Breeder Mortality Study The following information was presented at the 2012 Kidman Springs Field Day by Nigel Perkins, AusVet Animal Health Services, Alastair Henderson, Mirroong, Steve Banney, Steve Banney Agribusiness Slide 1 – Background • • • • Producer surveys* indicate breeder mortality estimates between 3-4% Published papers: 5-10% & occasionally higher Difficult to measure If it is markedly higher than expected then we should be doing more about it. * 2006 NT Pastoral Survey 2007 WA Pastoral Lands Board Slide 2 – Objectives 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Develop a robust method for estimating breeder mortality using available herd data Collect data from a random/representative sample of properties from several regions Collect data/info on possible risk factors Describe mortality Identify drivers - recommendations Produce a tool that can be used by producers to monitor their own mortality performance Slide 3 - Method • Use simple calculations based on counts of cattle – livestock schedule • Opening counts • Closing counts • Number branded • Number of sales • Number of purchases Slide 4 • Mortality rate • numerator: No. deaths in a year • denominator: No. animal-years at risk of death o 1 animal present for the year contributes 1 animal year to denominator o 1 animal present for half a year contributes 0.5 animal years to denominator • Adjusted females at risk opening + 0.5*branded heifers + 0.5*purchased fem Breeder Mortality Study Nigel Perkins, AusVet Animal Health Services - Alastair Henderson, Mirroong - Steve Banney - Steve Banney Agribusiness Slide 5 State Region NT NT NT NT NT NT Barkly Gulf + Roper Katherine Sturt Plateau VRD Nth Alice Springs, Tenn. Creek, Plenty Southern Alice Springs Subtotals NT NT WA_Kimb WA_Kimb WA_Kimb WA_Pilb WA_Pilb WA_Pilb QLD QLD QLD Halls Creek, Wyndham-East Kimberley Broome, Derby-West Kimberley Subtotals East Pilbara, Port Headland, Roebourne Ashburton Subtotals QLD southern gulf QLD northern gulf Subtotals TOTALS Total Selection target Data collected from 32 26 6 26 25 51 6 1 1 1 3 4 7 1 1 1 4 3 25 190 2 18 4 21 53 4 3 42 2 6 95 34 6 3 9 3 30 64 336 146 482 3 6 3 3 6 3 6 6 3 9 831 36 45 Slide 6 Region QLD South Gulf Qld North Gulf NT Barkly NT GKSt Alice Springs NT VRD Kimberley E Kimberley W Pilbara • • • • • Region coding for analyses 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Available for female mort 6 2 6 3 4 4 3 5 3 36 27 properties had 5 yrs of data Others: 3, 4 or 9 yrs 45 properties provided data 6 had insufficient data to analyse Another 3-6 produced negative mortality estimates Available for male mort 5 2 7 3 4 3 3 4 2 33 Breeder Mortality Study Nigel Perkins, AusVet Animal Health Services - Alastair Henderson, Mirroong - Steve Banney - Steve Banney Agribusiness Slide 7 (opening females + 0.5*female branding + 0.5*female purchases) QLD SthGulf QLD NthGulf NT Barkly NT GKSt Alice Springs NT VRD Kimberley east Kimberley west Pilbara Total 6 2 6 3 4 4 3 5 3 36 Female opening count 14,019 14,598 27,949 8,304 3,580 20,255 21,829 11,573 4,954 14,985 Adjusted female opening count 16,281 16,034 33,247 9,064 4,007 22,509 24,229 13,002 5,585 17,137 Slide 8 Percentage female deaths by region. Bars represent a 95% confidence interval Breeder Mortality Study Nigel Perkins, AusVet Animal Health Services - Alastair Henderson, Mirroong - Steve Banney - Steve Banney Agribusiness Slide 9 Percentage breeder deaths by region. Bars represent a 95% confidence interval The red bars are showing the average female mortality Slide 10 . Separate mortality rates estimated for each property, ordered from smallest to largest. Bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Dotted lines represent the 25th (3%) and 75th percentiles (8%) Solid line shows the median (6%) mortality rate. 13% of properties >10% mortality. Breeder Mortality Study Nigel Perkins, AusVet Animal Health Services - Alastair Henderson, Mirroong - Steve Banney - Steve Banney Agribusiness Slide 11 Separate mortality rates estimated for each property, ordered from smallest to largest. Bars represent 95% confidence intervals. Dotted lines represent the 25th (3.6%) and 75th percentiles (11.7%)\ Solid line shows the median (8%) mortality rate. 44% of properties >10% mortality Slide 12 Columns represent mean annual rainfall derived from station records for the period. Bars represent 95% confidence intervals for average rainfall for the period. Black circles represent the long term average for the region for as long as records were available Breeder Mortality Study Nigel Perkins, AusVet Animal Health Services - Alastair Henderson, Mirroong - Steve Banney - Steve Banney Agribusiness Slide 13 Combination plot showing average annual rainfall (blue columns), rainfall range (max – min annual rain) shown as the red bar, female mortality rate (black circles with bars representing 95% confidence interval) Slide 14 Multivariable statistical model Age at last weaning Supplementary P Segregation of dry breeders Age last weaned # Psupplementation Age wean <11yrs <11yrs <11yrs 11+ yrs 11+ yrs 11+ yrs <11 yrs 11+ yrs No Whole herd Part herd Yes No Female Mort Rate 4.1 9.0 8.9 9.1 4.2 4.1 8.0 Breeder Mort Rate 7.0 11.7 11.9 12.4 5.6 5.7 10.9 P-suppl No Whole herd Part herd No Whole herd Part herd 4.9 9.7 3.9 16.2 8.0 4.7 6.7 12.3 5.7 21.2 12.6 5.4 Breeder Mortality Study Nigel Perkins, AusVet Animal Health Services - Alastair Henderson, Mirroong - Steve Banney - Steve Banney Agribusiness Slide 15 Population attributable fractions (PAFs). How much reduction in the outcome might be achieved if the adverse effects of a specific explanatory factor were eliminated? Slide 16 – Tool • • • Excel spreadsheet or web-mounted tool Producers enter livestock schedule data Tool produces an estimate of female or breeder mortality • Improvements in accuracy • Accurate counts • Adjustments (accounting for movements) o Counts of sales/purchases by month of year o By breeder vs non-breeder Slide 17 • Thank you to: • producers who willingly provided time and information • Alastair Henderson & Steve Banney • – MLA