Date Warm Up Classwork 12/7 What do you know about rocks? How do geologists study rocks? Rocks and Minerals: - Finish presenting all Mighty Minerals Project - Classifying Rocks Notes p.69 - Concept mapping - Webquest due tomorrow 12/8 How do geologists classify rocks? What are some terminologies that we used to describe the texture of rocks? Rocks and Minerals: - Review handout p.68 - Jigsaw on The different types of rocks - Interaction for the Minerals Unit 12/9 What is your assigned type of rock? Rocks and Minerals: - Types of rocks jigsaw - Concept mapping for each type of rock - Interaction for the Minerals Unit How do geologists classify it? 12/10 12/11 What are the three different types of rocks? How does each one formed? - What type of rock is granite? Explain how granite can turn into gneiss. - - - Homework Journey on the Rock Cycle activity Revising knowledge Comic Strips Exit slip Comic Strips Rock Cycle notes p.77 Revising knowledge #3 Comic Strips Comic Strips if not done. Important info. Work on the study guide Quiz – 12/15