Measure 4 Substance Misuse end of project reporting


Measure 4 – Substance Misuse and Prevention

The first table below shows the Output/Outcome Indicators that were published as part of the Measure Sheet on Pobal’s website. These are what Pobal will report on to the Department at the end of the funding.

In order for us to compile the end of funding report (covering data for all funded projects), you will be asked to provide answers to the questions set out in

Table 2.

Table 1: Published Outputs/Outcomes

Applicants must demonstrate the difference their project proposal or project will make to the community in a Drug and Alcohol Task Force area and the impact on the quality of life for disadvantaged individuals.


Number of Task Forces that develop coordinated drug and alcohol local area strategies;

Number of Task Forces that review or evaluate their drug and alcohol local area strategies;

Number of co-ordinated Task Force led initiatives involving local stakeholders (e.g. workplaces, recreational venues, educational institutions etc.) to assist in the development of drug and alcohol policies;

Number of local stakeholders that commence development of coordinated drug and alcohol policies;

Number of Task Forces who extend the reach of their initiatives through utilising social media and other electronic communication;

Number of Task Forces who implement coordinated local or regional awareness campaigns, which add value to national campaigns.

Table 1: Published Outputs/Outcomes

Data Query


Has the Task Force developed a new coordinated drug and alcohol Local Area Strategy

(in collaboration with local stakeholders)?


Has the Task Force reviewed/revised/updated an existing drug and alcohol Local Area Strategy

(in collaboration with local stakeholders)?

Data format




If Yes please submit a copy.

If Yes please submit a copy.


Did the task force assist local organisations in the development of their own drug and alcohol policies?


IF YES, confirm the number of local organisations that have either developed or are currently developing their drug and alcohol policies


Has the task force used social media and/or


IF YES, please specify type other forms of electronic communication to extend its reach?


Did the task force implement local or regional awareness campaigns during the funding period which were aligned with national campaigns?


If YES, please specify: a) the national campaign(s) supported b) the campaign/events held at local level




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A brief report to be submitted separately.

Please outline the key successes of your project, as a result of the Dormant Account funding, including the following areas:

Outline of the report to include the following:

Key components of your strategy

Key target groups (geographical and/or disadvantaged groups)

Key challenges

Main achievements (consider the following):

Impact on target groups

Policies here refers to organisational policies e.g. workplace alcohol policy or school drugs policy

This is to capture whether you used any of the funding on development of communications through IT.

Please be brief - e.g. Development of Website, use of

Facebook, set up Twitter account

This is to capture level of support for any national campaigns that are run during the funding period, like

Alcohol Awareness Week, Butane Awareness Campaign or Dial to Stop Drug Dealing campaign

Description of events should be basic details only e.g.

National Alcohol Awareness Week:

Awareness sessions in 5 schools

Information stall in 2 local community events

Open drop-in days in 4 community centres

A separate template will be developed for completion of this report (Max 500 words)

Impact on general community

Improvements in co-ordination of local services

Improved mobilisation of local stakeholders

Increased levels of prevention activities.
