Appreciation.Minutes 11.1.2012

YMCA of Boulder Valley
Appreciation Committee
November 1, 2012, 12:30 pm-1:30 pm
Mapleton Center, Aspen Room
Committee Members and Staff: Dale Meyer (Chair) Annette Gafner, Carolyn Storz, Doug
Macdonald, Suzi Arnold, Becky Fase, Chris Coker, Susan Coker, Jeff Clay, Jen Clink, Daniela
Morzos, Joan Chartrand
Members and Staff Present: Dale Meyer, Annette Gafner, Doug Macdonald, Carolyn
Storz, Suzi Arnold, Becky Fase, Chris Coker, Susan Coker, Jeff Clay, Joan Chartrand
Guest: Peggy Merrill
Committee Purpose: To create a YMCA of Boulder Valley culture that educates and thanks
donors and lets them know that their gifts are respected, well-stewarded, and appreciated.
Committee Activities and Goal Attainment:
January – Chairman’s Roundtable Luncheon (completed)
March – Greeting Card (completed)
April – Donor Postcard, Email survey (completed)
May – Video with Afterschool Program kids (completed and launched October 16th)
June – Child Watch dedication ceremony for Kay McDowell on Y Splash night; Y Splash follow up thank you letters. (completed)
September – Donor Interviews (completed)
October – Donor Hall of Fame created (in progress)
November – Holiday Card (Scheduled for November 12th)
December – Thank A Thon (Scheduled for December 5th)
Approval of the Minutes:
The minutes from the October 16 meeting were reviewed and approved.
Highlights: 1. None
Hot Spots: 1. There is a sense of urgency in deciding how the Hall of Fame induction
ceremony will be structured.
Item 1. Hall of Fame Master List:
Dale lead a discussion about the names on the master list for the Hall of Fame. It was
decided that names will be listed with the spouse, where appropriate. There was also
consensus that however we decide to structure the Hall of Fame ceremony, it needs to be
well thought out and meaningful.
Item 2. Brainstorming Session:
Peggy lead a brainstorming session to help the group focus on how to structure the Hall of
Fame ceremony and to illicit ideas for the gift that we will give to the inaugural class. Ideas
for gifts included a symbolic “key” to be presented, because donors have said they would
like to feel that the Y is a place they can always come back to. Other ideas were Forever
Memberships, a Black Membership card that would signify their status as Hall of Fame
members, plaques with Hall of Fame member’s names on the lamp post outside the Y to
signify that the light is always on for them. The consensus was that the key was the best
idea. Action Item: Chris will contact a designer about making the keys.
Item 3: Thank A Thon:
Joan announced that the Thank A Thon will take place on Wednesday, December 5th in the
Carol Grever Spirit, Mind Body Room at Mapleton from 3:00-5:00 pm. Volunteers will be
asked to sign up for shifts within that time frame where we will call donors and thank them
for their support.
Next Meeting: A request was made that the next meeting be on a Monday or a Friday
Respectfully submitted, Joan Chartrand, Recorder