Final Review 2015 - Saint Mary Catholic School

Life Science Final Review 2015
Please Review your notes and session sheets on the following:
Biomes and Ecosystems
Tolerance Lab
Integumentary System
Habitat Brochure
Earth Factors
Cardiovascular System
Digestive System
Muscle and Joints
Please Review the Following Vocabulary Terms:
Absorb mammal
calorie energy Excretory system
bilateral symmetry
blood vessels
cardiovascular system
circulatory system
pulmonary artery
respiratory system
carbon dioxide
cardiovascular system
natural selection
natural resources
food chain
emission biodiversity biological diversity
global warming
Temperature or Precipitation with their Ecosystem, Plant with their Ecosystem, Abiotic
Factors or Limiting Factors with their Ecosystem:
Deciduos Forest
Lakes & Ponds
Coral Reefs
Fill in the Blank Questions to aide in reviewing for the Final:
A ______________________ is when freshwater meets salt water
_____________________ is considered Earth’s most complex land biome
_______________ cover ¾ of the Earth
For all ecosystems we learned that they all suffer from the same threat. What is that threat?
__________________ contain the greatest number of grazing animals on Earth
____________ zone: nutrient rich area found close to shore
____________ zone: bottom of the lake where no sunlight can reach
__________________ are breeding areas for many fish
9. What are the 3 areas of the oral cavity: ______________________, ________________,
10. What are the 4 alimentary layers: __________, ______________, ___________, ____________
11. What are the two main groups of organs in the digestive system: ______________,
12. Hanging from the soft palate is a conical structure called the ____________
13. __________________: alternate waves of muscular contraction and relaxation in the primary
digestive organs
14. _____________: mixing of food in the intestines with digestive juices.
15. Carbohydrates, Fat, and Proteins are broken down by enzymes during what part of digestion:
16. The ___________________ muscle opens the jaw
17. The ___________________ muscle closes the jaw
18. What is the largest of the salivary glands? ___________________
19. What enzyme do the salivary glands produce? _____________________
20. What is physically happening when you swallow?
21. What are the 6 steps of the digestive system?
22. _________________A stretchy bag that holds your food after you eat
23. ________________Tube that is 20 feet long.
24. _________________ Helps you digest food by breaking down sugars
25. _________________ Storage tank for bile (a greenish-yellow liquid) that helps your body break
down and use fats
26. ________________ the tube that connects your mouth and your stomach
27. ________________ Tube that is 5 feet long
28. ________________ Factory for antibodies and bile
29. What is the first step in digestion? ____________
30. What is the enzyme that aides indigetion, it I found in your mouth? ____________
31. You have a trap door called the __________ to cover your windpipe when you swallow.
32. The five most common symptoms of a heart attack are(list 3 please):
33. Women often have different symptoms of heart attack from men. The most common symptoms reported
by women are(list 2):
34. _________ is made up of fat, cholesterol and other substances found in the blood.
35. Coronary artery disease, Peripheral artery disease, and Carotid artery disease have the same
issues in why they are caused. What do they all have: _________________ ____________
______________ ________________ (4 WORDS)
36. List 3 Risk factors that increase your chances of developing heart failure:
37. The primary function of the ______________ system is to supply the blood with oxygen in
order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body.
38. _____________: Passageway to transport to the esophagus and trachea
39. The overall function of the ____________ system is to transport materials throughout the
body toward and away from particular target organs and tissues.
40. ________________: Carries blood to body and back to the heart
41. ________________:Carries blood to lungs and back to the heart
42. 3 types of vessels: _______________. ___________________, ________________
43. ________________: carries blood away from heart
44. ____________:Pocket shape, Site of gas exchange, Dry; very elastic(What is this describing)
There are three different types of energy set-ups for species. Below are descriptions of each. Please
tell me what pyramid is being described:
 ______________________ : Only 10% of the energy available within one tropic level is
transferred to the next
 ____________________: Number of individuals at each trophic level
 __________________: Total amount of living tissue within each trophic level
Define the below interactions and give me an example of each as well:
Mutualism :
1. Matter is recycled within and between __________________
2. ________________ the theory stating that natural variation among organisms that make them
best adapted to their environment live and reproduce, therefore passing on to their offspring the
genetic qualities best suited to that environment
3. ________________ – study of interactions among and between organisms and their
4. Capture energy from sunlight (_______________) or from chemical energy (______________)
5. Each biome is defined by a unique set of: ____________ and _______________
6. TOGETHER (Biotic and Abiotic factors) “___________” of an organism
7. Ecological Methods use a wide range of techniques to observe animals. What are the three
techniques;______________________, _____________________, __________________
8. Matter is not used up…it is _________________
9. ________________Any relationship in which 2 species live closely together (3 main types)
10. ___________ formulas are used to make predictions about future events based on observations
from the present
11. Matter is recyled through biogeochemical cycles: _____________________ and ____________
12. _________________: Rely on other organisms for energy and food (cellular respiration)
13. _________________ : Occurs when a resource is being used at the same time in the same place.
