
2.21 Create A Flower: Guided Notes and checklist
Do Now:
1. I think I did __________________________ on the benchmark because ______________________________
2. I did ________________________________ on the punnett squares edmodo quizzes because _____________
3. My grade in clas is ________ because __________________________________________________________
4. Complete the checklist for the MANDATORY work you need to have completed over winterbreak
Key Work that must be completed by the beginning of next quarter: Januar 14
____ 2.4 Genetics 101 Mind Map
____ 2.20 Create a Flower Drawing
____ 2.9 Traits and Adaptations Mind map
____ 2.20 Create A Flower Explanations
____ 2.14 Pollenation Mind Map
____ Unit 2 Monster Map Connections
____ 2.17 Punnett Squares Mind Map
____ Unit 2Monster Map Summaries
Standards: Unit 2: Genetics and Heredity
MS-LS1-4 Use argument based on empirical and scientific reasoning to support an explanation for how characteristic animal behaviors and specialized plant structures
affect the probability of successful reproduction of animals and plants respectively.
MS-LS 1-5 Construct a scientific explanation based on evidence how genetic factors influence the growth of organisms
MS-LS3-1 Develop and use a model to describe why structural changes to genes (mutations) located on chromosomes may affect proteins and may result in harmful,
beneficial, or neutral effects to the structure and function of the organism
MS-LS3-2 Develop and use a model to describe why asexual reproduction results in offspring with identical genetic information and sexual reproduction results in
offspring with genetic variation
Learning Targets: ALL OF THEM!!!
Create A Flower: Your winterbreak project is to create a flower. You can use a flower that exists,
combine flower types and fruit types, or you can make up your own completely unique flower.
-Your pictures need to include 1. Close up on Your Flower 2. The plant that grows your flower: (tree,
bush, vine, individual flower stem in a garden or grass) 3. The way your flower spreads seeds (fruit,
acorns/nuts, or wind riders) 4. Your pollinator (animal or wind).
-Your flower can be perfect or imperfect! If your flower is imperfect, make sure you include close up
pictures of both the male and female flower.
-The front of your project needs to include pictures and very brief definitions
-The back of your project needs to include more complete definitions that reach level 3’s and 4’s on the
-YOU DON’T HAVE TO USE MY SENTENCE STARTERS. You can type, or write, you definitions on a
separate WHITE piece of paper.
-Your flower must cover 2 pages min (suggestion: 1 page flower, 1 page plant-tree/bush/vine etc.)
Create A Flower Checklist:
Use this checklist to make sure you complete your project!
Part A: Roots, Stems and Leaves
Level 2
______Drawn in Flower
______ Labeled
______ Short definition on the front
______ 2 correct definitions on the back.
Level 3:
_____ 3 correct definitions on the back
Level 4:
______ What do the roots absorb?
Where does the stem take it? What do
the leaves do with it?
Part B: Flower
Level 2
______Drawn in Flower
______ Labeled
______ Short definition on the front (optional)
______ Full definition of flower (2 sentences minimum. Include Seed and
Level 3
________Flower Color: Why is your flower colored the way it is?
________ Flower Smell: Why does your flower smell the way it smells
________Flower petal shape: Why is your flower petal shaped the way it is?
Level 4:
_____ Plant physical trait + Pollinator’s behavioral trait: How does the physical
traits of your flower’s petals use the behavioral traits of its pollinator?
_____Adaptions: What helped your flower survive?
2.21 Create A Flower: Guided Notes and checklist
Part C: Stamen And Pollen
Part D: Pistil and Ovules
Level 2
______Drawn in Flower
______ Labeled
______ Short definition on the front (optional)
______ Full definition of Stamen and Pollen (2
sentences minimum. One for each)
Level 3
_____ Why is the anther on a long filament?
_____ Why does the pollen fall off the anther so
Level 4
_____ Plant physical trait + Pollinator’s
behavioral trait: How does the physical traits of
your flower’s stamen and pollen use the
behavioral traits of its pollinator?
_____Adaptions: What helped your flower
Level 2
______Drawn in Flower
______ Labeled
______ Short definition on the front (optional)
______ Full definition of Pistil and Ovules (2
sentences minimum. One for each)
Level 3
_____ Why is the Stigma Sticky?
_____ Why is the stigma on a long style?
Part E: Seeds and Ovary
Part F. Pollinator
Level 2
______Drawn in Flower
______ Labeled
______ Short definition on the front (optional)
______ Full definition of Seeds and Ovary (2
sentences minimum. One for each)
Level 2
______Drawn near flower
______ Labeled
______ Short definition on the front (optional)
______ Full definition of pollinator (should be 2
Level 3
_____ What happens to your flower’s ovary when
the pollen fertilizes the ovules (NOT A SEED)?
_____ Why does your flower form
______________________? (Ovary turn into Fruit,
parachutes, helix (helicopter seeds)
Level 3
_____ What features of your flower attract the
_____ What does your flower offer pollinators that
visit the flower?
_____ How does your flower get pollen on the
Level 4
_____ Plant physical trait + Pollinator’s
behavioral trait: How does the physical traits of
your flower’s seeds use the behavioral traits of its
seed spreader?_____
_____ Adaptations: How is your flower adapted to
spread seeds?
Level 4
_____ Plant physical trait + Pollinator’s
behavioral trait: How does the physical traits of
your flower’s pistil use the behavioral traits of its
Adaptations: What helped your flower survive?
Level 4
_____ Plants physical trait and animal behavioral
trait: How do all the physical traits of the flower
work with the behavioral traits of the pollinator?
_____Adaptations: How is the pollinator adapted to
survive with the flower?