Spring Detox (provided)

Michelle Earnest
Director of Education, Innersource
The Power of the One-Hour Class
1. My Story
2. Why the one-hour class format?
a. Short and Sweet
 Timely topics
 Activating Your Joy (provided)
 Spring Detox (provided)
 Easy Hormone Balancing (provided)
 EEM for Stress and Anxiety
 Self Care for the New Year
 Energy work for Deep Body Balance
 Dealing with Difficult Emotions
 One page, double-sided handout
 Front explains the topic
 Back lists exercises with simple directions
o 5-7 exercises are plenty!
b. Rules for Success
 Keep it Simple
 Be Interactive
 Tell a Story- Yours!
 Stay on Topic
 Know your Audience
 Be Prepared
 Give them Something to Take Home
 Have your Name/Contact Info on EVERYTHING
 Have Fun!!!!
Michelle Earnest
Director of Education, Innersource
3. Getting Started
a. What do you like to do?
 This is your target audience
 Yoga, running class, knitting group, cooking
classes, play group, nursing mothers group,
b. Go do it!
 Take the class, become part of the group,
schmooze, commiserate, share pieces of your
story, show a technique or two
 Befriend the owner/manager
 Drop off a book, mention what people in class
are saying about the technique you taught
them, offer a free session
c. Invest in them and they will invest in you.
 Offer to do a class…for FREE!
 Let the owner/manager charge for it
($10/person) and keep the money. In
exchange they advertise it on their website,
put up the flyers you give them, mention it in
class announcements. Owner/manager comes
 You advertise it too- on your website, around
town (bulletin boards, library), and to your
 Plan the class (if possible) for right before or
right after the class you usually take
 Do the class twice- once in the morning and
once in the evening
 Offer to do monthly classes this way!!
Michelle Earnest
Director of Education, Innersource
d. Follow through
 Make the class fun and lively- no power points or
flip charts.
 Get people involved FAST- this is Donna’s greatest
tool (I think)
 Give a door prize- like the EEM book.
 Have a mailing list sign up on a clipboard and just
mention its available if anyone is interested.
 Bring sporks to class and let everyone use them to
ground. (People always want to buy them
 Offer to do a free class for their group or
organization (on this subject or something else). I
always tell people “I will do a free one hour class
for any group that invites me! I love energy
medicine and am so impressed by the power of the
work that I want to tell as many people as I can
about it! Invite me!” And they do!!!
 Ask for other topics they would like to have a class
on and promise to schedule one. Do it!!
 Stay and schmooze after class. Someone will always
want to discuss a personal health issue or talk
about their friend/child/parent/spouse who has
an issue. Give them a short, helpful answer then
say something like this: “You know I do offer
private sessions. I think we could work on your
headaches (or whatever) by balancing your
energies. I have had a lot of success with clients
this way.”
 Give them your business card/brochure
and offer to book them an appointment
right then on your ipad.
 If they want to wait say: “Great! Check out my
website. I have lots of info there about EEM
Michelle Earnest
Director of Education, Innersource
and handouts from some other classes I do. If
you decide you want a session, just click on the
“schedule NOW” button on my website and
you will go right to my online scheduler. Let
me know if you have questions. I would love to
work with you!”
e. Take off!
 Keep scheduling classes with your new business
partners and follow through with topics the
student suggest.
 Add another exercise class to your schedule to
meet new people!
4. Business tools that work
a. Business cards (brochures are better)
 Vistaprint and others
b. Simple website (can do this yourself)
 Yahoo, Word Press, etc…
c. iPad or other tablet
 Great for signing people up for sessions while you
are at class and quickly checking your calendar
 Can also show them your website, pictures of
Donna, a YouTube video, etc…
d. Online scheduler (link to this from your website)
 Schedulicity.com (US only)
 $20/month for single provider
 Sends you a text and/or email when some one
books, cancels, or changes their appointment.
It also downloads appointments automatically
to my personal calendar.
 You can also have people sign up for classes
and workshops through this.
 Can send email invitations to clients for
various classes or run “specials”
Michelle Earnest
Director of Education, Innersource
 Can print off a summary of your income if you
need it for taxes. Also has great tools for
generating reports about how things are going.
 Super easy to set up and use and has great
technical support with REAL people
 Also has an app and works on mobile devices
as a website too!