14. Main form of energy on Earth = ______________
15. ____________ factors: Biological influences on organisms within an ecosystem and it Includes
the entire living cast of characters with which an organism might interact
16. There are four Factors that affect population size: __________, ___________, __________,
The skin consists of an outer ____________ and an underlying
___________, connected to underlying tissue by the __________ layer.
18. Hair color is determined by _________ by producing various amounts of
19. The subcutaneous layer is composed of loose connective tissue and insulating
____________ tissue. (fat)
20. _________ Glands or sudoriferous glands are associated with, stress, being
frightened, in pain or with temperature changes.
21. __________ cuts are closed off by clots, covered by scabs, and eventually filled in by
fibroblasts, making connective tissue. Blood vessels extend into the area, injured
tissues are replaced, and the scab falls off.
22. ________ wounds leave scars and healing may be accompanied by the formation of
23. __________consists of stratified squamous epithelial cells overlying the nail bed with
the lunula as the most actively
growing region of the nail root.
24. Sebaceous glands are associated with hair follicles and secrete ________ that
waterproofs and moisturizes the hair shafts.
25. Dermal blood vessels carry nutrients to upper layers of skin and help to regulate
Match the type of Epithelial cell with its image:
Simple cuboidal
simple squamous
stratified columnar
stratified squamous
Pseudostratified Columnar
(vas deferens, male urethra, and
(sweat glands, salivary glands,
mammary glands, and pancreas)
(Esophagus, skin, mouth, throat, vagina and
(Lungs, blood vessels, lymph vessels
and body cavities)
simple columnar
stratified cuboidal
(Kidney and glands)
(Small intestine, stomach, uterus)
List the three functions of connective tissue?
List the three cell types of connective tissues and give examples of each?
What is the function of adipose tissue? Where is adipose tissue found in the body?
Name the three types of cartilage and describe where one would find these structures.
Describe the parts of blood. What is the function of blood?
There are three types of muscles found in the body. Please provide me with the type a
description and location each would be found:
Where are nervous tissues found?
List the three layers of skin. Describe the type of cells that make up each layer.
Fill in the Blank:
What type of joint is your knee?
What type of joint is your spine?
What type of joint is your hip?
What type of joint is in your cranium?
What is the scientific name given to bone to bone connections that restrict movement?
What lubricant moves within the joint when you crack your knuckles
How many ball and socket joints are there in the human body?
Where would you find hinge joints in the human body?
Where would you find gliding joints in the human body?
How many bones are involved in the elbow joint?
How many bones are involved in the knee joint?
How many vertebrae separated by discs are there in a human spine?
Since muscles can only pull (not push), they work in pairs called _______________ muscles
The muscle that bends the joint is called the _____muscle
The muscle that straightens the joint is called the _______ muscle
Match the term to the description:
evertor invertor
The Skeletal System supports the body by:
 Help keeps body ____________
 Support system of organs: ___________
The Skeletal System protects innards like: ______________
The bones function to producing _______ cells
 Red blood cells come from ______________
Three different types of muscles: ____________, ____________, _____________
______________joint allows movement in one plane (flexion, extension) and is termed uniaxial
__________ joint also allows movement in one plane; and is uniaxial
____________ joint is a joint allowing primary movement in one plane, with small amounts of movement in another plane
(rotation). It is found at the knee joint.
______________ joint allows movement in two planes and is biaxial.
_________________ joint allows movement in three planes and is the most mobile of the joints.
_____________ cause the skeleton to move at joints
They are attached to skeleton by __________.
Tendons transmit muscle force to the ____________.
Tendons are made of ___________fibres & are very strong & stiff