Research Projects 2012 Title of Project Evaluating changes in health need in Western Australia Major CHIRI theme(s) Population health research Program theme Data Linkage – Health Informatics and Genomics Start date Chief Supervisor Other Supervisors Flexible Associate Professor Rachael Moorin Project outline (For example background, aim, methodology etc) Background: The aim of this project is to examine changes in composite and disease-specific measures of burden of disease for Western Australia over time. The premature mortality rate has been advocated as the best single indicator of population health status, because of its powerful association with self-reported health measures and its relative independence from measures of health care utilisation. The evaluations of such measures are an important component of needs-based health service planning. Outline: This will involve the calculation of all-cause and disease-specific premature mortality rates and years of life lost at the level of postcode over 5 year periods from 1980 to 2004. In addition, changes in the rate of potentially avoidable mortality and potentially avoidable hospitalisations will also be evaluated. This project requires utilisation of morbidity and mortality data from the WA Data Linkage System and calculation of age and sex standardised premature mortality rates. The correlation of the premature mortality rates with measures of socioeconomic status, area of residence (eg. metro, rural, remote) and measures of morbidity (eg hospital admission rates) will be examined. It is anticipated that similar methodologies to those employed in ‘The health of the people of New South Wales’ Report of the Chief Health Officer, 2004, NSW Department of Health will be used. The report is available at: Through this project the candidate will acquire skills at an introductory to intermediate level in the analysis of linked health data. The project is especially recommended to those with an aptitude for computing and quantitative research methods. It is expected that the candidate will draft, under supervision, a paper for publication in a scientific journal. Keywords This project is suitable for Data linkage, epidemiology Honours X Masters X PhD Essential Qualifications Undergraduate units in Epidemiology / Biostatistics Essential skills Experience with statistical analysis packages such as SPSS or STATA Funding No project specific funding is available Contact for further information Associate Professor Rachael Moorin Program Leader Health Services Research | Centre for Population Health Research | Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI) | Faculty of Health Sciences Curtin University Tel | +61 8 9266 1854 Fax | +61 8 9266 1866