12th Grade Syllabus Addendum

Syllabus Addendum: Course Expectations & Information
Ms. Sarah Koehn
English Teacher
Office Hours: 6:45am- 7:30am
Phone: (253) 373-4382
Email: Sarah.Koehn@kent.k12.wa.us
About this course:
Welcome to English 12, a course that focuses on preparing students to succeed in their post-secondary endeavors.
Through the close examination of literary and informational texts, a strong practice in academic, professional and
personal writing, and an emphasis on effective verbal communication skills, students will read, annotate, think,
discuss, and write.
Texts May Include (but are not limited to):
Literature is selected from the Kent School District’s approved course texts for seniors. They contain varying topics,
themes, and levels of rigor. I encourage you to purchase copies of these texts, but if this is not possible, a copy will
be provided to you.
Tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom
One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, by Ken Kesey
Fences, by August Wilson
Necessary Supplies:
Each day, you should walk into the classroom with the following supplies:
Charged KSD-issued laptop, pens and pencils, a spiral notebook, texts we are studying together, a sense of humor,
a highlighter
Assignments, such as annotations and formative work, will be due at the beginning of the specified class period,
as most of this work is valuable preparation for class. Essays and major projects are due at the beginning of class
on the specific class period.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Please print and sign your name below to acknowledge that you have read and
understood the Senior English class procedures, expectations, and policies discussed in the course syllabus
and addendum. Then ask one of your parents / guardians to sign as well.
Student’s name: __________________________________________________________________________________
Student’s signature: __________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s name: ______________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s signature: __________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s email address: _________________________________________________________
Please tear-off this half-sheet and submit by Tuesday, September 2, 2014
Consequences for Late Work
Tests -- You are expected to be present for tests. If you are absent, you must take the test within three days
of return. If you are present in class on a test day, you are expected to take the test. If you do not take the
test within three class days of return, your test will be deducted 10% per day for a maximum penalty of
40%. If your achievement grade before the penalty is below a 60%, you will earn that achievement grade.
Papers, Projects, and Presentations – If your assignment/presentation are late not due to excused absence,
your grade will be deducted 10% per day for a maximum late penalty of 40%. If your achievement grade
before the penalty is below a 60%, you will earn that achievement grade.
Quizzes are spot checks on recent learning. There will be no retakes on quizzes. Tests are comprehensive and
reflect the learning of a unit or group of lessons. Retakes will be determined by the teacher. Retakes should not be
Classroom Policies & Procedures:
 No cell phones, iPods, or headphones
 Food and Drink Policy: No food or drink is allowed in the classroom with the exception of water.
 Cheating: Copying of homework, plagiarism, or cheating of any kind will result in an automatic 0 on the
assignment, a phone call and/or a letter home, and being written up.
 Disciplinary Action Procedures: While I hope all students act in a mature and responsible way, it is only fair
that students are informed of the consequences of inappropriate behavior:
o Nonverbal/verbal warning
o Disciplinary referral sheet/detention and/or administrative consequences
o Any serious violation may skip all warning and be dealt with by administration directly
If you are absent, need clarification or help, the best way to contact me is through my KSD email. Also, I send out a
weekly email to guardians/parents to help inform them of the content we'll be covering the next week, and help
them know what students should be working on at home.