May 2014

May 21, 2013
Members present: Ilene Barbree, Michelle Graf, Michele Thompson-Accaria, Tuesday Liegey, Amy
Peterson, Kerry Jones, Glen Lockwood, and Laurel Krein.
Laurel Krein called the meeting to order at 6:36 p.m. in the HCP library.
1. April minutes: Amy Peterson moved to approve and Kerry Jones 2nd. Passed
2. Principle’s Report: Glenn Lockwood said Michelle Graf received the 6th man award from LUSD
last Friday.
3. Treasurer’s report: Amy Peterson presented the April balance sheet showing the fiscal year from
August 1- July 31. It showed the fundraising income/expense sheet (didn’t include GTD or
Spring Fling). Kerry Jones moved and Michelle Graf 2nd. Passed.
4. 2014/2015 Budget: Amy informed the group the Loomis Basin Education Foundation (LBEF) will
have another $5k grant available next school year and it has been incorporated into the budget.
There will probably be more teachers than what the budget has listed (~$200/teacher). If more
is needed we will bring that up later. Michele Thompson-Accaria moved to approve, Michelle
Graf 2nd. Passed.
5. Committee Reports:
a. After School Tech Programs (Ilene B): they are booked for next year for more, shorter
sessions. The first session will be open to all interested. Ilene Barbree will send the
schedule to Glenn, Amy, and Michelle G. Glenn Lockwood is looking into the Mad
Science program.
b. Art Docent: Kerry Jones- Art Show will be at Open House. She said there is a locked
cabinent with no key. Kerry will give Glenn the lock # to get a key.
i. Square One fundraiser will give everyone more time to purchase items, possibly
September 3-19 for the art project, order and distribute the projects earlier.
ii. Amy moved to roll over any art docent funds to next year- (to be rolled over in
perpetuity). But only for art docent funds. Michelle Graf 2nd. Passed.
c. Fundraisers: Michelle Graf will set up a meeting this summer to discuss the calendar.
d. Drink Pouch-Laurel Krein read an email from Diana Meyer: about 600 drink pouches and
65 Go-Go squeeze pouches were sent in at the end of April, earning HCP $25. Not a
huge profit but it’s the lesson that’s important. She is still waiting for TerraCycle to issue
collection materials. She will work with Mr. Victor next year to set them up.
e. Go The Distance: Ilene Barbree: There was one staff team, one student team and at
three parent teams- all of whom had fun!
f. Spring Fling: Laurel Krein reported that everyone had fun. Next year the carnival
planning will be turned over to the 8th graders as a service project. Glenn has
mentioned this to the teachers and they are on-board. Kerry Jones requested any
notes be put into a notebook to help with future planning efforts. It was also suggested
to advertise to more of the Loomis community, not just HCP.
i. Auction: Kerry Jones and Kimmie Fettke organized the auction and it went well.
The online auction is still going; it will close Friday May 23.
6. Glenn said the last work-day is July 1
Old Business. none.
New Business:
a. New slate of officers:
i. Co-Presidents: Ilene Barbree and Tuesday Liegey
ii. Vice President: Kerry Jones and Glenn
iii. Secretary : Michelle Accaria
iv. Treasurer: Amy Peterson
The new officers will take over next meeting, June 18 at Laurel’s house 6pm.
Amy P. moves to adjorn, Michelle G. 2nd. Passed. 7:45pm
9. Adjournment: Mary Brown moved to adjourn. Lori Johnson 2nd. Passed Adjourned at 7:40 pm.
Next meetings will be May 21.