Downing Male vs Female Epithelium, SM, glands, & BVs. Katelyn Rogers. Male Excretory Ducts of Testis Tubuli Recti Simple columnar Ampulla (many folds) Rete Testis Simple cuboidal Ductuli Efferentes Simple columnar -Tall: ciliated -Short: microvilli First place to see SM. Pseudostratified columnar -Basal -Principle: stereocilia (long) Thin circ SM Pseudostratifed: stereocilia (exception is ampulla) 3 layers SM: -inner long (thin) -Middle circ (robust) -Outer long Also skeletal musc: cremaster + pampiniform plexus v’s Isthmus (some folds, unbranched) Intramural segment (few folds) Ductus Epididymis Ductus Deferens Accessory Glands Seminal Vesicle Pseudostratified columnar Elongated saccular organs fructose SM: -Internal circ/oblique -External long Prostate Simple cuboidal to tall columnar Tubuloalveolar glands-citric acid & AP Prostatic concretionsglycoprotein SM in capsule & stroma (a lot) Bulbourethral glands Compound tubuloalveolar gland Female Ducts Oviduct Simple columnar -Ciliated -Secretory (PEG) Simple columnar -Decd ciliated -Active sec Simple columnar -NO CILIA -Secretory Ampulla of oviduct has 2 layers of SM: -inner circ (robust) -outer long (thin, incomplete) Endometrium -Basal: Deep, not shed, regenerating fxn -Fxnal layer: a. Superficial-straight glands b. Deep-spongy-edematortuous glands Myometrium Hypertrophy during pregnancy 3 layers SM: Uterus Simple columnar -ciliated at gland apex -secretory Simple tubular glands -Mid = vascular -Little near cervix Ovary Cortex: Simple cuboidal germinal epithelium (is cont w/ simple squamous epith (mesothelium) of peritoneum Medulla: BVs Cervix Simple columnar -Secretory -Some ciliated No spiral a’s Large, branching glands – occlusion Nabothian cytsts SM irreg bundles Cervical os Stratified squamous nonkeratinizing Vagina Stratified squamous – Eglycogen; sloughed cells eosinophilic in follicular stage. Luteal phase basophilic sloughed cells. Many bvs. NO GLANDS Interlacing SM: -Inner circ (thin) -Outer long (robust) Skeletal M: bulbocavernosus ostium Extensive venous plexuses Lower uterine seg, cervical canal, & vaginal portion