy." Proceedings of the 11th Web for All Conference. ACM, 2014. cfm?id=2596709 Mirri, Silvia, et al. "Getting one voice: tuning up experts' assessment in measuring accessibility." Proceedings of the International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility. ACM, 2012. 2012 cfm?id=2207023&preflayo ut=flat Johari, Kalpana, and Arvinder Kaur. Measuring web accessibility for persons with disabilities. Computational Intelligence and Communication Networks (CICN), 2012 Fourth International Conference on. IEEE, 2012. 2012 /xpl/articleDetails.jsp?arn umber=6375258 Mirri, Silvia, Ludovico Antonio Muratori, and Paola Salomoni "Monitoring accessibility: large scale evaluations at a geo political level." The proceedings of the 13th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers and accessibility. ACM, 2011. 2011 cfm?id=2049566 Markel Vigo and Giorgio Brajnik Automatic web accessibility metrics: Where we are and where we can go. Interact. Comput. (2011) 23 (2): 137-155 2011 http://iwc.oxfordjournals. org/content/23/2/137.full Gohin, B., and AAEM: Accessibility Assistance Viji Vinod Evaluation Metric. International Review on Computers and Software (IRECOS), 9(5), 872882. 5